"To keep the review thread clean..."

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saldne said:
I always dreamt to have a sister that
would brush my hair, do makeovers and
play with dolls locking the door so we
could giggle in the mirror after curling the
others hair like Farrah Faucet with no
care in the world if lipstick was used on
our cheeks because blush wasn't allowed.

We'd hide if someone knocked and quickly
wipe our cheeks under the bedspread
then open the door and smile innocently.

I needed more than two brothers, tired of
playing army, baseball and Atari. Ma cut my
hair like a boy. With freckles, strawberry blonde
hair, everyone called me the character Annie as
an insult. I swore ma wanted a boy.

Then it happened.

Ma met her new husband at church who had a
daughter. we dressed in dusty rose dresses as
flower girls. We cried after they kissed, said their
vows then I tripped going back up the aisle with
my arm tucked under my brothers, dropped
my flowers. He put his foot under mine on purpose.

Steph and I played hopscotch, rode bikes together.
I fell off, scraped my knee to blood dripping to
feet and to make me feel better she rode her
bike as fast as she could, slammed on the
brakes into a pile of stones, skinned her knee the same.

Now we look alike. See? Step sisters can
look alike with boo-boo knees. There had to
be some way we could.
She smiled.

Older than me, I looked up to her. She stole lipstick
from her mother, brought it home and we'd
smear it on my dolls and our faces. We
looked worse than retarded clowns.

she went swimming with my cousin, drove there on
a two seater bike. she loved to ride. she always
loved to ride. steph said it was cool when she'd
go fast her eye lashes would curl up you could see
the pink from her upper lid.

but she never came home. the brakes
went out coming down a steep hill and she
smashed into a car, flew 72 feet in the air
back to the ground splitting her head in
half. i'll look like her again when i get to
Heaven, in spirit.

I love this. except for the last line.

DeepAsleep said:
I love this. except for the last line.


Thank you. :rose:

Hmm...I believe it has potential but a lot needs to be trimmed, and I hate the last line too. I could've gone on forever. It'll sit aside for a while, I'm sure.
yeah she was cute
but fuck did you watch the trailer of the princess coming of age?
I should have studied botany


or robotics


neonurotic said:
What ever happened to the coed
on the front page?
The one with the too short skirt
open knees, giving me a peeka-boo peep?

The one with the pink panties
the cleft— oh, ga-awd that cleft!
Where's the one I've slipped the finger
every day this past year?

Now it's straight to video
VOD 30,000 streaming adult movies
"Get 10 Minutes For Free"
annaswirls said:
yeah she was cute
but fuck did you watch the trailer of the princess coming of age?
I should have studied botany


or robotics

I saw that! It was pretty cool!

Except for that little gnomey guy. I kept thinking "he must have a really big
bank account"
flyguy69 said:
The sky is so thin I give thanks
for gravity, for the weight
of rocks and logs piled
into slight air, for the flames
lifting tobacco smoke skyward

like raised hands. There is labor
in the pale dawn: a frame and blankets
wrapped tight as swaddling, a cool bucket
and medicine. Tim Greencrow and I
work the fire, our skin red
and wet with sweat. The sun, unfettered,
falls upward and drags along

a crowd. Leola One Feather brings coffee
in Kwik Trip cups. Dewey Archambeaux
has donut holes leftover
from the PTA. Words consume
the silence, piling like sticks
as they examine

our work. You sure that's sage?
Last new boy lined the lodge with nettles—Aho!
The Spirits tested our butts
that day!
When an eagle comes

out of the north and hangs
on a leaf-thin breeze, one eye
to our open mouths, the words scatter
like ashes; when he slides to a dot
in the west we are as full
as darkness and steam.

Oops! I just remembered I'm not allowed to edit on this thread! I changed "leaf" from "rail" and added a comma after "mouths." After examining it in daylight I have decided I like this one enough to polish.

i like it too. i need more time to consider my thoughts though. something occurred to me with L10 and 11. taking out the word 'and' makes an interesting difference.

will get back to you in a day or few. :)
annaswirls said:
yeah she was cute
but fuck did you watch the trailer of the princess coming of age?
I should have studied botany


or robotics

No. I'm indifferent. I'd rather the coed than the VOD. Ten free mintues for the next year isn't the same as those pink panties. :(
I like this idea.

As Anna said, if we miss a day, can we double up?

I know, I know, technicalities.
annaswirls said:
I am so glad you are doing this. I am in.

My question: If you miss a day and start over, do you have to still get to 30 (after returning to 1) or is it for a total of 30 days?


1-1 My first poem
1-2 Coffee in Bed
1-3 I am so sick
(day 4 no poem)
2-1 A new start

do I have to get to 2-30 or 2-27 so they add to 30?

I am sorry, a bit mathematically challenged, but thankful for this incentive.

Do we get to pick a body part for your av if we make it?
If picking a part for my AV is reward enough, you miss anna may get a private viewing. ;)

You have to start over if you miss a day no matter how many attempts, begining at a new poem number (1) one all the way to poem number (30) THIRTY.

No doubling up EE :D
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neonurotic said:
You have to start over if you miss a day no matter how many attempts, begining at a new poem number one all the way to poem number 30. No doubling up ;)

Jesus you are strict! Can we double up a day early if we know we will miss a day? (looking for a loophole :rolleyes: )
annaswirls said:
Jesus you are strict! Can we double up a day early if we know we will miss a day? (looking for a loophole :rolleyes: )
Then that wouldn't be in the spirit of the challenge ;)
ok just a caveat, I'm more of a prose writer... I love poetry, I just... am not the best at writing it... so what I'm saying is, as I poet, I generally suck... but I'm in, if you can forgive my abhorrent lack of metaphor and beautiful phrases :rolleyes:

William Stafford was once asked how someone could become a better poet, and he said, "Write a poem every day." When they person asked him how one could possibly manage that, he said, "Lower your standards." :)
not a poem yet

I'm in. I'm already writing something down each day for the entire length and breadth of 2006, I might as well put them on this thread.

Stay tuned, I'll see you after work. Happy Friday!
neonurotic said:
Then that wouldn't be in the spirit of the challenge ;)

come on teach, like what if the dog eats my computer?

okay okay okay

hot poem to start off with, boss. so real I was brushing sand off my knees
annaswirls said:
I am so glad you are doing this. I am in.

My question: If you miss a day and start over, do you have to still get to 30 (after returning to 1) or is it for a total of 30 days?


1-1 My first poem
1-2 Coffee in Bed
1-3 I am so sick
(day 4 no poem)
2-1 A new start

do I have to get to 2-30 or 2-27 so they add to 30?

I am sorry, a bit mathematically challenged, but thankful for this incentive.

Do we get to pick a body part for your av if we make it?

golly neo :D ya lost me with the x,y thing. :(
Maria2394 said:
golly neo :D ya lost me with the x,y thing. :(

Ditto that!

Ok, I really do understand. Just lodging my official protest that my poems have to include algebra. :p

SelenaKittyn said:
You are so the kind of man
who could have once upon a time
conned me into going
Mosquito Coast with you.

I was wondering if you could
lay it on a little thicker?
I think I can still see some bread
under all that butter.

feeling really inadequate already <gulp>

Miss S. Kitty. How long to write the smooth little ditty above? That is just
about as smooth as it gets. Makes me want to do one on tanning lotion
tomorrow. :)
LOL! That's good, Spike!
sandspike said:
I lay a lie at your feet
a promise of fidelity
I will compete

I will complete
thirty in a row
shallow rows plowed fast
and crooked never allowing
roots to take hold
and satisfy the public

thirty days of buying pots
never planting a garden
Tristesse said:
I write the poems
the whole world reads
I write in verse
of popular needs
I am employed
as a writer of verse
for Hallmark cards,
a blessing and curse.

Thirty odes in as many days?
Too much like work
and nobody pays
I come here to gossip and shirk.

Edited to add ...... Holy Cow! There's some good stuff in here. (I posted before browsing) If I had more pride or a replacement I'd delete this "poem".

Please feel free to gossip and shirk around me anytime.

Or write. Whatever floats your boat.

neonurotic said:
No. I'm indifferent. I'd rather the coed than the VOD. Ten free mintues for the next year isn't the same as those pink panties. :(

a friend of mine told me you can find the pink panties somewhere else on the site, darn I cannot remember where, check under free pics
Thanks FlyGuy for the mention of my poem today and for doing such a fine job.

now put your own sexy self back on that AV
damn it.
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