"To keep the review thread clean..."

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flyguy69 said:
No, but we like our cheese curds in haute oil!
If I was French-Canadian, I would now be sitting in a corner, grumpy and poutine.
Tzara said:
Archer Fish (Toxotes jaculatrix)
Plays the Angles

for Sara Crewe

The archer fish knows this.
It's tiny mind adjusts
its aim to keep aligned
with target. So when it spits,
(Bam!) it drops the fly.

Did I just get called a tiny-minded spitting fish who is trying to drop Fly? :eek: Damn! That's one jam-packed poem.

I'm offended. No. really I am. Okay, maybe I'm not...come back in a few minutes and maybe I can fake being offended. ;)
Ange this is my favorite poem of yours since Coffee Clouds at Dawn.

Very real, very seemingly unconscious that you are trying to write a poem, this is 100% natural, I cannot put my finger on it, this poem just IS without being concerned with what it is, and that makes it perfect...and after 2+ years I feel I know you better after reading this....like I got to stand behind you at the DMV and read over your shoulder.


Angeline said:
Unwise to tell
I talk to a ghost,
to admit he is

more real to me
than the listless spirits
who carry flesh on bone
and bump their trivia
into my days. I barely

notice them afterall,
those living zombies
in the post office
and grocerystore
weigh less than stamps
or candybars,

but you are resplendent
being nowhere
but everywhere
I go you follow,
say looka here girl
their shit don't mean
a butterbean

Your crepe soles
creep ungrounded.
Your long black coat
is woven from the loom
of my sleepless night.
Your flathat protects
nothing, not yourself
or me but who else
sees you so it matters

less than beans
that you're not even
a dearly departed anyone
I ever knew,

just some old cat
used up all his lives
20 years before he died.

Don't mean a thing
you tell me
from the backseat
of my car where you sit
nipping wind
from an empty bag.
oh my god I want what you and Ange had for breakfast, this brought tears tears right from the bottom, right up to the top of me :rose:

Tathagata said:
I'd have given anything
in the world
to have learned the lesson
that all things are temporary
from anyone
but you

But I suppose it's because
I never believed any one else
when they said forever
annaswirls said:
Ange this is my favorite poem of yours since Coffee Clouds at Dawn.

Very real, very seemingly unconscious that you are trying to write a poem, this is 100% natural, I cannot put my finger on it, this poem just IS without being concerned with what it is, and that makes it perfect...and after 2+ years I feel I know you better after reading this....like I got to stand behind you at the DMV and read over your shoulder.


Thank him:


he told me to write it. ;)

annaswirls said:
oh my god I want what you and Ange had for breakfast, this brought tears tears right from the bottom, right up to the top of me :rose:

I had Maypo with a sprinkling of regret and lil dollop of self pity.
I shoulda had a V-8

but thank you
Tzara said:
If I get a chance, I may suggest more later. It is Valentine's Day and there are a bunch of new poems. But on my first glance, Dinner For One and a Half by Sara Crewe is pretty funny.

I think.

Yow! Happy Valentine's Day, indeed.

Thanks, Tzara. :rose:

Apparently you weren't the only one a little wary of my sense of humour. ;)
Too Hallmarkey? I think not if its on a valentine with that AV on it as well, now that is a sexy valentive :D

RhymeFairy said:
is for the weak.
I do not want
throw it to the winds.
suck it up big boy,
give'n take,
share as I share.
hear as I speak.
happiness is we two,
partaking of passion,
our hearts song shall sing
jubilantly of joyous times.

first ... we must
uncover the cover
that tightens down,
suffocating from the fight.
no time to shout.
scream for help.
watch as I watch
... do you see
feel, heal with me.
drink from our cup of love
get drunk
on nectarous narcissism
of two halves, made whole.
content? no, never.
loved? always ...


passion shall flare
soaring above.
teapots whistling as
rockets explode.
happy valentines
'tis my heart ... you hold

too hallmarkey? :eek:

Very nice!
SelenaKittyn said:
Bear skins dress
hardwood floors.
A fire burns
in me.
I’ve been here before—
echoing, numb paralysis.
Once-Bear, who never wondered
what to do with rage—
where does animal instinct lie,
in raw, thick-muscled power and bulk,
in stand up and terrify urges,
in claws and teeth defense,
in matted, bloody, flesh-ripping impulse?
now glassy-eyed impotence
spread out on the floor.
I want to slide along on my naked belly,
wiggle under, stretch out,
make hands into paws,
breathe deep and snort.
I want to push up on all fours,
come alive and
Too hallmarky? No! Some of the best I have read from you!

(well, that red part is pushing it!)

Wonderful to see you back, RF!
RhymeFairy said:
is for the weak.
I do not want
throw it to the winds.
suck it up big boy,
give'n take,
share as I share.
hear as I speak.
happiness is we two,
partaking of passion,
our hearts song shall sing
jubilantly of joyous times.

first ... we must
uncover the cover
that tightens down,
suffocating from the fight.
no time to shout.
scream for help.
watch as I watch
... do you see
feel, heal with me.
drink from our cup of love
get drunk
on nectarous narcissism
of two halves, made whole.
content? no, never.
loved? always ...


passion shall flare
soaring above.
teapots whistling as
rockets explode.
happy valentines
'tis my heart ... you hold

too hallmarkey? :eek:

My reviews (and my day) have been thwarted by Murphy's Law.

Thanks for taking care of today, Tzara.
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