"To keep the review thread clean..."

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A quick question Poetguy, I saw you comment on Bog's and score, I read your poem(s); (I give you 5's)what is the difference between poetry and posery?
Answer compare the two.
Consider a name change to Thee Poetguy.
Writing eight, ten lines to utilizing a craft to show off you read something. And I thought poetry had something to do with getting other people to "feel" something, and the craft was a tool for that purpose.
Foolish me.
Now what books are you going to toss at me now, besides Emily post's, Turco's Book of Forms? Here is one for you The Principles of Psychology by William James, which I believe was the one Frost credited, as being helpful to his writing.

There are two ends to lame writing, one from those that don't know the craft, the other from those that worship it. Both scream "ME", only I'm not sure who says it better.

A correction, clarification.
And I thought poetry had something to do with getting other people to "feel" something, close to what you (the writer) intended. I often feel dismayed (polite).
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thanks, twelvioh, for your reading and comments on 'saving Grace' and 'sirens'. it's nice to see people visiting the writes, yanno? :rose:

and thanks also to softsmile for reading/commenting on 'sirens' and 'new poets under the spotlight'. glad you enjoyed them and cheers for letting me know! all feedback's welcome, but it's especially welcome to hear a reader's enjoying anything i've written. :rose:
Please forgive me for being slack on reading your poems but life sort of gets in the way sometimes, Hubby is having an op today (oh nothing madly serious but still I worry) and I thought I would have a big read today but it's not to be I can't settle to it
Please forgive me for being slack on reading your poems but life sort of gets in the way sometimes, Hubby is having an op today (oh nothing madly serious but still I worry) and I thought I would have a big read today but it's not to be I can't settle to it

i hope all has one well for your husband, annie, and you can settle in your mind a little now :rose:
Please forgive me for being slack on reading your poems but life sort of gets in the way sometimes, Hubby is having an op today (oh nothing madly serious but still I worry) and I thought I would have a big read today but it's not to be I can't settle to it
Home first
you did miss an amazing Russian Doll act.

thanks, twelvioh, for your reading and comments on 'saving Grace' and 'sirens'. it's nice to see people visiting the writes, yanno? :rose:

and thanks also to softsmile for reading/commenting on 'sirens' and 'new poets under the spotlight'. glad you enjoyed them and cheers for letting me know! all feedback's welcome, but it's especially welcome to hear a reader's enjoying anything i've written. :rose:

You are most welcome. :)
I must thank 1201 for his recommend, comments and encouragement during my absence, and bogusagain, bulltlr, SweetOblivion, sandyb and softsmile for their comments.

I must also apologise for my absence--too much work (succesful) and too much moving house (also succesful). I shall try to catch up.
I appreciate the comments on Forelock and Divine Compass.

These pieces are from the 3rd Annual Bronzeage Valentine's Day Offer. This is an annual event where I write a short romantic scene, involving myself and whoever requests one. This year, two people requested a poem.

Twelveoone commented,
titters between poetry and "something you would send your girlfriend". Just reminding you there is a line where you lose half of the audience.

While this is an accurate description, it is intended for an audience of one.
typing one handed had fall torn all ligaments in left hand and wrist bruised chest muscles a right knee and leg... dosed up to eyeballs can't use left hand at all it hurtsssssssss :mad::(
typing one handed had fall torn all ligaments in left hand and wrist bruised chest muscles a right knee and leg... dosed up to eyeballs can't use left hand at all it hurtsssssssss :mad::(

oh my lord, he can't leave you for five minutes and you're in trouble :eek:
how did you manage that one, annie? should we book you a bed next to hubby?

*flowers for 'nother invalid*
oh my lord, he can't leave you for five minutes and you're in trouble :eek:
how did you manage that one, annie? should we book you a bed next to hubby?

*flowers for 'nother invalid*

i went to see if the greenhouse stuff needed watering, turned and tripped over a board. i do know how to fall but there was too much stuff around for me to roll onto my most padded part so hit the patio hard, my right leg immediately went into cramp which didn't help was screaming for Ron poor guy had to get to me poorly knee and all then dial 999 paramedics were there in 3minutes fabulous service but was in A & E for hours getting tested and X rayed bits of me are hurting i never knew i had please forgive lack of punctuation difficult typing one handed!
Special thanks to theognis, twelveoone and Maria for taking the time to comment on my poem, "Postcards and a Pocketful of Greece". :rose:

Awhile ago I made the decision to delete my 2 accounts (neonurotic and Jamison) and a 100s poems/stories of the time I started Lit back in November 2002 until I dropped off the face of the Internet in late 2008. I regret that I removed my writing here. It was a chronological list of works from bad to better where I learned from fellow poets and authors. Although I can never get back what I lost, I am going to post a variety of re-edited poems and stories back on Literotica, so please bear with me as "Neonurotic" plasters the New Poem list.

P.S> I won't be adding all of them!
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Thank You...

Thank you to those who took a moment to read and comment on "Stones" and "Fragile". I enjoy reading the suggestions and hope my editing muscles are getting stronger as I learn to fearlessly "delete" and "change" words, or just play around with the ideas offered. :)

Special thanks to theognis, twelveoone and Maria for taking the time to comment on my poem, "Postcards and a Pocketful of Greece". :rose:

Awhile ago I made the decision to delete my 2 accounts (neonurotic and Jamison) and a 100s poems/stories of the time I started Lit back in November 2002 until I dropped off the face of the Internet in late 2008. I regret that I removed my writing here. It was a chronological list of works from bad to better where I learned from fellow poets and authors. Although I can never get back what I lost, I am going to post a variety of re-edited poems and stories back on Literotica, so please bear with me as "Neonurotic" plasters the New Poem list.

P.S> I won't be adding all of them!

When that jerk was stalking me, I did the same thing( deleted all my work) and you know how much I regret it. It is a daunting task to accumulate all that work and in the blink of an eye, it is all gone, even if you still have it, it may be scattered. I just wish I had not deleted mine either. I am with you in that little regret club. I am certain you will write some amazing poetry since you've returned and I cannot wait to read it.

Someone do NPR, a ton of good stuff, neo kicks ass (when he uses one foot) fridayam, and Bronze doing an impersonation of Desmond Morris. PoetGuy, etc, etc, and my fave former newb bulltir, who managed to suffer though my earlier comments, and will become a better writer.
And leave some comments.
I'm over 3,000 posts, and I've said way too much. BTW, I am proud, I have moved into 12th as commenter, and I must be getting better as some of the "new authors" have taken to deleting them.
In one case I asked the question, "Would you read this is some one else wrote it?, Now, how about if five did?" I don't think that sat well.
Someone do NPR, a ton of good stuff, neo kicks ass (when he uses one foot) fridayam, and Bronze doing an impersonation of Desmond Morris. PoetGuy, etc, etc, and my fave former newb bulltir, who managed to suffer though my earlier comments, and will become a better writer.
And leave some comments.
I'm over 3,000 posts, and I've said way too much. BTW, I am proud, I have moved into 12th as commenter, and I must be getting better as some of the "new authors" have taken to deleting them.
In one case I asked the question, "Would you read this is some one else wrote it?, Now, how about if five did?" I don't think that sat well.

you know twelve... I like your brash honest opinion on things... If my poem were not illustrated and it was strictly words on paper, what would your opinion be then? oh and its bulltlr ;)
you know twelve... I like your brash honest opinion on things... If my poem were not illustrated and it was strictly words on paper, what would your opinion be then? oh and its bulltlr ;)
In this case, illustrated adds slightly. About 6 years ago, big discussion about illustrated, I am against. Poems should stand on their own. As always, sometimes I am dead wrong. After the big discussion, someone submitted one that blew me away.
In this case, illustrated adds slightly. About 6 years ago, big discussion about illustrated, I am against. Poems should stand on their own. As always, sometimes I am dead wrong. After the big discussion, someone submitted one that blew me away.

I forgot to thank you for the recommend... Thank You!

I went through and left comments where I felt the urge..
In this case, illustrated adds slightly. About 6 years ago, big discussion about illustrated, I am against. Poems should stand on their own. As always, sometimes I am dead wrong. After the big discussion, someone submitted one that blew me away.

I agree. I may enjoy the illustrations, but in and of themselves.
you know twelve... I like your brash honest opinion on things... If my poem were not illustrated and it was strictly words on paper, what would your opinion be then? oh and its bulltlr ;)
go read the thread about the scenery changing as you go for a drive.
why?, because you have arrived, strictly words on paper. Take a look at bronze's,
this is why I do this shit, that I do.:rose::rose::rose:
go read the thread about the scenery changing as you go for a drive.
why?, because you have arrived, strictly words on paper. Take a look at bronze's,
this is why I do this shit, that I do.:rose::rose::rose:

I'm processing your words as I type this...
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