"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Liar said:

Tomorrow I might reach critical mass
and take off on a new tangent,
skim the sun and, lest my wax melt,
redefine the concept of departure.

Everything needs a starting point
and this is mine, a quiet chair
between a shelf and a window
where the air smells of origo.

Whether I abide under beams
that knows my name or
recreate myself in every town,
this is where I began, or not.

It matters little to the wood,
and the choice is all I've got.

hooray for you, again. :)

or is it again and again?

or more than that? . . . you got the stamina.
So blocked

I can manage 3 words and even 10. But I can't write anything to save my life!

This would be other chit chat I imagine.... if not I will start a chit chat thread.
EriAliSaa said:
I can manage 3 words and even 10. But I can't write anything to save my life!

This would be other chit chat I imagine.... if not I will start a chit chat thread.

this is other chit chat, you imagine right. want a kick start or some suggestions?

i don't get 'blocked' (there is just too much in the world to write about for me to not have anything to say ;) ) but i do get an antsy drive-me-up-the-wall feeling at times. i go for long walks, or drives. i soak up the scenery around me, inhale the filth and spit out its pips. sometimes. that helps. ;)

sometimes i take photos, or draw, or write, or make stuff... depends on where my itch lies in the moment.

sometimes i take matters directly in hand. :D

i do whatever it takes. but the point is, i don't sit and wait. i get up and do.

or, you could try this... write a blog and cut it back until it meets poetry. or, just write stream of consciousness and keep writing like this, day after day until you're ready to renew your poetry vows. *smile*

hope some of this waffling helps.

I guess I am ansy, driven up the ceiling, half around the bend, been editing other peoples pictures, taking long walks (but to shave some inches off my waist and make my ass tighter, not to get inspired), and annoying you all when I get the chance.

I have submitted a story, it was one I wrote a couple of months ago and mostly just for me.... it is a little dirtier than I tend to get but I have edited the daylights out of it (I am sure there is still massive amount of typos and such but I had to write in whatever guise it took), and IO wasn't evejn sure I was going to share with people in general but a friend told me that I should... so I did.

wso it does help I think.... not sure where I will find inspiration, though I have wanted to write about my kids, but that becomes a incoherent rant. LOL sort of like my poetry looks I imagine.

Oh and did my eyes deceive but did you manage to put sexual overtones in your advice? If you did bravo! You are my hero! :nana: To steal a line from one of my favorite movies 50 First Dates I have been pounded like a mallard duck, but still no inspiration.... not that I am complaining, just not inspired to write :p

Thank you I will bug you some more if I go through more of a dry spell.... so to speak.
EriAliSaa said:
I guess I am ansy, driven up the ceiling, half around the bend, been editing other peoples pictures, taking long walks (but to shave some inches off my waist and make my ass tighter, not to get inspired), and annoying you all when I get the chance.

I have submitted a story, it was one I wrote a couple of months ago and mostly just for me.... it is a little dirtier than I tend to get but I have edited the daylights out of it (I am sure there is still massive amount of typos and such but I had to write in whatever guise it took), and IO wasn't evejn sure I was going to share with people in general but a friend told me that I should... so I did.

wso it does help I think.... not sure where I will find inspiration, though I have wanted to write about my kids, but that becomes a incoherent rant. LOL sort of like my poetry looks I imagine.

Oh and did my eyes deceive but did you manage to put sexual overtones in your advice? If you did bravo! You are my hero! :nana: To steal a line from one of my favorite movies 50 First Dates I have been pounded like a mallard duck, but still no inspiration.... not that I am complaining, just not inspired to write :p

Thank you I will bug you some more if I go through more of a dry spell.... so to speak.

dry spell?

use lube.

they've got warming gel here (in NZ) and tingling gel and well, if you've never visited one of those places, go right ahead. visit. it'll have you writing in no time at all.

well. apparently.

btw i remember that movie - i may have to watch it again to hear that line though. :D

sexual overtones? moi?

have a great day!

EriAliSaa said:
I can manage 3 words and even 10. But I can't write anything to save my life!

This would be other chit chat I imagine.... if not I will start a chit chat thread.

I have been on that cloud for about a month now. Seems inspiration only comes when the black crow sings and the sows come home ...


If you start that thread let'me know. Seems all I do anymore is chit chat ... :eek:

AChild said:

Papa may have
Mama may have
but all god's children got blue time
got vice
got strife to define what really is a ray of sun

Makers make the bases
but can't take away these containers
can't decide how long we drink these brackish waters

my parents? dead
the temples where they were
worshiped burned
I still keep pieces of the ruin
and sometimes listen to the smoke

I like this AChild. esp the last stanza.
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Hello from Specs

Hello. I'm new. I'm not quite sure of the etiquette yet, but I just wanted to say you're all too kind. Thank you very much. There should be more soon.

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