"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Cub4ucme said:
Appreciate that link.

Someone was cool enough to invite me here so I followed the lead.

Not much time right now but I figured I'd let the person who posted
a comment to my poem know that I'm not from ALT. Whatever that means
I don't have to know but figured if someone was nice enough to comment
on my poem I could at least let them know where I am NOT from.

Looking forward to checking out some EEEEEEEEE rotic poetry.

The Wolf is alive and well!
Glad you found your way here. :)
My gallery of poems will be closing soon due to them being submitted as a series to the national writing contest... what the heck? It could mean a print contract or at least a little bit of cash. I'm still in pursuit of that infamous arts council grant and these poems would pave that path quite effectively.

So read 'em while you can.. :) I'll likely pull them off next week.
champagne1982 said:
My gallery of poems will be closing soon due to them being submitted as a series to the national writing contest... what the heck? It could mean a print contract or at least a little bit of cash. I'm still in pursuit of that infamous arts council grant and these poems would pave that path quite effectively.

So read 'em while you can.. :) I'll likely pull them off next week.

Oh Good luck, Carrie! I got my e-reminder a few days ago. I'll be rooting for you.


P.S I've enjoyed your gallery. It's a great idea for a body of work.
cherries_on_snow said:
Cruciatus by everso bad (a bit talky but interesting images)
Talky eh? I suppose you're right. I'll nip/tuck. Thank you for the mention cherries. Also thanks to Eve and LeBroz for their comments on my poem, No Lifeguard. It's much appreciated. :rose:
champagne1982 said:
I love this, you witty man.
Well, gawrsh!, to quote Goofy, which is how you have me feelin' now, Ms. C.

Uh, thanks. :eek:

In other news at Lit, peace talks between the Mediocratic and Elitist parties enter their bazillionth week. Sources say no agreement is forthcoming. . .
champagne1982 said:
Originally Posted by Tzara
I must say, though, that this snip so close to my fond undercarriage makes me, frankly, very nervous. :eek:


Is it really necessary to mention clunkers? Won't it just make the people who posted poems worried that theirs might be one of them? Just seems a little harsh and not especially constructive.
neonurotic said:
This is a challenge.

Yes, a challenge to write 30 poems in 30 days to encourage you to get off your lazy poetic asses, out of your winter blahs and back to writing some poetry. Just so you all know, I totally ripped this idea off a community in Live Journal that I'm a part of, but since I like the people over here better I'd rather try it over here instead of there.

So these are the rules:

• The challenge is to write 30 poems in the course of 30 days.

• All poems written in the challenge must be posted here in this thread, but you can submit them too. You also can take poems you wrote on the other challenge threads for the 30 Poems In 30 Days challenge.

• If you take the challenge, start the title (subject line) of each entry with "(x-y)" where x is which is the attempt at the challenge it is part of (including those that were unsuccessful) and y is the number of poem in that attempt. You may also add a title to your poem as long as you have the attempt and poem number too.

• You may stop and restart the challenge at any time. For example, if you forget on the 17th day to write a poem you can restart at "1" on day 18, which would make it a second attempt of the challenge.

• The most important rule is to have fun!​


- First to complete the 30 Poems in 30 Days challenge
This is how i read it... and further...
Tzara said:
I have a technical question, Mr. N. You may have answered this, but I am picky about answers and want to prod a bit.

I have no problem with the "write a poem a day" requirement. Well, I do, of course, in terms of actually satisfying it. I have been debating with myself whether my y would ever reach double digits. I am sure my x would do so.

Not the point. My question is: Is the requirement that a poem be written once a day, or that a poem's post be once a day? I know, for instance, that I will not have internet access during some of the next 30 days. (Scheduled vacation in idyllic isles.) If I write a poem that I can't post on that same day, does that disqualify me?
Which garnered this response...
neonurotic said:
Yes, it should disqualify you because it's 30 poems in 30 days. A new poem written and posted each day. I'd like this challenge to last more than just 30 days, meaning that you can go back and do it more than once throughout the year if you choose to do so. The other place I ripped this off had made it 100 poems in a 100 days. Yikes! I can't imagine re-starting at poem # 89. As for the X or Y, whatever. Just so you and/or everyone else knows what attempt you're on and the number of the poem in that attempt is.

It's a poem challenge and just for fun. No prizes in the end other than all the swell poems you wrote and to get the winter fog/rain out of your head.
P.S. Most importantly, have fun.
neonurotic said:
. . . The rule mutated to individual participant's interpretation along the way it seems . . .

things mutate. sometimes, to their own detriment. those things usually get quickly eaten, or die some other way.

sometimes, things mutate for the better.

that is evolution.

to me, this thread is the best thing that has happened to the poetry forum since i have been here -- it may live forever, in ever-improving forms.

it is all about writing, and writing, and writing. no bickering, no personalities. just words.

. . . 30 poems in 30 days or 30 hours, it's all good by me.

TheRainMan said:
things mutate. sometimes, to their own detriment. those things usually get quickly eaten, or die some other way.

sometimes, things mutate for the better.

that is evolution.

to me, this thread is the best thing that has happened to the poetry forum since i have been here -- it may live forever, in ever-improving forms.

it is all about writing, and writing, and writing. no bickering, no personalities. just words.

. . . 30 poems in 30 days or 30 hours, it's all good by me.

I wasn't arguing a point, I was simply answering your question and explaining what the original rules were. I'm not dismayed with the thread's rules changing to suit individuals because you're right it is all about writing as I stated when this thread was created. As far as I see, the more we write the better.

That's all I have to say about da' rulez and this here thread. Peace. ;)
neonurotic said:
I wasn't arguing a point, I was simply answering your question and explaining what the original rules were. I'm not dismayed with the thread's rules changing to suit individuals because you're right it is all about writing as I stated when this thread was created. As far as I see, the more we write the better.

That's all I have to say about da' rulez and this here thread. Peace. ;)
and looooooove :p :heart:
steerpikeslover said:
Is it really necessary to mention clunkers? Won't it just make the people who posted poems worried that theirs might be one of them? Just seems a little harsh and not especially constructive.
"A lot of middle to good work this week"
"a couple clunkers"

Why focus on a couple of clunkers instead of a lot of middle to good work? The reviewer is saying most of the poems are good. That's a positive statement. Some weeks the clunkers are in the majority. It's just the way it is. I doubt that statement was made to make the clunkee feel bad. Besides, clunkity is in the mind of the reader.
WickedEve said:
"A lot of middle to good work this week"
"a couple clunkers"

Why focus on a couple of clunkers instead of a lot of middle to good work? The reviewer is saying most of the poems are good. That's a positive statement. Some weeks the clunkers are in the majority. It's just the way it is. I doubt that statement was made to make the clunkee feel bad. Besides, clunkity is in the mind of the reader.

Shouldn't that be "clunkicity"?

Anyone know why the comment I posted yesterday was deleted? Im fairly sure it wasnt offensive. Are the reviewers never to be questioned on their persepctives? Odd
Tzara said:
RhymeFairy's Taint may make you hungry, though not for food.

That's it for today, people. Go welcome the newbies with your RVC and give RF a little smooch as well.

A big Thank you and an even bigger Smooooch goin' out to Tzara :kiss: :p
for the exciting mention of my latest poem. :eek:


I have to Thank Eve, Bill Dada, and Tess for stopping by and commenting too. I have been working on my writing and am happy to see it may be showing. All three honor me with humbling words, like rain during the drought ...

:rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
A big Thank you and an even bigger Smooooch goin' out to Tzara :kiss: :p
for the exciting mention of my latest poem. :eek:


I have to Thank Eve, Bill Dada, and Tess for stopping by and commenting too. I have been working on my writing and am happy to see it may be showing. All three honor me with humbling words, like rain during the drought ...

:rose: :rose:
Honey, Taint was a hot one, I'm still sweating after the read. Now that was erotic.

I need ice!
bluerains said:
Just one pen sparked response, maybe I need more java..it was freshly ground from costco organic beans ...I blame that ok..

I Feel by Neteru © ..nice images of soul love , but , the ending was off.
I couldn't figure if the mf was me or a name initial..and I feel You could have been worded different..but, I enjoyed the feeling... ;)
Go read comment and review if you find something to spark your day!!

Thank you bluerains, read thrice, post once, the (mf) should have been (me). The poem was written to a friend, having a very rough time, and I could not be there with him.

But thanks for the the mention.
Again ... I have to say Thank You to all the commentary I have gotten on my new poem Taint .

Thank you to everyone for the emails, pm's and for leaving comments here and there. I appreciate the support ~!!!

Cherries on snow

My picks of the day are Bill Dada's The Practice of Unsafe Sects, where effortless wordplay announces a jarring, scrapyard collage of a poem,

Thank you C.o.S., you are too kind.

Also thanks to 1201, MET and KOLKORE for their thoughtful comments.
LeBroz said:
Welcome echoes_s to Lit. Her premiere poem, zephrys scream, is a fitting piece in keeping with next Tuesday's festivities.
Just FYI, echoes_s is far from new to Lit. She's been a poet here about a long as I have, although it seems she has done like some poets here do now and then, started over with a blank slate. Her writings hava always been among my personal favs. Few can match her elegant prosodics.
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