"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Much thanks to SweetOblivion, Maria, greenmountaineer, Tesse, bulltlr and twelveoone for the comments on my poems this past week. The comments have been encouraging. :rose:
blown away by the uncompromising harshness of gm's Puta. will add comments tomorrow.
been driving around, looking at some poems... i miss out on too much :(

Tess, i have to ask - is Fred's Dead really only about a goldfish? it's not for this reader, and i hope it's not a case of me projecting onto a write what's not there! :eek:
We ought to take the point system with a pinch of salt but I just have to comment on the comical nature of my number 1 fan. I'm assuming it is always the same person and I have my own suspicions who it might be but can someone's life be so sad and empty that they lead a 1 campaign on a perceived enemy?:rolleyes: If you don't like hack poetry, don't read it or is it jealousY? Now there is a possibility, someone so up their own arse they can't loosen up for fear their whole intestines will drop out.:eek: At least be brave enough to leave a comment.:cool:
We ought to take the point system with a pinch of salt but I just have to comment on the comical nature of my number 1 fan. I'm assuming it is always the same person and I have my own suspicions who it might be but can someone's life be so sad and empty that they lead a 1 campaign on a perceived enemy?:rolleyes: If you don't like hack poetry, don't read it or is it jealousY? Now there is a possibility, someone so up their own arse they can't loosen up for fear their whole intestines will drop out.:eek: At least be brave enough to leave a comment.:cool:

hopefully those errant ones will get swept, but you're not alone - i've had poems that appear to have been targeted, as have others here, including friday and twelve. it happens. the most important thing is writing something you are proud of, and -hopefully - others enjoy reading. :cool:
We still get on the 1 bombs, eh?
I can't be fucked to mark 'no voting' when I submit poems.
We still get on the 1 bombs, eh?
I can't be fucked to mark 'no voting' when I submit poems.
Don't fall into that trap.
Two cliches,
either the scum rises to the top
or the cream does.
You make the choice.
I'd like to see the fucking thermometer back. Duh, what a fucking bright idea that was to get rid of.
Here is a novel suggestion, it's called weighing. Lit could very easily assign, say a 50% value to anonymous scores, or even less. I'd like to see a 10% value so the trolls and the cluster fuckers would have to work 10 times harder.

Because poetry is work, number fucking should be too.:D
hopefully those errant ones will get swept, but you're not alone - i've had poems that appear to have been targeted, as have others here, including friday and twelve. it happens. the most important thing is writing something you are proud of, and -hopefully - others enjoy reading. :cool:
Read, every "poet" has been hit. I don't think I've seen a straight 5 score or even an H for any"poet"since I posted the "H" thread some weeks back. As my reward I get called "paranoid". :rolleyes:
No, my friends, I am an outsider. As an outsider, you get a different view.
We ought to take the point system with a pinch of salt but I just have to comment on the comical nature of my number 1 fan. I'm assuming it is always the same person and I have my own suspicions who it might be but can someone's life be so sad and empty that they lead a 1 campaign on a perceived enemy?:rolleyes: If you don't like hack poetry, don't read it or is it jealousY? Now there is a possibility, someone so up their own arse they can't loosen up for fear their whole intestines will drop out.:eek: At least be brave enough to leave a comment.:cool:

This a point I have tried to make, over and over again. The votes and points have no meaning in reality. Between home, work and the public library, any person has access to at least 3 computers. If they want to 1-bomb a poem, they can, and their votes look as legitimate as any.

It's nice when a poem has high scores, but it's just as easy to 5-bomb your own work.

I have no window into the mind of a poetry troll. There are too many distractions in my life to worry about them but I do know, a 1-bomb is the sincerest way to say, "I can't stop thinking about you." That is high praise for any poet.
been driving around, looking at some poems... i miss out on too much :(

Tess, i have to ask - is Fred's Dead really only about a goldfish? it's not for this reader, and i hope it's not a case of me projecting onto a write what's not there! :eek:

No veiled meanings - just a dead pet. My poems are just that simple. :)
No veiled meanings - just a dead pet. My poems are just that simple. :)
Find out who killed him, it was the one-bomber. My guess. Dead pets don't talk.

But how can we be sure you wrote the poem? Fred may still be around. I think I've seen him in New Poems. He got the H.
i think that i shall never see
as prim a bird as parrotdee
he clucks and shoops
the pea-hens beg
they wait to see
his golden eggs
in prose, suppose,
intrinsic mimic
but we knows
he's no mere gimic
i could go on
but fear i oughtn't
as birdies goes
he's quite important

i think that i shall never see
as prim a bird as parrotdee
he clucks and shoops
the pea-hens beg
they wait to see
his golden eggs
in prose, suppose,
intrinsic mimic
but we knows
he's no mere gimic
i could go on
but fear i oughtn't
as birdies goes
he's quite important


You beat me to it.
you do it better than me, and with pan-ash :cool:

I had mentally gotten as far as:

I think that I shall never see
a thing as lame as poet trollery.

There really isn't anything on the internet more pathetic than a poetry troll. It's as if every Youtube video of a kid bouncing a ball off his own forehead, riding down a stair rail on his crotch and landing head first in a garbage can, was combined into one long highlight reel.
i think that i shall never see
as prim a bird as parrotdee
he clucks and shoops
the pea-hens beg
they wait to see
his golden eggs
in prose, suppose,
intrinsic mimic
but we knows
he's no mere gimic
i could go on
but fear i oughtn't
as birdies goes
he's quite important

Gender alignment, my dear lady, I am a male although my suit is quite empty, I do understand your confusion, you thought I was Labour, you voted for me, and thought you weren't getting Maggie. Fooled you, I am Tony Blair, your former PM. Now let me perch upon your shoulder and squawk sweet nothings and empty promises in your ear, like the old days.

Unless you mean eggs in a testocular:rolleyes: way.

you do it better than me, and with pan-ash
Awk, Awk
I'm out of here.
Awk, vote for
Awk, vote for
I had mentally gotten as far as:

I think that I shall never see
a thing as lame as poet trollery.

There really isn't anything on the internet more pathetic than a poetry troll. It's as if every Youtube video of a kid bouncing a ball off his own forehead, riding down a stair rail on his crotch and landing head first in a garbage can, was combined into one long highlight reel.
I can assure you I am not a poet troll, Bronze, go back and look at yours, you too, chip and Tess. Comments and scores duly noted. What one four, chip?
I have no window into the mind of a poetry troll. There are too many distractions in my life to worry about them but I do know, a 1-bomb is the sincerest way to say, "I can't stop thinking about you." That is high praise for any poet.

You mean I've got a stalker? :cool: I can think of a lot more attractive people to me to stalk. They'll be disappointed, they always are.:D
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