"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Minervous said:

No, I am not a flower.
I am not delicate or fragile,
though you call my petals pretty
as you hover near my blossom.

No, I am not a flower.
I often open in the dark.

welcome back, Minervous. :)
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RhymeFairy said:
This process was also called ... suckering
To get all the bad seeds off the plant. This would help the tob. plant grow stronger, taller, thus producing more leaves to harvest in Oct/Nov ...

~ Just remembered that. Silly what one forgets eh.
Weird how that actually plays into life as an adult ~ :rolleyes:
(looking for blonde roots in my hair, must be planted deep .. :rolleyes: )


how about 'dead heading'? i know this is what i call picking off the dead flowers to encourage new growth.
HotKittySpank said:
how about 'dead heading'? i know this is what i call picking off the dead flowers to encourage new growth.

My mother is always doing that to her flowers, lol. :D BUT ...

Suckering was actually "picking" off the new growth. They grew all over the tobacco plant causing the plant to slow down, almost stunting growth. So we had to pick off all these and top the pink n white flowers from the top (topping the plant) to encourage growth of the already abundant leaves ...
The idea, I suppose, being to make these leaves bigger/fatter for the cutting and hanging process a month or so later ...

I can do the real research. Just going from memory, about 15-20 yrs and counting, :rolleyes:

RhymeFairy said:
My mother is always doing that to her flowers, lol. :D BUT ...

Suckering was actually "picking" off the new growth. They grew all over the tobacco plant causing the plant to slow down, almost stunting growth. So we had to pick off all these and top the pink n white flowers from the top (topping the plant) to encourage growth of the already abundant leaves ...
The idea, I suppose, being to make these leaves bigger/fatter for the cutting and hanging process a month or so later ...

I can do the real research. Just going from memory, about 15-20 yrs and counting, :rolleyes:


funny. i basically suck at gardening. i call it experimental vegetable gardening in my 'bio' section because if it stays alive, it was a successful experiment!

i can keep my bonsai alive - miracle of all miracles - until, the husband got the weed whacker out and decapitated one of my trees - just killed it in one tiny slip, arrgh! -until then, i had a pretty good record : )
neonurotic said:
Illustrated w/ Poser 5, PhotoStudio and Paintshop.

sorry i've been busy elsewhere... and now i'm stuck on reading this one, might take me a few days to catch up with the others. ;)

neonurotic said:
I have no desire to write, no poems
for 30/30. No, I'm tired. I quit.
Been on auto-pilot for days and days

Awake, staring at the stars on the ceiling
I wait for the sheep to start
lining up before me. Baa baa baa
black sheep, have you any wool?
escaping sleep once again

but Sandman eventually takes
what he's missing. Ready or not
Quitting because you can't possibly make a posting deadline is bad, but acceptable .. quitting because you don't like what you're writing is just bad form.. (30 in 30 is hard enough... 30 good poems in 30 days in a row, is damned near impossible)
Minervous said:
My dear Tzara is out of town and asked me to substitute for him while he's gone. He should be back Thursday.

Xbox 360

My son slumps on the floor,
heavy as a sack of flour.
Only fingers move.

It as if worms
have eaten his body hollow
and the new moths
exit from his hands.
Minervous is back? The IQ around here just went up!
champagne1982 said:
Quitting because you can't possibly make a posting deadline is bad, but acceptable .. quitting because you don't like what you're writing is just bad form.. (30 in 30 is hard enough... 30 good poems in 30 days in a row, is damned near impossible)
True enough. You're so sweet. I missed yesterday. whines I found myself too busy with going back to work and fall classes starting up - I'll be back soon for another go of the 30/30 thread when things settle down.
Tzara said:

I'm sorry. I started smoking again. Yes,
it had been a long time. I don't remember
when last I had a smoke, before this one.
It is absolutely not your fault, of course.

It's that acrid slap of nicotine, the choke
of the inhale, that I crave. The distraction,
simply. I so don't want to think of you,
and I so want to want to think of you.

With each long drag, I do not think.
With each long drag, I do not think.
With each long drag, I do not think.

It's funny, though, that I feel the burn.
I've heard of ex-smokers having smoking dreams, is it true?
champagne1982 said:
I've heard of ex-smokers having smoking dreams, is it true?
Not for me.

I do have dreams about old girlfriends, though. ;)
Tzara said:

Whew. Glad that's over with. I'm outta here.

I thought I heard shouts for joy when I was at work this morning. ;)

Congrats on another great effort!
clutching_calliope said:
Hip hip hooray! :rose: < congratulatory tumbleweed
Thank you, Ms. C.

Is that a prairie flower?
champagne1982 said:
Nice 30/30, or are you just happy to see me?
Thank, you, Ms. Other C.

You can see that from Canada? Yikes!
Sara Crewe said:
I thought I heard shouts for joy when I was at work this morning. ;)

Congrats on another great effort!
Thank you, Ms. Other, Other C.

What's this with "C"? Do I gotta thing for girls with "C" in their name? I know I gotta thing for girls, but. . . oh, oh.
Waitaminnit! You're all Canoodlians, too!
Sigh. I ain't never gonna be a good Republican. Oh, well,
C'est la vie.
Ahhh! Now you have me speaking French!

Merci beaucoup, y'all.

TheRainMan said:
nice finish, T. :)

boy, you could be a little more quiet about it, though :cool:

. . . really nice run. ;)
Thanks, Mr. P.

Who knows how to fuck with quoted BBS code. :rolleyes:

And, as always, my thanks to Neo for coming up with the idea. It makes me write, bud. Y'know, you're alright. :cool:
congrats Tzara, :rose: so when are you starting the next round?


(notice how i didn't quote your quotes? it's way less tempting this way.)
wildsweetone said:
congrats Tzara, :rose: so when are you starting the next round?


(notice how i didn't quote your quotes? it's way less tempting this way.)
At least you're a Kiwi girl. Starts with a "K". ;)

Tzara said:
At least you're a Kiwi girl. Starts with a "K". ;)


kiwi through and through. lol

that's a good thing, in case you're wondering.

quit downsizing your accomplishments or i'll growl.

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