"To keep the review thread clean..."

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all i have to say on the matter is that if CuddlyAl believes bronze, friday, and annie only ever deliver substandard material then i would find it near impossible to value their judgement on anyone else's work..
Poet Guy thanks those who commented on "Sometime After Midnight in Fort Smith," including Maria2394, theognis, Tristesse2, twelveoone, and UnderYourSpell.
all i have to say on the matter is that if CuddlyAl believes bronze, friday, and annie only ever deliver substandard material then i would find it near impossible to value their judgement on anyone else's work..

All of us you can't escape!!!
you should check out the author's answer on his poem! Seems we did not show respect for his greatness!

I just read that.

This line is a classic:

"Their petty snipings have little direct effect on me but I am concened that their views, particularly when expressed in hectoring tones, will effect others."

How the hell did he pick that username?
I just read that.

This line is a classic:

"Their petty snipings have little direct effect on me but I am concened that their views, particularly when expressed in hectoring tones, will effect others."

How the hell did he pick that username?

Cuddly ....... large proportions? bigheaded anyway
and i wanted to mention it ought to be 'affect' but hey, i would be sniping.... :rolleyes:
While everyone is upset about snarky emails, and choose to complain here, I got one this morning as well. Here is an excerpt-

" Maria, normal jean, whoever you are at any given time, I had the displeasure of reading through some of your old posts and now I am befuddled. What makes you think you are so special that you need an entire thread to showcase some of the worst poetry on the site? Who gives a rats ass about frog poems...."


This is the worst flirting ever.

Sometimes I feel left out. I've never received negative email of pm comments on posted work. I think its because it's just too easy to get my attention and no one has to work that hard.
This is the worst flirting ever.

Sometimes I feel left out. I've never received negative email of pm comments on posted work. I think its because it's just too easy to get my attention and no one has to work that hard.
maybe because you have biceps...
maybe if Maria would change her name to Mad Max, would cut down on some of thew bullshit.
I don't mean to sound feminist, but I think guys are less likely to receive this type of bullshit attention.
maybe because you have biceps...
maybe if Maria would change her name to Mad Max, would cut down on some of thew bullshit.
I don't mean to sound feminist, but I think guys are less likely to receive this type of bullshit attention.

Maybe so.

I just took a look at Cuddly's poetry submissions page and was reminded why I don't take our scoring and rating system seriously.

It all comes down to a completely subjective judgment. I thumbed through this week's New Yorker magazine. I always read the cartoons and poems first. The cartoons are always funny and the poems are always disappointing. I can't remember the last time I saw one which struck me as moving or clever. They all read like Duchamp's Urinal (not a poem), as if someone submitted notes left on the fridge door to the poetry editor. The poetry editor picks a couple for each issue and suddenly someone's postit note is in the New Yorker. The New Yorker sends out about 50 issues a year. That is 100 poems a year and I am told there is about a 2 year lag between a poems submission and it's publication. There are over 200 poems, already deemed suitable for the New Yorker, waiting for a corner of one of the back pages.

How can anyone do this for anything more than the amusement of themselves and a few close friends?
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Originally Posted by chipbutty View Post
all i have to say on the matter is that if CuddlyAl believes bronze, friday, and annie only ever deliver substandard material then i would find it near impossible to value their judgement on anyone else's work..

All of us you can't escape!!!

just to be clear, annie, i meant CuddlyAl's judgement, not yours, friday's, or bronze's. :p
just to be clear, annie, i meant CuddlyAl's judgement, not yours, friday's, or bronze's. :p

I know what you meant and as the email I received told me that everybody's poetry on this site (except his!) is crap, you don't escape being crap too ........... or something like that lol :D
I know what you meant and as the email I received told me that everybody's poetry on this site (except his!) is crap, you don't escape being crap too ........... or something like that lol :D

shweet :)

maybe one day we'll all be as enlightened as CA. if we work really really hard at poeticking. something to aim for

fetch me ma gun! :cool:
I know what you meant and as the email I received told me that everybody's poetry on this site (except his!) is crap, you don't escape being crap too ........... or something like that lol :D

Poetry is not for sissies. If a man can't stand to hear someone give his work a less than excellent review, he should go to one of those friendly poetry boards, where no one cares if its any good or not.
I humbly apologise because the poem I did critique is immeasurably better than .........

It's my birthday
I've just turned twenty four
And I'm peeping through an open door
I'm watching the man from next door
I'm watching him down on the floor
I'm watching the man from next door
He and my mother down on the floor
I'm watching the man from next door
Finger my mother who's begging for more

I rest my case ......
I know what you meant and as the email I received told me that everybody's poetry on this site (except his!) is crap, you don't escape being crap too ........... or something like that lol :D
shit, it is too late to nominate theeese person for MIP
I wonder who this crapless capon or caperete could be amongst our midst of mistless misfits and misfitees.

I think he didn't give a frog's ass about rat poems

It's been such an awful day, I have the flu I think and a miserable sore throat and you manage to make me smile.

You aren't being sarcastic are you? :rose:

thank you dear friend

~ maria
shit, it is too late to nominate theeese person for MIP
I wonder who this crapless capon or caperete could be amongst our midst of mistless misfits and misfitees.

Oh this one is good old CuddlyAl who is 'peeping round the door watching the man from next door on the floor' and has seen no sign of any decent poetry on this site
I'm beginning to think this is a wind up and a piss take
To Angry Anonymous

I am sorry Dreaming Of Our Love Affair is such a puzzle to you. I think the meaning is pretty obvious myself, that the woman in question is simply overwhelming him/her with their passion, possibly stalker like. If you really disliked it that much you should have had the balls to tell me up front. I actually would have respected you for that.
not to add fuel to the fire, but if i did ever "get" that piece, it would've been after a shit ton of analysis. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. and i know that one of the most frustrating things is dumbing down your work for the lowest common denominator. but, the truth is that i'd have trouble with that piece.
not to add fuel to the fire, but if i did ever "get" that piece, it would've been after a shit ton of analysis. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. and i know that one of the most frustrating things is dumbing down your work for the lowest common denominator. but, the truth is that i'd have trouble with that piece.

See, you had the front to own up to that and I respect you for putting your name to it. There are a lot of opinions in poetry. Everyone is entitled to the voice but this guy was so angry you think I'd have egged his car.
Obviously I wouldn't have said it like him/her. I never understood the ego involved in writing. Maybe I'd understand better if I did it for longer. But, the few classes I've taken were great. And good, honest feedback is a blessing. Using it as a weapon wouldn't occur to me.
Well I got it and I liked it and said so! Methinks Anon is an English person due to the reference of the Times crossword unless they have that in America too
seems a little lacking in class for people to slam the work of others without putting their name to their opinions. what's the worst that can happen? someone disagrees with you? :rolleyes:
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