"To keep the review thread clean..."

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thanks, annie and twelvio, for your thoughts on 'let there be light' :D much appreciated.

annie, what major event happened ten years ago? to the year, not the date i wrote it? this came about from someone over on the gb (who'd been caught up in the major events) mentioning something... got me wondering. the incase - yes, you know you're right, but i was running them together going for a sense of compression, tightness, fear.

i will think about what you've said, twelve. i had hoped to convey something of the state of mind, near panic, that won't permit extended thoughts... i suppose i hoped it would sound like breath catching.

good of you both to stop in on me little poem and take the time to let me know what it made you think. :rose:

yes ....... I understand now
Not 'a worthless lump of rock' to us that love her and chose to stay living on her

I suspect our experiences of England are very different. It is not for nothing we have different perceptions and it's pointless arguing about it really but one thing I will say, my daughter has better life chances than I ever had by being brought up in a foreign country. It is not for nothing there is more alienation and ingrained social problems in England than in comparable European countries, it is the policies the political classes follow. Alcohol abuse is higher than most countries, as is street violence, domestic violence, self harm, drug use, mental illness, teenage pregnancies, worse mean health and education standards and almost no social mobility at all. One could go on but these are the result of political choices, not something that has happened in a void. Take any statistic you care, you will find England/Britain will be one of the worst. Many many English/British people have a right to be angry because they have been failed because the political classes have been allowed to look after the rich because that is what people have voted for. I am struggling to think of any other country in Europe that talks about the poor and losers in society as the underserving poor and benefit scroungers. Benefit fraud and administration mistakes costs England around 1 billion pounds a year while tax avoidance and evasion by the rich costs, according to treasury estimates, upwards of 14 billion pounds plus a year, which is allowed to happen with a wink and a nod. Then today, England with the most draconian anti-union laws in Europe, has had a government minister threaten even more draconian anti-union laws. Anti-union laws that are already seen in most European countries to breach European human rights and which are often seen as an afront to any civilised county.

Phew! Sermon over.;)

Edited to say: Thank god for England, without it I would be struggling for meaningful subject matter, I would have to start writing fantasy porn. :D
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I wonder what you think my experiences of England are? Do you imagine I am one of the upper echelon? I was born the 3rd daughter of a lowly shepherd in a tied cottage with no hot water or inside bathroom. I've had a bloody hard life one way or another, all I've achieved has been through my own hand ..... no silver spoon here. But I love my country and I don't like seeing her dissed by someone who deserted her. I'm not fighting you or anything like that it just saddens me to see you do it is all
I wonder what you think my experiences of England are? Do you imagine I am one of the upper echelon? I was born the 3rd daughter of a lowly shepherd in a tied cottage with no hot water or inside bathroom. I've had a bloody hard life one way or another, all I've achieved has been through my own hand ..... no silver spoon here. But I love my country and I don't like seeing her dissed by someone who deserted her. I'm not fighting you or anything like that it just saddens me to see you do it is all
Rue Britannia
A Labour leader - Tony Blair?

Where is George Orwell, when England needs him most? Perhaps, merely channeled in bogusagain?

Last night, I came across an article that British based multinationals may be in violation of US labour laws, where is Tommy Jefferson when America needs him most?

And the other troublemaker, Paine in the ass/arse?

America land of the free
sorely in debt to Chinee
except they're not Communists
Communist/Capitalist or some such crap
Rue Britannia
A Labour leader - Tony Blair?

Where is George Orwell, when England needs him most? Perhaps, merely channeled in bogusagain?

Last night, I came across an article that British based multinationals may be in violation of US labour laws, where is Tommy Jefferson when America needs him most?

And the other troublemaker, Paine in the ass/arse?

America land of the free
sorely in debt to Chinee
except they're not Communists
Communist/Capitalist or some such crap

not any more he isn't

chipbutty, Desejo, live4passion, and twelveone for the comments on sugar boys. And thanks for the recommend, twelveone.

I am attempting to study on each word to convey meaning. It is difficult, so the comments help me to understand perceptions.

Never even considered the comments about the woofer. Good call.

This is getting fun. I've never thought so much about what I wrote previously. Just blurted it out as strings of words that sounded good to me.
it's so hot to hear your woman say

it's so hot in the heat of passion hear your woman say that she wants to find a hard cock for you to suck for her to watch you suck cocvk for her to watch and maybe coach you too as you suck cock for her.any women out there think that would be hot tell me about your thoughts about it!
I wonder what you think my experiences of England are? Do you imagine I am one of the upper echelon? I was born the 3rd daughter of a lowly shepherd in a tied cottage with no hot water or inside bathroom. I've had a bloody hard life one way or another, all I've achieved has been through my own hand ..... no silver spoon here. But I love my country and I don't like seeing her dissed by someone who deserted her. I'm not fighting you or anything like that it just saddens me to see you do it is all

You shouldn't mix the state up with the country.

Did you know that Blake's Jerusalem was an anti-establishment poem before it was colonised by the establishment? Blake, who was a Bonopartist, could see what a shitty elite governed England and still does. There are really too many English people in denial.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.
thanks to bogus and simply-me for their considered replies to 'let there be light'

i think it needs some tinkering still, which i'll attempt on my storage thread. i'm wondering about changing the title as well, as a further pointer to the 9/11 experience/recurring nightmares thing going on. i wanted to avoid being too overt, which is why i opted for 'so, ten years on...' but it looks like that was too ambiguous. i wanted the wish for light/daylight/any-light to be the overriding factor, the light to confirm that being buried alive is 'not still real'.

i'm trying to get at that heart of distraction - the dark, constricted space, lack of other sensory input, the surreal quality of what was a terrifying experience that must, surely, return in their dreams....

your views, guys n gals, have helped me see where this isn't reaching. i'm not sure i know how to fix that. but i will tinker :)
thanks to bogus and simply-me for their considered replies to 'let there be light'

i think it needs some tinkering still, which i'll attempt on my storage thread. i'm wondering about changing the title as well, as a further pointer to the 9/11 experience/recurring nightmares thing going on. i wanted to avoid being too overt, which is why i opted for 'so, ten years on...' but it looks like that was too ambiguous. i wanted the wish for light/daylight/any-light to be the overriding factor, the light to confirm that being buried alive is 'not still real'.

i'm trying to get at that heart of distraction - the dark, constricted space, lack of other sensory input, the surreal quality of what was a terrifying experience that must, surely, return in their dreams....

your views, guys n gals, have helped me see where this isn't reaching. i'm not sure i know how to fix that. but i will tinker :)
explains incase, encase
I did not relate the poem to 9/11, and you gave a big hint in the first line. It changes everything.
You shouldn't mix the state up with the country.

Did you know that Blake's Jerusalem was an anti-establishment poem before it was colonised by the establishment? Blake, who was a Bonopartist, could see what a shitty elite governed England and still does. There are really too many English people in denial.

And did those feet in ancient time
Walk upon England's mountains green?
And was the holy Lamb of God
On England's pleasant pastures seen?

And did the Countenance Divine
Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among these dark satanic mills?

Bring me my bow of burning gold!
Bring me my arrows of desire!
Bring me my spear! O clouds, unfold!
Bring me my chariot of fire!

I will not cease from mental fight,
Nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
Till we have built Jerusalem
In England's green and pleasant land.

Do not confuse the state with the community. The state exists to ensure that the vested interests of the ruling elite is well served by the community. In order to do this the community is conned into believing in the value of "love of king and country" and people are trained to fear if they lack strong patriotic feeling. That fear brutalizes people into policing themselves and their fellow community members to ensure obedience to patriotic imperatives that serve to maintain the privilege of the elite. It is easier to command obedience through patriotic fervour than through fear, but if all else fails, fear can always be used as a last resort.
Excuse me ...... balls,shit, fuck and arsholes! .... there that's better
True. but the proper way to address them varies from country.
In the US, it would be President Balls
In the UK for the House of Lords it would be Sir Shit

and if you notice it is the same four that not only run all countries but also multinational corporations, large banks, most religions, political parties...they just have clever make-up artists for Television appearances.

Back in the 80's a photo once snuck out of Ronnie Reagan changing into his Maggie Thatcher dress. That photo has been rigorousnessly suppressed.
True. but the proper way to address them varies from country.
In the US, it would be President Balls
In the UK for the House of Lords it would be Sir Shit

and if you notice it is the same four that not only run all countries but also multinational corporations, large banks, most religions, political parties...they just have clever make-up artists for Television appearances.

Back in the 80's a photo once snuck out of Ronnie Reagan changing into his Maggie Thatcher dress. That photo has been rigorousnessly suppressed.

are you sure that wasn't the monkey?
...... balls,shit, fuck and arsholes! ....

That's exactly what I think of the British establishment too.;)

I've a suspicion Cameroon and Gideon wear women's stocking and suspenders under their trousers and regularly dose on amyl nitrate while shafting each other when taking time off from shafting the country. :rolleyes: Rich Tories are always up someone's anus if they can make a buck out of it.
I settled down to have a good read of todays new poems (carrot cake muffin in one hand, cup of coffee in the other) and I was doing fine until I got to the 'pus poem' ........
I settled down to have a good read of todays new poems (carrot cake muffin in one hand, cup of coffee in the other) and I was doing fine until I got to the 'pus poem' ........
Well, you must be happy with the anon. Imspidey needs a hand.:devil:
And what in the hell, coffee? Did ya move? Tea and crumpets? Orange marmalade?

That anon may be the same with the cryptic comment and low score on my "this moment", which reminds me, who's been missing?:D:D:D
I was thinking today that one or two had gone AWOL but I bet I know who you are thinking of and you're a naughty boy :D

and shush about the nice Anon comment I may never get another
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now you non-brits :rolleyes: what are you like?
tea and crumpets are all very well, but plenty of us brits drink mainly coffee; whilst i like marmalade, i rarely eat it, though i have just eaten half a terry's chocolate orange straight from the fridge. yum yum.
now you non-brits :rolleyes: what are you like?
tea and crumpets are all very well, but plenty of us brits drink mainly coffee; whilst i like marmalade, i rarely eat it, though i have just eaten half a terry's chocolate orange straight from the fridge. yum yum.

I hate tea yuck!
I was thinking today that one or two had gone AWOL but I bet I know who you are thinking of and you're a naughty boy :D

and shush about the nice Anon comment I may never get another
I am, and this one was to a certain degree right. It does get a little windy sometimes. (overblown). There is a difference between preference and prejudice.
I am, and this one was to a certain degree right. It does get a little windy sometimes. (overblown). There is a difference between preference and prejudice.

I've had my fair share of Anon slaps but as we know there are more than one persons hiding behind anonymity something I have never done, if I want to leave a rude message you get my name too (personally I can't be bothered to log out and log in again!)
I've had my fair share of Anon slaps but as we know there are more than one persons hiding behind anonymity something I have never done, if I want to leave a rude message you get my name too (personally I can't be bothered to log out and log in again!)
I've been sorely tempted to go the anon route. Most people getting back to me have a been quite rewarding. One is starting to really annoy me.
I've been sorely tempted to go the anon route. Most people getting back to me have a been quite rewarding. One is starting to really annoy me.

It's a silly game played by people that should get a life if that's the sort of thing that amuses them
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