"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Tzara said:
Holding Hands with Audrey Hepburn
on the Piazza San Marco

. . . I had your hand

though, and your glance, and I thought
all that afternoon that I so didn't care

about the art or the religion or how
pickle barrels figured into life. I thought

about your hand in mine, how warm
you were, how you fit with me. That,

I think, is what builds cathedrals. Not
the abstractions of religion, just

how someone loves someone else
and how they then want to do

the things the other thinks on.

that is great.

TheRainMan said:
that is great.

Gee, I'd say "bows humble" but that is someone else's trademark. :)

Thankee, Mr. M. or RM or TRM.

or Joizee! Hey, where's my book and how do I get it signed?
Sara Crewe said:
I met him on a bus tour in Bordeaux. . .
and the light was just enough to see
his eyes and know that he was ready.
Oh, hell. My monitor is smoking again. Where's that fire extinguisher?

You're getting a bill, lady. ;)
Tzara said:
It's vampiredust's birthday today, and he is out getting snockered on martinis. So, you lucky Lit poets, you have me to review the day's fare.

There are only four new poems today, so let's take a little peek at each one:
  • The one familiar name among today's authors is Man Ray, whose Star-Crossed Lovers is a whimsical illustrated poem about, uh, Nature.
  • New poet Psaryce gives us Life, a slightly mournful little rhymed poem. Go welcome her to the forum.
  • Another new poet, TriggerHippie, gives us a rather prosaic piece, Sometimes, that explores the complex emotions we experience in relationships. It looks almost like a song lyric because of a repeated motif. Drop by and say hello.
  • Lastly, HisHarlot's Until The End is a short piece about love. Only the second offering from this poet, so give her a welcome too.
That's it for today. How 'bout y'all go RVC.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

And a great review you did too, Tzara. :rose:

Only 4 poems? What's going on? Has everyone stopped writing or something?

Tzara said:
Y'know, I could wait and post this tomorrow, but what's the point? I'm feeling down right now, so let me just do it here. Now.

Call me on it if you want.

nah. you're to . . . Slick,

Tzara said:
Y'know, I could wait and post this tomorrow, but what's the point? I'm feeling down right now, so let me just do it here. Now.

Call me on it if you want.

I Find It Hard to Talk about Death

I am not good with death. Not
that anyone is. It can be good

or, at least, not terrible, if
it is quiet and serene. But

it somehow is always awful—
that whatever is this thing

that made us human, special, is
no longer there to cheer

or irritate or sadly anger.
I think, sometimes, about you

dead and then I am very sad,
even though you are not

dead. You are not dead.
No. You are not dead.

*:kiss: and hug* just cos.
Aw, I thought you were posting your last poem, Cherries! :) I wanted to congratulate you on a good job. Anyway, since early posts seems to be the trend, I will do just that.

Well done!! :rose: and another for when you hit 30 tomorrow. :rose: Or I guess that's today. :)
Sara Crewe said:
Aw, I thought you were posting your last poem, Cherries! :) I wanted to congratulate you on a good job. Anyway, since early posts seems to be the trend, I will do just that.

Well done!! :rose: and another for when you hit 30 tomorrow. :rose: Or I guess that's today. :)
Thanks, Sara. :)
Re: 1-30

cherries_on_snow said:
Here is the line. . .
Yes it is. Congratulations, mademoiselle, on finishing up. Good job. :rose:

I'd offer you the poetry equivalent of Gatorade, but I'm not quite sure what that is.
Thanks! Hmm . . . shower me in similie, maybe? :D Gah. Wait. This is Literotica where one really should be very careful about any mention of showers. Maybe just a fresca then?
cherries_on_snow said:
Here is the line. See
the masking tape? That's it.
You are on that side. Well we are.
and some day
we will all be
on the other side. Now some
people believe that the line
is mutable, that it gets caught
up in the vacuum cleaner now and again
and some people believe the line
is undermined by its own particulate
nature--everyone and noone
knows for sure.

Nonetheless, the one thing that is certain
is that we will know
when you cross the line.

You won't.
This is a great finish. Congrats!
TheRainMan said:
The Second Coming

There are so many stories. When you come
right down to it, they’re all about
rotten apples or fallen angels.
I’m speaking metaphorically, of course. That
goes without saying. I’ve never heard anyone
go on and on about ruined fruit.
And wings? Who’s had them? No one we know.

In my head, I rewrite each one as a passion play—
when the worms show up, all slimy and selfish
and full of bad intent, I try to empathize
with the suffering of the apples
who did their very best to be a pie.

I make up alternative endings—I have them
cool on a window sill and tease the nostrils
of vagabonds, or at the very least spit
out a seed before they dry up,
a sort of fuck you all hiccup, a check me out
in three days and I’ll have the last laugh
practical joke that was in vogue once
upon a more dramatic time.

It’s the romantic in me. I’m not selling it,
but you get the principle. It sure seems
more passionate than rooting for decay.
And what about angels?
Well, I’d ask you to close your eyes
and fly to me, but let’s not even go there.

I like it, TRM-- it has a colloquial feel reminiscent of Tony Hoagland.
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