"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Tzara said:
Well (huffy face) they do! Closer to equator, farther distance to travel, same time (24 hours per revolution), objects traveling faster, time slows d-o-w-n.

It's true! Trust me.

Look it up!
Don't you pull that numbo jumbo here, Mr! Next you'll be telling us that
Angeline said:
is his new name if I
fall from grace one day
one damn day I'm 1-1
again, locked in this thread
forever a new recruit,
waiting for neogodot.

i've been thinking the same thing. lol
Thank you to those who commented on my poem When I Can't Sleep--especially that sneaky PoeTess. :D You are all very sweet. I'm probably going to take out that "you" that bothered a few commenters. I wasn't entirely sure about it either.


(And a gazillion kisses to my beloved Judo, two posts up, whose appearances here are way too few and far between. :kiss: X infinity Ms. Judo)
Tzara said:
Snow Geese, Fir Island

A shimmering white carpet spread
on the green of farmers' fields.

Then in a snag, an eagle lands.
The carpet rolls up like a wave—

all cacophony and froth.
It washes overhead, then flows

away to east. Its undertow
pulls cars in line, which trail the wave

as flotsam trails towards a beach,
or a white carpet, newly laid.

Not feeling well tonight? Shouldn't you at least tell us the various permutations and combinations by which the geese could leave the field?;)
Tzara said:
Predator Evasion in the Snow Goose (Chen caerulescens):
A Stochastic Model

When a raptor is nearby
a goose can either stay or fly—

a binary option. But if one sits
too too alone it proves a twit

or rather, dinner. Which is why
stochastic geese take to the sky

in σ's clustered around μ.
It's outliers who end as stew.

;) I would have just told me to shut up.
You are much nicer than I am.
I love you.

clutching_calliope said:
fucking drunk
is drunk liken to fuck someone,
most anyone,
thinking girls are just as good, why not?

goddamnstaff fuckingpartyfucking waste
of time. drinking is the only sensible
thing left to do. expectations are me
making a fool of me, i'm
making the fortune come to pass.

i could puke piss or passout.

like someone to be fucking. they don't
know what i mean if i said drunk as drunk
on neruda's fucking turpentine. not one fucking
clue. goddamn poets, we rule the world.

they can talk about it on monday.
ihad a good time.

could someone drive me home?

**sorry, a bit late to be technically considered today's submission, but since i havne't gone to bed yet....fucking vodka coolers...should be a law...
Tzara said:
Snell's Law
for SeattleRain

In sine, out sine both zero?
Line. When over critical,
light stays inside. Between
the two is angled sight.

Archer Fish (Toxotes jaculatrix)
Plays the Angles

for Sara Crewe

The archer fish knows this.
It's tiny mind adjusts
its aim to keep aligned
with target. So when it spits,
(Bam!) it drops the fly.
Ouch! Who spit?
flyguy69 said:
But her tiny little brain just seemed so... safe!
You never listen, do you? You should always wear protection for safe spits.
Tzara said:
You never listen, do you? You should always wear protection for safe spits.
What? I can't hear you for this big plastic bag I'm wearing!
flyguy69 said:
What? I can't hear you for this big plastic bag I'm wearing!
You know, there's a reason Wisconsin is not named along with Paris, Milan, and New York as a center of haute couture.
Tzara said:
You know, there's a reason Wisconsin is not named along with Paris, Milan, and New York as a center of haute couture.
No, but we like our cheese curds in haute oil!
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