"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Would it be wrong to start a thread titled "Annie's View" or something like that. Explain the intent of the thread in the opening post and then, post 1, 2 and so on could be the quoted poems with links and then your critiques. If the poets don't wish to be quoted, you can simply hot link a poem without posting the actual work in question, and still critique the piece. That way, you have your say, (you can direct the poets to your thread here on the pobo) and still retain control over deleting your comments or not, the beauty of the "edit" feature.

What does 'hot link a poem without posting the actual work in question' mean?
Why is a poem (?) with the line 'nigger bitch' allowed submission?!! I've heard of freedom of speech but that's terrible!
typical I get my muse back and nobody is fricking commenting except me or on here for that matter .... did the aliens come and nobody told me?
Thanks to WillowedCabin, Lilhi, and chipbutty for their comments on my poems. :rose: So sorry for the deluge!
Thanks to 2bmarion for feedback on my poems Breathing Without Oxygen, Oh God Oh God Oh God and I Don't Usually Buy Astrology, and for El Folo for comments on Thomas Fucking Jefferson.

Thanks, and your coupon for one free rhyme should hitting your inbox (check your spam folder).

Neo and Friday, thank you both for taking the time to peruse my new work:)

I have to give credit to sp for parts of it, I was reading some of his work, and as always, he inspires me even now, the way he saw things and his phrasing is/was spectacular. . Such talent!

And neo, I didn't mean "flimsy" in a bad way, just when compared to everything else in the universe, what does my poem matter, ya know? I was watching a History channel show about Einstein today and discovered he formed his theory of special relativity while riding a city bus and looking back at a clock in Sweden. He is my absolute hero, the one person in history I would have loved to meet. It saddens me that he wasn't able to reconcile his "theory of everything" with an equation before he passed. I suspect he is riding his cosmic wave in the heavens and smiling now that he ( possibly) knows all the secrets... ( if you believe in that sort of thing)

I have learned so much from so many of you and I want to, well, wish I could repay it. Does anyone ever do recommends anymore? I am sitting here with absolutely nada to do until I go back to work and if no one objects, I might take a stab at it, unless the thread has been declared dead....

also, thanks to zen for the note,. you're a keeper :)

hugs to you all-

~ maria, ramblin' on
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Thanks RhymeFairy and Maria for commenting on my latest illustrated poem, Java Vamp: :rose: x 2. I have a better laptop now and some of these old poems need freshening up, but I still don't have a good program to do the art since none of my favorite programs are compatible with Windows 7.

@ Ange that Java Vamp is an illustrated with the text integrated.
Thanks RhymeFairy and Maria for commenting on my latest illustrated poem, Java Vamp: :rose: x 2. I have a better laptop now and some of these old poems need freshening up, but I still don't have a good program to do the art since none of my favorite programs are compatible with Windows 7.

@ Ange that Java Vamp is an illustrated with the text integrated.

Well now you'll be sorry because I left a comment...and a picky one at that. :D
Yikes! :kiss:

I wish I still had the image for that poem and I'd fix it. Most of the Illustrated poems I snagged out of Lebroz's archive thread and saved them.

I know how you feel. I no longer have the program I did all my old illustrated poems in and it's too much hassle to redo them in a new program to fix little things. But thank god for LeBroz and that thread, eh? I'd lost of a lot of my illustrated poems years ago and fortunately Eve and Lauren still had a bunch of them, but some good ones (imho anyway) are just lost now...
Neo and Friday, thank you both for taking the time to peruse my new work:)

I have to give credit to sp for parts of it, I was reading some of his work, and as always, he inspires me even now, the way he saw things and his phrasing is/was spectacular. . Such talent!

And neo, I didn't mean "flimsy" in a bad way, just when compared to everything else in the universe, what does my poem matter, ya know? I was watching a History channel show about Einstein today and discovered he formed his theory of special relativity while riding a city bus and looking back at a clock in Sweden. He is my absolute hero, the one person in history I would have loved to meet. It saddens me that he wasn't able to reconcile his "theory of everything" with an equation before he passed. I suspect he is riding his cosmic wave in the heavens and smiling now that he ( possibly) knows all the secrets... ( if you believe in that sort of thing)

I have learned so much from so many of you and I want to, well, wish I could repay it. Does anyone ever do recommends anymore? I am sitting here with absolutely nada to do until I go back to work and if no one objects, I might take a stab at it, unless the thread has been declared dead....

also, thanks to zen for the note,. you're a keeper :)

hugs to you all-

~ maria, ramblin' on

last time I saw him

he was shooting craps with god

with shaved dice:devil:
Thank you for your comment 1201. And admittedly? A pleasant surprise to see you again.
Pleasant is not a word many people would care to throw in my direction, even in moments of high sarcasm.

I would hope your poem gets more comments, looks. My take on this place, too many writers, not enough readers, never enough questions. i.e. what does it mean? why is it done this way? Also known as engagement. Yours did. Pleasant surprise was mine. Second highest compliment from me. Highest is something seems wrong but I don't know what it is. Yours did that too. Not bad. Annaswirls was a master of "wrongness" as an example.
Just wanted to give a lil shout out ..

Go read the new poems.

There are some good ones this week. :rose:
Once a poet, always

a writer. Keep'm coming my friends ~:rose:

~~ jus sayin ~

Pandora's glitter

A simple Thank you in return. It's good to see you, been a long time.

And 1201, no sarcasm there.
Thank you to Maria2394 and Angeline for their comments on "Libra" The "E" was decidedly unexpected. Two of my favourite people:)

I have just added "Scorpio" to complete the cycle.

The whole thing may be viewed (as in a planetarium) here
Thank you to Maria2394 and Angeline for their comments on "Libra" The "E" was decidedly unexpected. Two of my favourite people:)

I have just added "Scorpio" to complete the cycle.

The whole thing may be viewed (as in a planetarium) here


I just visited that site and what a lovely page. I also enjoyed Sagittarius being so close to the top ;)

I have missed the reading having been gone so much. Just glad to be back and will have time to read the good ones


~ maria
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Thank You!

To Angeline, Oneiria, zendicive and "anonymous" for taking the time to read my influx of re-posts. I had that sinking feeling neo described after he did the same thing. I lost a lot of my favorite work, but thanks to Lebroz and his thread, I found several of those I thought were gone.

I made some revisions on the work I posted, it isn't perfect, never will be but it is fun trying to tweak them and make them a bit better.

Thanks again to you all-


~ maria
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