"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I'm the same with those horrible eight legged hairy things (don't even like to say the name .... they are nasties in this house!) but I'm not as bad as I was if they keep still if they move I'm gone! One of my friends on FB had one on her avatar and I begged her to take it off, mind you so did several of mine when my AV had a python hanging over my shoulders

He was so bad he would run into the middle of the road, into traffic, to avoid a dog. When he was younger we had to be quick and grab him the second we saw one. He's better than that now, but he will still freeze till its passed by.

Australian has a lot of those horrible eight legged things. I am not phobic but was pretty creeped out by walking into a huge orb web spinner's web yesterday.
The overall quality of poetry is very high right now. For me it's stimulating to read all these different poems every day and get ideas from what people are doing. It won't last though: we've always gone through cycles here and this is an up time. Our current Most Influential Poet, UnderYourSpell, is someone who carried this forum almost singlehandedly through a long down time, a slow, slow year. She was consistently posting good stuff when no one else was writing much. (And to give fair credit, Tzara was writing a lot--and a lot of good poems--during that time here, too.) The way the community is right now, with so many good poets putting new stuff up, is an infrequent thing.

I don't know that I'd say the overall quality of poetry here is far superior to stories though. There is more variety on the poetry side. For one, there's a lot less erotica being written here in terms of type of poem submitted. But there is also a lot of bad poetry. A whole lot of crap, frankly. Sometimes I am stunned by what people put up here as poems, not because it's shocking but because it's shockingly bad writing.

And you know the thing about the top list is that it changes everytime someone votes on one of those poems and while there are some really good poems there--some that have been in the top position--mediocrity mostly rules.

I'm just enjoying the ride for now. As for scores, the only good thing I can see in them is that if you do get an H or on the top list, your poem is more likely to be read and the more one is read, the better the opportunity for feedback. This attitude (of mainly caring about comments or feedback) is, imo, a luxury that the folk on the story side don't have because they're always competing for contests. Here it's much more about the best quality and that has been good for this poetry community.

Thankyou for that Angel nice to know someone realises I'm still around :) I love this place and I wasn't going to see it die if I could help it didn't want Laurel thinking that it wasn't worth keeping going, so I bludgeoned people into answering lol :D and it was worth it as the old place eventually made a comeback and is still here for you all to enjoy
It came as a wonderful surprise winning that accolade as I didn't even know it existed or that Tess had put my name forward. Sooooo I'm still wearing my crown with pride and getting it polished and ready to hand over :rose:
Thanks to all those who commented on Approval Through Denial. The rainbow chiffon wings thing was supposed to represent the way we feel when we feel when we are flattered by someone we adore.
Today's poetry isn't as interesting as yesterdays. I might have to submit the Best Poem Ever so I can review it tomorrow.
Worst title Ever!!!!
May your dull and overbearing demeanor
gain converts to you cause
And I will be happy to be your blasphemer
'cause, been there before

I hate these boyfriend/girlfriend poet duo's
as said, babe, I've been there before.
the more the merrier

most significant line in poem:
We‘ll swagger amongst the hedgerow,

to question, paraphrasing you?
do you think this is worth remembering?

swagger away my lovelies, maybe you and the zen ten can join forces
meanwhile try to get some help, delusional thinking can be a problem in reality.
Thankyou for that Angel nice to know someone realises I'm still around :) I love this place and I wasn't going to see it die if I could help it didn't want Laurel thinking that it wasn't worth keeping going, so I bludgeoned people into answering lol :D and it was worth it as the old place eventually made a comeback and is still here for you all to enjoy
It came as a wonderful surprise winning that accolade as I didn't even know it existed or that Tess had put my name forward. Sooooo I'm still wearing my crown with pride and getting it polished and ready to hand over :rose:

i hope people appreciate your efforts, annie :rose: i don't think many realise that it's hard work to keep a community going through the thin times ... it's all too easy to drift away to other, more lively pastures when a little input from more members can revive a flagging forum. thank goodness you gave your time and efforts, or we might not even have a forum now! x
i hope people appreciate your efforts, annie :rose: i don't think many realise that it's hard work to keep a community going through the thin times ... it's all too easy to drift away to other, more lively pastures when a little input from more members can revive a flagging forum. thank goodness you gave your time and efforts, or we might not even have a forum now! x

I'm polishing my crown with the same brasso as my halo :D
brasso? :eek:

i hear tell our bronze doesn't mind a little buffing up :D

buffing or roughing?!

By the way can't remember if I've said this already or not but my poem Pretty Words came about because the subject matter PMed me on facebook and told me he was free all week and did I want to ........ yeah right!
Worst title Ever!!!!
May your dull and overbearing demeanor
gain converts to you cause
And I will be happy to be your blasphemer
'cause, been there before

I hate these boyfriend/girlfriend poet duo's
as said, babe, I've been there before.
the more the merrier

most significant line in poem:
We‘ll swagger amongst the hedgerow,

to question, paraphrasing you?
do you think this is worth remembering?

swagger away my lovelies, maybe you and the zen ten can join forces
meanwhile try to get some help, delusional thinking can be a problem in reality.

You mad, Homie, you mad?
V - i mentioned trimming back on extra words in your Falling Out of Love... this is one way of cutting back but it may not suit your palate - i've put it here to show what i meant rather than leaving the comment unsupported :D

my love for him dislodges
flies out of reach
gleams purple-red-green amongst the leaves
metallic, mylar-exciting,
shakes its spines
regards me with heart shaped eyes
I grab at it, slippery, sharp as it is,
try to shove it back in my gut—
it no longer fits.
buffing or roughing?!

By the way can't remember if I've said this already or not but my poem Pretty Words came about because the subject matter PMed me on facebook and told me he was free all week and did I want to ........ yeah right!

That poem has the ring of truth to it, and the line I like so much is one of the best you've written, I think. It tells me a lot about a lot with very little, and in a very interesting way.
my hear hole :rose::kiss::rose:

I sent a cherub
softly whispering in her ear,
well crafted words to
induce seductive visions,
wicked dreams of my desire.

Playing cupid’s part
poorly, though he looks the role
of the winged archer,
mosquitoes fly just as well
and lack cherubim conscience.

The message was his
mission, but he betrayed me,
steadfast for my love,
and sang not my love song,
And murmured this caveat,

Mind words a poet
spins, a deceiving spell cast
to ensnare your heart.
When your beauty is lusted,
poets may not be trusted.
That poem has the ring of truth to it, and the line I like so much is one of the best you've written, I think. It tells me a lot about a lot with very little, and in a very interesting way.

thanks very much although I'm not sure about best I think I shouldn't have had the two 'nevers' that close
I sent a cherub
softly whispering in her ear,
well crafted words to
induce seductive visions,
wicked dreams of my desire.

Playing cupid’s part
poorly, though he looks the role
of the winged archer,
mosquitoes fly just as well
and lack cherubim conscience.

The message was his
mission, but he betrayed me,
steadfast for my love,
and sang not my love song,
And murmured this caveat,

Mind words a poet
spins, a deceiving spell cast
to ensnare your heart.
When your beauty is lusted,
poets may not be trusted.

*swats mosquito*
re: pathetic fallacy

Hi poets :)

On a recent poem I wrote as if inanimate objects had feelings. I did this intentionally. 1201 in his infinite wisdom pointed this out in his comment on the poem Countdown to Green

I got a couple of emails regarding 1201's comments and that felt bad for him picking on m y poem, so I thought I would mention this here.

What he said, was not an insult, not being mean, he was making an observation, thinking perhaps I did not know what I was doing when I wrote the poem. I tried very hard to carry that fallacy throughout the poem.

I am enclosing the definition of the term, pathetic fallacy to clear this misconception up.

I was attempting something similar with February's Fear

The pathetic fallacy or anthropomorphic fallacy is the treatment of inanimate objects as if they had human feelings, thought, or sensations.[1] The pathetic fallacy is a special case of the fallacy of reification. The word 'pathetic' in this use is related to 'pathos' or 'empathy' (capability of feeling), and is not pejorative.

So, as you can see, pathetic has more than one definition., I am sure some people find my work pathetic, but that is not the meaning in that poem. :)

However, I do appreciate everyone who took / takes the time to read my poetry and those who go the extra mile and comment or email, well, bless you all. :heart:
V - i mentioned trimming back on extra words in your Falling Out of Love... this is one way of cutting back but it may not suit your palate - i've put it here to show what i meant rather than leaving the comment unsupported :D

my love for him dislodges
flies out of reach
gleams purple-red-green amongst the leaves
metallic, mylar-exciting,
shakes its spines
regards me with heart shaped eyes
I grab at it, slippery, sharp as it is,
try to shove it back in my gut—
it no longer fits.

I like. That first line bugged the crap out of me and I just couldn't get it right. I tried dropping the first ii in 'it shakes its spines' but in the configuration but it didn't work. It works in yours. I still thing I did pretty well in illustrating an abstraction.
I like. That first line bugged the crap out of me and I just couldn't get it right. I tried dropping the first ii in 'it shakes its spines' but in the configuration but it didn't work. It works in yours. I still thing I did pretty well in illustrating an abstraction.
you did more than well, V! but what i like about reading you is the unusual perspectives i find you almost always give us ... it's an adventure, and somethig that stands out as a signature of your writing for me. :)
you did more than well, V! but what i like about reading you is the unusual perspectives i find you almost always give us ... it's an adventure, and somethig that stands out as a signature of your writing for me. :)

I think its because is sociological terms I am an outsider, odd, mentally ill and not too hot socially. I don't get to see the world in the terms other people do and never will but it art that's a cool and valuable trait.
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