"To keep the review thread clean..."

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seems a little lacking in class for people to slam the work of others without putting their name to their opinions. what's the worst that can happen? someone disagrees with you? :rolleyes:

What's worse is I am pretty well known here for taking criticism well. I don't pitch a fit or anything. The thing is for me, posting anon kind of makes me discount them instantly because to me it suggests a personal insult.
seems a little lacking in class for people to slam the work of others without putting their name to their opinions. what's the worst that can happen? someone disagrees with you? :rolleyes:

presumably they can be as obnoxious as they like with no comeback
Well I got it and I liked it and said so! Methinks Anon is an English person due to the reference of the Times crossword unless they have that in America too

Thanks Annie, much appreciated. The title is a little lame against such strong imagery but ironically I was trying to make the meaning more obvious. My titles always add some kind of context to my poems.
What's worse is I am pretty well known here for taking criticism well. I don't pitch a fit or anything. The thing is for me, posting anon kind of makes me discount them instantly because to me it suggests a personal insult.
and there's the rub. if they wish their comments to be taken seriously, it is better to speak out as their true id and to offer something constructive. otherwise most people do exactly this - discount them; sometimes this is a shame because it means a valid point might gets missed entirely. that's why i do think about any anonymous comments i receive, and then discount those i find to be of a personal nature or not valid. having said that, i have received some helpful advice by various anons that has helped me look with fresh eyes and a different perspective. either way, an anonymous comment can have its uses - if only to illustrate to us how pathetic some of our intended audience are :) if you give a performance, there'll always be a heckler somewhere shouting from the relative anonymity of the darkened stalls :devil:
presumably they can be as obnoxious as they like with no comeback
maybe, and maybe their sole intention is to get under the skins of those less confident in themselves and more susceptible to nasty comments. seriously, i never allow that particular brand of stupidity to get to me - especially when it comes in long and rambling feedback e-mails :D some people out there will get a kick from targeting someone they know is easily hurt - don't give them the satisfaction of reacting to their barbs, annie :kiss:
btw - i intend to get stuck into reading and commenting from today; simply been too busy the past while to do anything other than read a few and drop my votes but see there are plenty of submissions i can't wait to get reading AND commenting!

i've also noticed a considerable drop-off in submissions - *reminds self to submit a couple as well :eek:*
thankyou, thankyou, anonymous for this comment - it gave me a proper big laugh. nice one!

Scabby asshole

Not so much ramblings of a shabby soul but yet more verbal bitchshit from a deluded limey cow.


that's really tickled me...

Oh I have one too
'Crash trash

Crashing crescendos of golden piss, more like. Give it up. A big, fake O.'

Rofl I must check the rest of mine! Do you think we pissed off a Cuddly person?
Oh I have one too
'Crash trash

Crashing crescendos of golden piss, more like. Give it up. A big, fake O.'

Rofl I must check the rest of mine! Do you think we pissed off a Cuddly person?

well someone surely doesn't appreciate our efforts, annie. if only we could write the way they want us to.... :devil: i guess we've a long way to go before achieving that. *wise nod of affirmation*

seriously, though, it really gave me an unexpected and genuine laugh. now they are always welcome!

okies, gotta go be doing mumsy stuff. back later to read/comment on the new poems. :rose:
i do it as often as I can. I read ever single poem that has been posted since I last did and recommend what i like. If this is a dig dude, I am doing my best...
i do it as often as I can. I read ever single poem that has been posted since I last did and recommend what i like. If this is a dig dude, I am doing my best...
duplication of effort.
both the ones you recommended, now have 8-9 comments, so you are getting diminishing returns on the recommends
do todays, so I don't have to, because I will get po'ed if I feel I have to and then someone else does
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I actually read every single poem that was up when I did it. These are new. Damn. I am not in the mood for this.:(
last poem mentioned was
Dreaming Of Our Love Affair (yours)
which I mentioned, because I felt I should

PoetGuy has a new one, one up from...
Done. I am not active here at the moment because I am having a depressive epsiode and I cannot judge things as fairly as I would like. I am not shirking my duties, I am just slower than usual. Reviewing under the influence of antipsychotics is not a good move.:(
Done. I am not active here at the moment because I am having a depressive epsiode and I cannot judge things as fairly as I would like. I am not shirking my duties, I am just slower than usual. Reviewing under the influence of antipsychotics is not a good move.:(
sorry, didn't think of you shirking, just trying to cut down on the agro on both our parts. i.e. saving one or both of us some work. :rose::rose::rose:
sorry, didn't think of you shirking, just trying to cut down on the agro on both our parts. i.e. saving one or both of us some work. :rose::rose::rose:

We are cool. I am having a very hard time the last while. I have been crying a lot and themeds make me dazed and it is hard for me to be articulate. I like to be fair and give everyone as much consideration as I can.
Thanks guys and girls for the mentions and comments (except that anon who can go fuck themselves for the shit on my poem and bullying some of the other poets). I have been very out of it and I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. To check whats going on, go see my latest effort here, which explains all.
Call me closed-minded. But I appreciate strong opening lines that make it clear to me that I can relax my discerning eye. When "I see a big black cock" is the first line, it saves me a little time and some wear to my scruples.
Thank you

vrosej10 thank you for your encouraging words. :)

maria thank you for your kind words. :)

twelveoone thank you for the mention and the ending is not needed! I realize that now..

greenmountaineer I was trying to show through words, breaks his quick energetic flo... I am thinking the last two lines in the first stanza should start the second stanza...
I will definitely do some later today. that's a promise. right now i have to go post my job app form and get some shopping in.
......and I am pissed off with the computer world and all the techs in it anyone care to join me in a revolution?
Thanks guys and girls for the mentions and comments (except that anon who can go fuck themselves for the shit on my poem and bullying some of the other poets). I have been very out of it and I appreciate your efforts on my behalf. To check whats going on, go see my latest effort here, which explains all.
careful with this VR, there may be more than one anon. some may be less than flattering about the poem, but the comment is about the poem. And some are just assholes.
vrosej10 thank you for your encouraging words. :)

maria thank you for your kind words. :)

twelveoone thank you for the mention and the ending is not needed! I realize that now..

greenmountaineer I was trying to show through words, breaks his quick energetic flo... I am thinking the last two lines in the first stanza should start the second stanza...
well, you're welcome, and some people get upset when I leave puns for comments.

bulltir, would I said just echos what people like Senna Jawa, and jtserra hace always said, so a heads up, if and when they post pay attention to what they have to say, it's worth your time.
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