"To keep the review thread clean..."

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MyNecroticSnail said:
Read: Angeline, annaswirls, The Rainman, as examples
For the record, two out of three on your list of...what...non-dumbing-down poets?...seem to like this thread enough to participate.

U said:
I would hope that if someone wants to write an attempt would be made to learn how before they try it.
One might hope. But since that's evidently not the case, tell me, exactly what harm does this thread do?
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wildsweetone said:
i'm taking this as pretty much personal, hence my response here.

are you saying this is a 'dumbed down thread'?

are you saying i am one of those H-parade poets (whatever that is meant to be)?

i've NEVER EVER claimed to be a great poet. i never intend claiming that. i know exactly where my skill level is, and i'm under no illusions.

i simply began this thread as i saw a need in the daily poems i was reading, for someone to offer a helping hand to people who either struggled in knowing the difference between certain words, or to people who simply never gave the difference a thought.

i like helping other people. i like that people offer to help me.

since i have been in the poetry forum, i don't recall seeing a thread you have begun that has helped poets that are at my own skill level. most of your helpful comments are aimed at those with skills way above anything i am likely to achieve in the next half a lifetime. (frankly, i just assume that's because you all have a lifetime's head start on me. ;) )

looking back through this thread, i have noticed that there are a few poets i have helped - i should say 'we' as others have stepped in to help out. i think if i can only help one other poet with one difficulty they have, then i've managed to help them achieve something good. i'm content with that. if there is more than one poet that i've managed to help, then cool bananas.

i think your assumption that people who write also want to improve their writing skills is incorrect. not everyone wants the help, lots of people here are simply content to write and share. bear in mind, this site is NOT like e-zines or sites that have high requirements that need to be met before publishing.

and last, but by no means least, when the hell are you going to click into the way of thinking that there are many ways of helping other people and not all ways are along the path that you tread?

i have worked pretty hard in the time i've been here to help writers who want to learn, who want to improve their own writing. okay i'm no genius as i've said before, but i do know a fundamental error when i see one (normally). this thread, as many other threads i've begun, is intended for helping others and is not intended for you or anyone else to use as a tool to get your own agenda across.

i respectfully ask you to either dig in and help out with how this thread is intended to work, or bugger off and just let me repay Litland with my own way of helping. it is not helping the art of poetry, nor this poetry forum to constantly take jibes through all the threads, especially the threads set up to help others.

so, what say you? want to help? or planning on continuing to hinder?
Get real.

I suggest to you that the next time someone posts something that is critical of something regarding poetry, and other parties respond with PERSONAL attacts, inferences and name calling, you direct your ire then and there. Otherwise, why should I take you and/or this place seriously. Furthermore,
the content of this thread must be on the internet in at least 10,000 other places.

Did you ever think that I as a consumer may like to read intelligent poetry/ and or criticism and there are some here quite capable of it, but are shouted/voted down.
When that shit ends, I end. Simple as that.

So, what do you say? Whenever someone says something intelligent and are attacked personally, are you willing to jump in and counter? It has a cost. I pay it. Should I post my scores?

Jibe will be met with jibe. Tit for tat, and all that.

Would you like to take a stand, outside of your thread(s).

Should we continue here, I'm willing to but out.
My Erotic Trail said:
Thank you leon, for the mention of my poem, "writing graciously on angry paper." also thanks to those that read/commented/ and voted. blue, oregon-gal, Pat, and cherries_on_snow, templeminded, and even the snail. Very much appreciated.

I owe the credit of this poem to Steve Kowit's book: "In the Palm of Your Hand" (the poet's portable workshop) a lively and illuminating guide for the practicing poet. The book itself is worth the read but the instructional, "how to write poetry"... obviously paid off <grin I have not yet shown the poem, "A Bottle of Poetry" inspired by eve's contest but it was the first poem I wrote after reading this book and I can only say that it opened up a whole new can of worms for me to fish with <grinin, thanks to all...

The poem was written outside of a hospital. Seems that writing poetry is a great pass time while sitting in the waiting room... and thanks to the many messages I recieved concerning my mother, she is out of ICU/CCU but as the doctor said, "She is out of danger but they have not yet fixed the problem." (heart attack) Thanks to all for your support. I hope to catch up on reading poems and threads this weekend.

As Jim would say, "lets be poetic out there!"

Thanks Art~

Hope things turn out well for your mom.

If you get a chance, take a look at the two books I recommended. Both concerned with the essence of poetry, not the form, not the terms.
see my thoughts in blue. and in case my tone does not come across as i mean it to, i mean no disrespect to you but would prefer you did some things a little differently.

MyNecroticSnail said:
Get real.

I suggest to you that the next time someone posts something that is critical of something regarding poetry, and other parties respond with PERSONAL attacts, inferences and name calling, you direct your ire then and there.

i have tried hard to keep out of the arguments and slanging matches that go on in Litland. i used to step in and try to help people understand when there had been obvious misunderstandings. here there are no such misunderstandings. just several people who have different points of view. i have interrupted threads before when people have begun acting younger than the kids i work with. but frankly i don't bother now as i would be seen to be taking sides and i'm not interested in doing that.

people don't tend to be nasty to me. but if they ever are, i will be discussing things directly with them, and not including other 'innocent bystanders'.

Otherwise, why should I take you and/or this place seriously. Furthermore,
the content of this thread must be on the internet in at least 10,000 other places.

take whatever you like seriously. treat the whole thing as a joke or as serious as you like. but feel free to keep the nasty stuff elsewhere. i am (in my own way) trying to help lift the poetry side of this website and as far as i can tell all you are doing is messing up the useful threads when you resort to the tit for tat game.

frankly, and straightforwardly, i wish both you and Art would quit arguing and just get on with reading and writing poetry. i respect you both, but i don't much like either of you when you're acting like two year olds.

just as an aside, but relating to giving feedback... check out the Roll Call thread. you'll read there under each poet's name what kind of feedback they are open to receiving. it's difficult to be the critique that each one wants to have, but it is possible. having some empathy for others, helps.

as for the info in this thread being found everywhere else on the 'net. so what? obviously you can never have it in too many places. the people who want to learn, who want to improve their writing skills will look for the information, once they learn how to search and find the correct stuff online.

Did you ever think that I as a consumer may like to read intelligent poetry/ and or criticism and there are some here quite capable of it, but are shouted/voted down.

if you want to read intelligent poetry and criticism, find a more suitable poetry forum. this website caters to EVERYONE, no matter their skill. perhaps you need to look for somewhere with competent, professional poets.

perhaps if you want to alter the skill ability of this website, you should PM Laurel and offer her your skills so you can become the poetry editor and wean out the poetry that doesn't suit you. *shrug*

perhaps you could begin some threads that will help the poets here to improve.

perhaps you could add to the existing threads your own poetry so that others will have a chance to read 'intelligent poetry' and thus ultimately improve their own.

When that shit ends, I end. Simple as that.
well, that'll sure improve things. one man's shit is another man's gold... when are you going to understand that not everyone wants to write poetry as you think it should be written? when are you going to understand that each one of us is different and that therefore we write and learn and read and play, differently?

the thing i most dislike is that when you do this tit for tat thing, you do it anywhere and you don't care who you step on in the process. i try not to hurt other people. i care about them. i don't walk all over them to achieve my goals. i don't slag off other people or the way they write or critique other writing. and yet you have managed to walk all over me by making ridiculous critiques on my poetry in order to 'simulate' another person, by making ridiculous comments on and in threads that were begun with the intention of helping others to improve their poetry - the very thing you want to see achieved.

So, what do you say? Whenever someone says something intelligent and are attacked personally, are you willing to jump in and counter? It has a cost. I pay it. Should I post my scores?

Jibe will be met with jibe. Tit for tat, and all that.

Would you like to take a stand, outside of your thread(s).

Should we continue here, I'm willing to but out.
i give my critiques of poetry when i have time, when i have the inclination and when i am asked. i have edited plenty of times with prose for authors of this website both in public and in private and although my poetry feedback is not yet of the same standard, at least i am trying and being honest in my attempt to help.

i have given my critique of some poetry in threads on this forum. oftentimes it's ignored or it's half shoved back down my throat. sometimes i manage to say something that a poet can use. but i don't go around forcing my opinion on all and sundry, simply because that's not the kind of person i am - i have lived with enough of that crap most of my life and don't do it to others.

i don't quite understand what you're saying here... do you want me to do as you and Art are doing, and to join the tit for tat game? why should i jump in and argue with you both? i have no need to take sides, i'm content with helping where i can. sure, if you need a mediator, then i'll help. but otherwise you all already know where i stand. and in case you don't,
we are all different and we learn, read and write differently. respect those differences and this place will be a cool place to share poetry and discussions.
I'm bored
I'm chairman of the bored - Iggy Pop

I'm board
I'm Chairman of the Board - Max Planck

I wouldn't mind being boared - Miss Piggy
Thank you, Vampiredust :)

for mentioning my poems, and thanks to Ishtat who mentioned snake v. snake. Im so GLAD I still have readers!! makes me feel so loved :heart:

ps....I found a place, where you can post work and get crit, there is NO voting and I would recommend it, but there does seem to be some ass kisssing on sub-great work, cant figure that out, maybe its just a buncha hippies in a cyber commune, lol ;)

its called Spoiled Ink

yall have a grand day

oh yeah..

Thanks to everyone who read my new work and left comments. Vampiredust, Ishtat, MET and Cherries_on _snow ( no you are NOT an asshole girl, get back in here and post some more work!!!!!:kiss:)

sandspike, I would love it if you have any suggestions about how to make the visuals less vague. it was actually about peeing ( gasp) on the beach in the moonlight, but I deleted that stanza... I guess I shouldnt pee on the beach, huh :p didnt wanna admit IM a nasty girl, lol

we sat on a blanket, hubby went to sleep and I watched the waves come in for 3 hours. the way the moon's reflection was captured on the waves looked like razor blades, being hurled onto the shore and you could only see them if you sat a certain way....and they only lasted for an instant :)

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MyNecroticSnail said:
Get real.

I suggest to you that the next time someone posts something that is critical of something regarding poetry, and other parties respond with PERSONAL attacts, inferences and name calling, you direct your ire then and there. Otherwise, why should I take you and/or this place seriously. Furthermore,
the content of this thread must be on the internet in at least 10,000 other places.

I just found a thread in the Author's Hangout where another site has hijacked stories from Literotica, I think at least six of my stories were stolen or used (not sure yet as to their rights in doing this) this makes the third time my stories were taken from here and placed on another site.

Did you ever think that I as a consumer may like to read intelligent poetry/ and or criticism and there are some here quite capable of it, but are shouted/voted down.
When that shit ends, I end. Simple as that.

when what ends? I think we all appreciate a good review without being slapped across the face with negative adjectives

So, what do you say? Whenever someone says something intelligent and are attacked personally, are you willing to jump in and counter? It has a cost. I pay it. Should I post my scores?

what does your ratings have to do with anything snail? I accept the fact that every poem I post will recieve one or two one votes (where are they coming from has been the debate for quite sometime) you are recieving them as well? acceptance is the key to tranquility

Jibe will be met with jibe. Tit for tat, and all that.

Would you like to take a stand, outside of your thread(s).

Should we continue here, I'm willing to but out.

In this melting pot of poets and poetry, the tatars mingle with the onions and so forth, I feel the end result is the taste left in your mouth by what you consume here. Basically, I believe this forum is doing well in aiding, sharing and getting along in a poetic way... don't you?

Color me country, what two links were you referring to in your earlier post, I am open to reading 'the essence of poetry'

adding: wildsweetone has helped many here with a charming manner, is that not what your pointing a finger for folks to do? Can you claim the same with such a name to 'mock' another <grin!

MyNecroticSnail said:
Hope things turn out well for your mom.

If you get a chance, take a look at the two books I recommended. Both concerned with the essence of poetry, not the form, not the terms.

thank you sir!
annaswirls said:
I cannot believe Tzara used the word masticate and RainMan said Fuck.

My virgin ears! Blushing!

I was so shocked that I lifted RainMan's saying Fuck and added it to my files. Now instead of hearing "You've got mail!" I hear that sexy "Fuck!" everytime. It makes me hot!!
thanks! Vampiredust.. with a virtual cookie treat!


for your help... :) blue
BooMerengue said:
I was so shocked that I lifted RainMan's saying Fuck and added it to my files. Now instead of hearing "You've got mail!" I hear that sexy "Fuck!" everytime. It makes me hot!!

well hey now, that would be the perfect prize for a poetry contest, to get RainMan to do your answering maching message, kind of like on that NPR show...

hmmmm.... maybe something like
please leave a message, the poetess will call you back once we have found her panties...
annaswirls said:
well hey now, that would be the perfect prize for a poetry contest, to get RainMan to do your answering maching message, kind of like on that NPR show...

hmmmm.... maybe something like
please leave a message, the poetess will call you back once we have found her panties...

I am sooo slow and always the last to know. All this time I thought everyone took their panties off to answer the phone. Well, I'm relieved to hear they don't. Folks won't have to wait so long for me to answer now.
I created my first website. I don't understand all this html and stuff, so it's really simple. It's just about me, hope to add more as time progresses

for some odd reason, Lit doesn't want me to post the link. It ends up as stars whenever I try posting it.
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vampiredust said:
I created my first website. I don't understand all this html and stuff, so it's really simple. It's just about me, hope to add more as time progresses

for some odd reason, Lit doesn't want me to post the link. It ends up as stars whenever I try posting it.
The server you use is probably also used by spammers, so Lit is censoring it. Just break down the URL into parts, like www.liter otica.com/christianward, disable "automatically parse links in text" for this post, and then we'll copy/paste it into the address field of our browsers and delete that extra space.
thanks for your help. my website address:

http://www.free webs.com/christianward/

(remember to get rid of the space)
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