"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Thank you to Boo and Koba for feedback left on my recently re-posted frog poems. Boo, I left one for you by the pond.

Maria2394 embarrasses me with her recommendation of my latest poem on the NPR thread. But, probably like most poets, I swim in praise like it's twenty-year-old Scotch, and thank her for the rush.

Thanks also to those who commented and voted on the poem, tazz317, Maria, and especially, greenmountaineer for his analysis on the poem, which I tried to respond to in the comments.

Thanks also to Tess for the favorite.

And finally to whomever edits poems at Lit, thanks for that "E" which oftentimes seems to mean "Eccentric" more than "Editor's Choice." I have no idea what the criteria for that marque is, but it is always kind of fun to get one.
Maria2394 embarrasses me with her recommendation of my latest poem on the NPR thread. But, probably like most poets, I swim in praise like it's twenty-year-old Scotch, and thank her for the rush.

Thanks also to those who commented and voted on the poem, tazz317, Maria, and especially, greenmountaineer for his analysis on the poem, which I tried to respond to in the comments.

Thanks also to Tess for the favorite.

And finally to whomever edits poems at Lit, thanks for that "E" which oftentimes seems to mean "Eccentric" more than "Editor's Choice." I have no idea what the criteria for that marque is, but it is always kind of fun to get one.

Tzara- I don't just blindly praise poetry. YOU ARE GOOD! And I happen to know you ARE published elsewhere. It's a shame that poets don't make money until they are um, well, dead and then, the relatives that never called, visited or even sent a card at holiday fight over the estate. I wish I could get that novel out of me so I could spend it all and laugh as I am croaking. I think I would give most of it to charity anyway, Habitat, probably.

As for the E being eccentric. I agree with that. They gave me one for my Jack Goes Vegetarian poem the first time it was posted. That blew me away and I think I laughed for almost ten minutes. Kinda wish I hadn't removed all my poems way back when. Just keep posting your work, on my day, so I have something to look forward to. ( and I know you have no control when they appear, just wishing that wishing made it so )

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@ Tzara: Thank you for the grammatical correction on the poem I posted.

My kids tell me it read like a poem written by a CPA which... well, it was. :eek: I didn't write it or post it here caring if it was any good or not, BTW. I just had no place else to post it so I put it with the rest of Suzy's poems. Sorry to disappoint.
Thanks Koba and Pandora for comments/recommendations on my recent poem, "Flashback to the Bayou". :rose:
My thanks to Neo for the mention and comment and to Koba, Tazz and demure for comments. Grateful to demure for adding my latest to her faves.
Many thanks to Maria for her recommend on NPR, and to champie, chip, gm, Maria, Neo, and tazz317 for their flattering and helpful comments. Thanks also to chip for favoriting the poem and to everyone who voted.

Y'all do really make me think about what I've written. And reconsideration of one's own work is one of the best gifts a poet can receive.

So, like, thanks.
Thanks to Koba, Maria, Scotsman69, Syndra, and tazz317 for their comments on "Why We Don't", and also to Ashesh9 for his comment, though I think he read a very different poem. :)

Also thanks to gm and Tess for their comments on the thread where the poem originated, and to the Lit editors who gave the poem that quirky green 'E' thing.

And, as always, thanks to those who voted. All that Super PAC money must be good for something.
I've had 'puter probs off and on and have not really had the time to be decent about thanking people.

and have y'all seen who is back???

echoes_s and Syndra Lyn!!!!

Yay!!! is all I have to say. We gots all kinda talent returning to the poetry watering hole and I think it is fabulous!


PS. thank you Fridayam, Syndra Lyn, and echoes_s for taking the time to read my stuff and comment. It really means a lot to me to be read. I just hope that someday I can pay y'all back for the support and love I have received here over the ten years I have been here.

Ten years on Valentines Day and isn't that sorta pitiful? I mean, who joins a porn site on V-Day. I reckon I was lonely, ya think? lol

and thanks to Laural for not running me off :)

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I've had 'puter probs off and on and have not really had the time to be decent about thanking people.

and have y'all seen who is back???

echoes_s and Syndra Lyn!!!!

Yay!!! is all I have to say. We gots all kinda talent returning to the poetry watering hole and I think it is fabulous!


PS. thank you Fridayam, Syndra Lyn, and echoes_s for taking the time to read my stuff and comment. It really means a lot to me to be read. I just hope that someday I can pay y'all back for the support and love I have received here over the ten years I have been here.

Ten years on Valentines Day and isn't that sorta pitiful? I mean, who joins a porn site on V-Day. I reckon I was lonely, ya think? lol

and thanks to Laural for not running me off :)


Hugs Maria, Hugs Syndra Lyn, Hugs for everyone and I have the sun on a rope, nope not soap...sun. You got that right, so if you bend over, the sun is going to shine everywhere baby...byos ! (bring your own soap) dahlins. :kiss:

i cannot write, it has been too many years but i am here for fun and laughter, kindness and tenderly toots. i am not brash nor looking for trouble, to rip out hearts, to stomp upon egos and legos, i am not political nor politically correct and if i only have one foot in my mouth it is a slow day indeed but i love ya all so its just that.:eek::cattail::heart:
Thanks to Tessie for the recommend on "Fleur-de-lis" and thanks to Koba, SweetOblivion, and tazz317 for their comments.
Thanks to Dora for the recommend on "Shibari," to tazz317 for the comment, and to everyone who voted. Now go read Neo's Cold Snap.

Happy After-Easter, all.
Thanks to Dora for the recommend on "Shibari," to tazz317 for the comment, and to everyone who voted. Now go read Neo's Cold Snap.

Happy After-Easter, all.

Belated thanks to Dora and Tzara, then to tazz too for adding to his comment number. I kind of like the word "lightsome" but after some thought, I see it doesn't really fit in that particular poem.
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Thank you Neo and tazz for your comments on Again...

and warm hugs Neo, good to see you still here.
Much thanks Tzara on the recommends for my illustrated po's that showed up on your day. I had forgotten I submitted them since it's been so long (over a month I think).
Thanks Tzara on the comment on my "Mourning Night". You give such great feedback with a different perspective, highlighting elements that I hadn't consciously thought of while writing and in turn makes me reflect further. All that makes turning on Public Comments worth it.
Bronze, Thank you for the quiet recommendation of my "Nighttime In The North" and sorry I haven't sent my regards sooner. Quite frankly, it has been so long since I've submitted anything that I'd forgotten I had posted this one.

Enjoying the reading everyone. Take care.
Thank U for readin' my poetry , am actually trying to get Literotica to accept a story of mine
actually Tantra is about Orgasming to Nirvana while Psychic Yoga which i espouse is all about self-controlled , willpowered chaste route to Nirvana ---but i guess confusing to non-Hindus ? perhaps
Appreciate the encouraging mentions (Dora & Bronze). And that Tazz the prolific commenter and ever-present faithful reader.

It was indicated that I am a long time Lit member who just recently began to submit work. Or maybe that wasn't the intended indication but I can see how it could appear so or be so interpreted.

I've got a terrible habit of putting work up and then getting pissed off at it and myself, and deleting them all, then somewhere down the road, maybe a week or a month, do some self-kicking and say, "should've left everything where it was" then start submitting again, and resubmitting.... despondency strikes, and delete them all, regret deleting them, collect the wits, submit/resubmit.... it's one of many bad habits I ought to kick, but haven't yet.

So the one about the fumes is a (tinkered-with) repeat, though I forgot the original title and when it debuted - maybe 3ish years?

The others are virgins to the submissions page, however the one about the pekoe I've had around for a while and peck at it now and then, generally makes me chuckle or at least snicker, just never knew what to do with it. Had a few beers the other night, felt nicely loose and that inner critic was in a deep sleep, read over it, decided to send it to the submissions page. The other two are more recent, the one about the bonnet being the youngest.

Thought about adding some sort of indicator to works that are repeats, like a little r or something. Just for the sake of.... hm can't think of the word - for the sake of whatever that word is.

To Tazz: when I first became curious about the prospect of composing poetic work, a mere half-decade ago, some wise tongues advised that I leave off the voting, which advice I followed and it's just something that feels right to me. A couple times I did leave the voting on, but the resultant feeling was akin to sitting in a movie theater or a bus on a long trip and a dude sits next to me and wants to put his hand on my knee and not for just a few platonic seconds either. Well I fancy myself fairly open minded because a silly prejudice can produce an unnecessary impoverishment in regards to some of life's wonders and joys. But in this case it doesn't take long for me to realize I'm really not too comfortable with a dude settling his hand on my knee and not doing it for the purpose of a few platonic seconds. Found out if I just turn the voting off, the dude vanishes, and that easy peaceful comfort returns and I can look out the window or up at the screen and enjoy without an unnecessary intrusive distractive. That's just me. Others may get different mileage and they should certainly go with the better mileage.

Know I'm forgetting something. Always do. Always forget something.
thanks tazz

and Annie! how cool to see you here after such a long time :kiss:
cheers for the comment of 'focus' - fledgeling, yeah, but also (hopefully) it works as an idea - don't look at all the horrible stuff that surrounds the act of living, focus on the aesthetic/pleasant... of course, as poets we almost always have to look to see the whole picture. :rolleyes:
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