"To keep the review thread clean..."

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I'm confused by all this pie throwing

can't we all just sit down
and write some poems
not boil each others words
until they are harder

than insects bullet casings?
or must we be seeds
still trapped under layers
of undeveloped ink ?
cherries_on_snow said:
Champagne's right. This is good and gets better each time I read it.

Great job, Arienette. *claps* I especially like the at least how we remembered each other line, but all of it reverberates.

Thank you. I keep running the word 'heretic' through my head and hopefully a poem will come out of all the thinking. :rolleyes:
neonurotic said:
Woman, I think you'll be the death of me.
Hands going for my fly
4 and 5 times a day

and now 6!

If other men could be so lucky

True, true, true
but honey I'm tired
really I am this time


Bump noses, kiss lips

She doesn't listen. One tracked-minded
she is. Horny pregnant wifey
bites hip bones, gnaws
O-gawd! Tongue in navel.

I see you are not tired any more

Geez, Neo. How do you find the time to write? :rolleyes:
Sara Crewe said:
You're so lucky that was not a poem. ;)

*hands Neo some water to replenish fluids*
Giving the numbers he's flaunting in that poem, you'd better offer him one of those business water cooler size carboys, Ms. C. He sounds seriously dehydrated to me. ;)

By the way, the Poem Clock is tick tick ticking it's insistent way toward midnight.

Just wondering. :cool:
TheRainMan said:
hey, miss virginia.

you are writing a lot.


I went to bed a few minutes ago and it popped into my head and you know how it is: write it down or lose it. Now I need to crash. I seem to be a strange mood lately, so don't take my last posts to seriously. I think it was the card and photo I got in the mail a couple of days ago. I'm still dealing with my ex's death. Grief is a good bitch for poetry writing but not much else.
WickedEve said:
I went to bed a few minutes ago and it popped into my head and you know how it is: write it down or lose it. Now I need to crash. I seem to be a strange mood lately, so don't take my last posts to seriously. I think it was the card and photo I got in the mail a couple of days ago. I'm still dealing with my ex's death. Grief is a good bitch for poetry writing but not much else.

hey, did you ever get that excel sheet i mailed you to open?

let me know. i'll resend. or if you did open it, use it. ;)

night night, sweet Virginia.

Well I struck out. :rolleyes:
I am going to continue with the Dante's Inferno theme, though, for some new poems whenever I feel the urge come; I could use the inspiration.

I don't know what I was thinking getting into the 30 poems in 30 days thing now, I've been studying my ass off in the math subject in prep for my GED test, (today and tomorrow...Oh boy, tests!) so I haven't really had time to do anything else.

I'm giving it a two day break, most likely - these tests will be over then and then I can get back into the swing of writing; just not a poem every day.
arienette said:
Well I struck out. :rolleyes:
I am going to continue with the Dante's Inferno theme, though, for some new poems whenever I feel the urge come; I could use the inspiration.

I don't know what I was thinking getting into the 30 poems in 30 days thing now, I've been studying my ass off in the math subject in prep for my GED test, (today and tomorrow...Oh boy, tests!) so I haven't really had time to do anything else.

I'm giving it a two day break, most likely - these tests will be over then and then I can get back into the swing of writing; just not a poem every day.
Good luck Ari! Sending positive thoughts your way.
neonurotic said:
Woman, I think you'll be the death of me.
Hands going for my fly
4 and 5 times a day

and now 6!

If other men could be so lucky

True, true, true
but honey I'm tired
really I am this time


Bump noses, kiss lips

She doesn't listen. One tracked-minded
she is. Horny pregnant wifey
bites hip bones, gnaws
O-gawd! Tongue in navel.

I see you are not tired any more


:heart: this.

Your such a stud ~!! LMAO.

As you say, some guys should be so lucky.
Think your loving it. Good for you my friend. :D ;)

Thanks Bluerains

for commenting on my poem... It seems the muse has been MIA for much of the last year. Sometimes I just get upset enough by current events (read the religious right) to shuffle the deck a bit.

RhymeFairy said:
when I was seven ...

looking like elephant ears but bigger.
green, poignant leaves curling,
taking ones breath
with the twisting turns,
row after row.

horn worms homing in, eating
till their digestive system
erupted, excreting tobacco juice slime
burning to the touch
and deadly to the senses.

I was told to snap the flowers off.
beheaded stalks lay in rows.
pretty pink flowers, shucked
sliced like a that japanese cook
on the corner, chop, chop
chop. fast as you can go.

the ground lay riddled, while blistering
fingers burnt, bled and ached. all this,
devastation. a system devised to top
tobacco. only, topping it, meant death
to all the pretty pink flowers.

This process was also called ... suckering
To get all the bad seeds off the plant. This would help the tob. plant grow stronger, taller, thus producing more leaves to harvest in Oct/Nov ...

~ Just remembered that. Silly what one forgets eh.
Weird how that actually plays into life as an adult ~ :rolleyes:
(looking for blonde roots in my hair, must be planted deep .. :rolleyes: )

RhymeFairy said:
:heart: this.

Your such a stud ~!! LMAO.

As you say, some guys should be so lucky.
Think your loving it. Good for you my friend. :D ;)

Thank you, Rhymey girl. Alas, I'm only a temporary stud for her preggy cravings. I get put out in the pasture in a few months!
thanks V

for the review..and thanks to all who commented on black willow ..which is a metaphor
of mystery..in storms of destiny...thanks again...blue
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