"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Much thanks to Neo and SweetOblivion for their comments on my recent poems. Thanks also to those who voted--it's always interesting to see what people think, and I appreciate it.
My belated thanks to VareseNocturn (we need to talk, bud--I did an undergraduate paper on Varèse's Nocturnal, so we really need to clan on M. Edgard.), WillowedCabin, and tazz317 for comments on my recent poems. I always like to know what people think of my writing, and comments are like finding little gold nuggets in your otherwise uninteresting breakfast cereal.

Meaning, I suppose, don't bite without looking.

Thanks as well to all who voted. As always, I appreciate the feedback.

Hey, y'all, enjoy your holidays, 'K?
My thanks to Desejo, tazz317, and WillowedCabin for their comments on recent poems of mine, and thanks to all who voted. It is always appreciated, whatever y'all think.

Oh, and happy 2012. {insert confetti and flying champagne corks}
Re: BronzeAge's review of my 'Erotic Muses: Polyhymnia'

The 'mount of Venus' is Aphrodite's 'horse'? Gee, I've never heard her adipose tissue called that before. Anyway, thanks for the review. :)
Re: BronzeAge's review of my poem The Hunters L2 the use of the word "trindle"

I guess I got that word from my mom. I have always referred to what most call ringlets as trindles. At first I thought maybe it was a southern thing, but then saw you are from the deep south.
Thank you, Reviewers! I owe each of you oatmeal cookies. Or curry. Your choice.

As for today's poems . . .

Untitled by AsparaDew has some vivid images and really brings you to this quiet hammock where much may yet happen. Definitely worth a read and a comment.

Thank you, PandoraGlitters. It was my first time at something erotic, and my first submission on literotica, so it's really nice to get the feedback. :)

I am still looking for a title, though. Any suggestions? :)
My thanks to maria for these kind words......

There were
New Poems today. One of which received the coveted green E.

That would be Night Train by Tristesse2 one of my favorite poets here at Lit. And even if she weren't, I would have loved this descriptive and mysterious piece.
I wish I had the opportunity to vote on it because it is well worth a hearty 5.
~ maria

....I have a feeling the green E speaks more of the competition than my skill. :)
Thanks to Tess for recommending "Jewelry" and thanks as well to Anonymous, greenmountaineer, SweetOblivion, tazz317, and WillowedCabin for their comments. I appreciate people having an opinion about my poems and telling me about it via comments or votes.

Reminder--I probably won't be able to do reviews tomorrow. If I haven't posted reviews by 8AM PST, that means I didn't have time before leaving for the weekend, in which case I'd really appreciate someone else stepping up.

Anyway, thank y'all and have a good weekend.
Thanks to Pandora, Senna Jawa, Sweet Oblivion, and Tazz for their comments about "Luc Left at Dawn to Save Jerusalem."
My belated thanx to Ms. Glitters for posting up a recommend on greenmountanier's latest poem, which posted on a Friday when I was elsewhere. May I concur that gm's poem is awesome?

And I thank her for commenting on my latest.
My thanks to Pandora for the mention of "King's Justice at Montfauçon" in NPR and those who commented, particularly Senna Jawa who made me re-think some assumptions I made about the poem.

Much humble thanks for the mention.

We were enjoying a very mild winter until about mid january and it was like it was saving up for that great day and it's been hammering the region ever since - no breather, like if an evil poet decided to use poetic devices for torment rather than poetic pleasure - but only one device per day - excessive use of that one tool for that one full day and then another tool for another day. One does not go out much unless one must - and I really like to go out and about, so been pretty much holed up inside for a longer time than I would prefer. So while holed up and waiting for the first hints of spring... or you know while enduring an unpleasant trial ones thoughts might bounce around without discernable purpose or direction.

So that was kind of the idea. Of course as with everything I'm certainly far from satisfied. The last stanza was once upon a time the next-to-last, still not sure about any of it.

And the news reported that the last time they had this kind of winter here was 1954.

Maybe a better title would've helped get the idea across - which I'm just really terrible at - coming up with titles - as with most things. Just terrible.

Once in a while think about cracking open the doors of the Fireside Threadcast. Not sure. Just not sure of anything.

Fuck oh fuck.
Hey, y'all. Thanks to normal jean for the recommend on NPR and to her sidekick, Maria2394, for the comment on "What I Learned of Love in Troy." Thanks also to everyone who voted (always interesting to look at the scores) and to tazz317 and, especially, greenmountaineer for comments.

May I add a belated shout out to Nachthexe for his comments on several of my poems? I certainly hope so.

Oh yeah. Dora and Angie are writing on the 007 thread right now. You should read them.

I'm almost certainly your elder and can tell you such things. Behave. :)
Much thanks to Maria2394, tazz317, Koba and bronzeage for comments and recommendations on my recent erotic poetry: "Sundae", "Spree" and "Cane Sugar Burn". :rose:

I decided to join Author's Survivor this year to get some writing done and like years before I've attempted the contest, I saved poetry, the best categories to write first.

Thank you sweet angel Lady. Just thank you. You know why. I was so deep iin the dumps when I got your note the old tires were twenty-seven strata layers above me.

You are a kind, precious and caring soul and I see why so many people adore you. Count me among the ranks of your adorees.


~ julie
Thank you Julie (Maria2394) for the mention for my poem "Weeping" and the immense compliments in general on my writing style. I think I turned several shades of red, though I am thrilled that you think so highly of me. :heart:
awwww, neo, You know I have adored you and your writing since you showed up here, I think you're just about perfect ;)

And, I want to thank Tess for her honesty. I was experimenting with "Confessions" because I saw a show about CIA stuff, you know, oh, it was The Manchurian Candidate, but I get distracted sometimes. You know how they black out sensitive info with a black sharpie? Well, I was just experimenting with a poem in that style. I LOVE when people tell me when something works and when it doesn't and that can be done without being mean, like Tess, she gives excellent advice and won't make you cry :).

I know the blanks in Confessions leaves myriads of interpretations, as someone said on comment, I wanted it that way, but I can also see how it is frustrating to read.

I expect plenty of back clicks. But, the words left out tell a story of a suicidal point of my life and how I dealt with it and at one time, I almost "did" it, so if you read it again, anything horrifying that pops in your head is probably what goes there. I do have the words written down in case Alzheimer's gets me.

I was also thinking, at that time, about how people go to confession. I was raised Baptist, scared the religion right out of me, and i was wondering when I wrote it, how the priest would react to what I was saying and also, in a sublime way, the poem, tells that I am a very fearful person when it comes to people knowing certain things about me. I could never go to confession, Catholic or not.

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for what you said, I appreciate your time and you, Tess.

Keep reading youse guys, lol. ( my daughter is home for break from ISU and is already talkin' kinda funny)

love y'all ( and watch our for them tornaders)

~ maria

I want to *** but fear the tears
of my ****** when they look into my
milky ****. Oh, Mother save me
from myself because I have a *****
and am not afraid to *** **.

~ in this order of the last stanza-

use it


that was MANY years ago, so please don;t be callin' the sheriff for a well check on my ass, lol
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just want to say a big thankyou to everyone who has been busy reviewing poems for the recommendations thread. been reading through them today and have found some lovely lovely pieces. it's a time-consuming task but adds so much to the poetry forums. keep on the great work, guys, it is appreciated by many more than just me.

Thanks to Maria for her flattering mention on NPR of "Love is Too Early a Word," and to tazz317 and Anonymous for their much appreciated, if a bit puzzling, comments.
Dear Koba-

Thank you for reading my poems and posting a comment. It means a lot to me when someone takes the time to acknowledge my work :)

And yes, I have been working on them for years, tweaking here and there.

I thank you again for your kindness and your time.


~ maria
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