"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Maria2394 said:
Too Hallmarkey? I think not if its on a valentine with that AV on it as well, now that is a sexy valentive :D

flyguy69 said:
Too hallmarky? No! Some of the best I have read from you!

(well, that red part is pushing it!)

Wonderful to see you back, RF!

Oh my ~!!!! I made the news eh ~ lol. :eek:

Thank you Maria and Fly. I cannot tell you two how happy I am to be back.
I am so excited and look forward to reading, and a bit of writing too. WooHooo !!! :catroar:
Thank you again for the welcome back from everyone, and as usual
... Happy Writing ~!!! :D

neonurotic said:
Hey kitty cat, I'd like a lick of that
my sticky tongue
lapping creamy curves
You can walk spiked heel
black fishnet toes, knead me
as long as you be my lap cat

mmake me purr

thank god i'm over 18
I have a system of writing where I "make" myself write ten poems per day whether good or bad (according to my own judgment). It'd be nearly impossible for me to go back over the last 30 days and select poems to submit. So...with that being said I'll just sit back and read the submissions of others. I'm enjoying them quite a bit.
interracial_sex said:
I have a system of writing where I "make" myself write ten poems per day whether good or bad (according to my own judgment). It'd be nearly impossible for me to go back over the last 30 days and select poems to submit. So...with that being said I'll just sit back and read the submissions of others. I'm enjoying them quite a bit.

I am glad you are reading and enjoying :)

why don't you join us for the next 30 days instead of trying to go back and gather 30 old ones... the way you write, you could give us some of your extras, I am a little out of breath already :)
SelenaKittyn said:
Um... wow... amazing...

wow, again...


Thank You!

Sleep Deprivation is not ideal...

But once in a while it just happens for no particular reason.

:) :rose:
Just for the halibut?
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Five Day Opener

three salted sleep edged
diesel fumed hours
out between trough and crest

30 fathoms above black brined bottom
where the white bellied monsters rest

rocking ebb and flow
with the jig
pull with strength sapping might

from the mercury mud
up through the atmospheres
heavy bodied beasts

like sheets of plywood
no fight
just dead weight on the line

brightness burns
it's mirrored memory in eye
behind sodium skinned lids

120 hours to a full hull
turn east &
pound the way home
from Compass Rose
Tzara said:
This is really good, Fly.

The title needs some work, though. Fly 1:5 sounds like a patch release of spyware. :cool:
No wonder I end up in so many people's spam folders.
Sabina_Tolchovsky said:
Five Day Opener

three salted sleep edged
diesel fumed hours
out between trough and crest

30 fathoms above black brined bottom
where the white bellied monsters rest

rocking ebb and flow
with the jig
pull with strength sapping might

from the mercury mud
up through the atmospheres
heavy bodied beasts

like sheets of plywood
no fight
just dead weight on the line

brightness burns
it's mirrored memory in eye
behind sodium skinned lids

120 hours to a full hull
turn east &
pound the way home
from Compass Rose

"from the mercury mud
up through the atmospheres
heavy bodied beasts"

sounds a tad like sharks, they just hunker down and pull when caught. Nice poem Sabina.

flyguy69 said:
Just for the halibut?

yes! I fished on the boat my grandparents owned during the openers when I was young...nice job zeroing in on the species.

ps. great imagery in your poésie du jour :kiss:
Small world

clutching_calliope said:
I miss the frizzy haired hippy in loose shirts
against a poor time slot by grinning
and whispering to his canvas.

Happy accidents
his own amorphism
abused and overused
while planting pine trees
or washing the canvas to find a sky.

Here, in his own small garden of early morning success,
I wonder if that,
wasn't a happy accident.

Small world ain't it. I like the poem you've painted. I feel like I
showed up with a roller and a bucket of vanilla. Now paint my fence! :D

neonurotic said:
sandspike and 4degrees, you both are on 1-7, not 1-6.
I guess that is why I had the question mark. This thing really cuts into
my lunch hour.
neonurotic said:
sandspike and 4degrees, you both are on 1-7, not 1-6.


i wanted to say, 'who'djoo talkin' 'bout, willis', but i see that you are correct.

i will use that sometime in the future though.
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