"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Liar said:
Just FYI, echoes_s is far from new to Lit. She's been a poet here about a long as I have, although it seems she has done like some poets here do now and then, started over with a blank slate. Her writings hava always been among my personal favs. Few can match her elegant prosodics.


Tks for the info. After checking on the bio, I decided to err on the side of caution & greet her as a newbie. Which just goes to show - most times it's the poem that tickles my mind and not the poet {or their name du jour}.

Thank you LeBroz for your mention in today's New Poem's Review. and eve, thanks for your comment, but I want to know what you're keeping to yourself.....or do I?

tungtied2u said:
Thank you LeBroz for your mention in today's New Poem's Review. and eve, thanks for your comment, but I want to know what you're keeping to yourself.....or do I?

I need to read it again and see if I can recall my thoughts. I posted feedback before having my morning coffee. :D My morning peppermint coffee. It's kind of weird but I keep drinking it. And the gingerbread coffee and the pumpkin coffee. I feel queasy.
Thank you

Thanks, Specs, for your mention in the New Poems Reviews on "cunt". It means a lot coming from you as I like your poems very much.

Pokes my head into the thread and waves.

Three things I would like to communicate...

Firstly I have come to realise that on LIT you are only informed about new posts in a thread after you have posted in it. By dropping this message on your doormat I will now be informed of future posts.

Secondly I would like to thank those of you who have touched my words.

Finally I just want to say HI :)
I'm not sure how many poems were posted today in the second go 'round. But I want to make you all aware that at least one <shameless plug>The Lexicon was posted later this morning </shameless plug>. So, remember everyone :p.. sometimes it pays to check the New Poems for the 35plus submissions that the powers that be may be slipping by us ;).

Yes I know The Lexicon is my own poem.
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champagne1982 said:
I'm not sure how many poems were posted today in the second go 'round. But I want to make you all aware that at least one <shameless plug>The Lexicon was posted later this morning </shameless plug>. So, remember everyone :p.. sometimes it pays to check the New Poems for the 35plus submissions that the powers that be may be slipping by us ;).

Yes I know The Lexicon is my own poem.

Yes indeed, I saw your little write {I liked}. There's nothing like a little self-promotion. BTW, Lit was goin' bonkers yesterday morning. Couldn't get on for several hours and no poems were posted so it looks like they all got dumped to today with jewels buried in all that gravel. :D
LeBroz said:
.Over the last 10 days of October, I went poring through Lit's archives, reading nearly 2,000 poems that I'd never read before. Most struck me as needing considerable editorial help {and a spell check program, as well}. But I found 3 to recommend. Really, give them a try. You may be pleasantly surprised.

. . .

Apples Grow In New Hampshire. A nice pastoral feel to this one from Rybka.

. . .

I'll keep you posted if I find other gems in the gravel hidden away in Lit's vault. In the meantime, read, vote, comment ~ it's the least you can do. Above all, comment ~ a fair exchange for the pleasure of reading free poetry.
Thank you for the mention, LeBroz. Apple season is just about finished for this year now. I have made my run to the Orchard and am stocked up with apples and cider. ~ Isn't it interesting how you read your own work so often when writing that you miss stupid mistakes? There is one in the Lit. post of my poem. And in fact, no one at all pointed it out to me until one talented lady in Kiwi Land did very recently. :rose: Maybe standing on her head all day gives her a different viewpoint! :D

Anyway, thanks for reading and metioning my poem.

Oops: Just went and read the comments. Tzara did catch the mistake when it was first posted.
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Rybka said:
Thank you for the mention, LeBroz. Apple season is just about finished for this year now. I have made my run to the Orchard and am stocked up with apples and cider. ~ Isn't it interesting how you read your own work so often when writing that you miss stupid mistakes? There is one in the Lit. post of my poem. And in fact, no one at all pointed it out to me until one talented lady in Kiwi Land did very recently. :rose: Maybe standing on her head all day gives her a different viewpoint! :D

Anyway, thanks for reading and metioning my poem.

Oops: Just went and read the comments. Tzara did catch the mistake when it was first posted.


So it's a gem with a scratch. I was glad to find it shining in all that gravel. And the ones I'll be mentioning in the future will have characteristics of being equally good and perhaps unusual, like those I mentioned today.

Here's the Illustrated version that Lauren did for me:

Rybka said:
Here's the Illustrated version that Lauren did for me:



Very nice, though it looks rather 'busy' - the wild play of branches with words overwritten. Our orchard no longer has that sort of look to it since the October Surprise {2' of heavy wet snow on 12/13 October}. With most still holding onto their leaves the trees held onto all that snow. As a consequence, about half the trees were completely uprooted - they were so top-heavy, they just rolled over; the rest lost major branches and look rather forlorn.

Thanks !

For the feedback on my last two pens...Contoured is holds a spot for me..its about the folks like peace corp and spirit organizations who are so overwelmed with the suffering
they become frozen and the forgiveness is a gift some find difficult when faced with such needs...Our world is in turmoil , the suffering is greater than ever...ty Lebroz for seeing the poem...have a great day..blue
Angeline said:
No one reviewed the 11/03 poems here and I am available, so here's my opinion:
Thank you, Angeline. I was required late at work yesterday. Want to do Fridays from now on? Great review.
Thank you Cherries and MNS for your responses. I haven't done reviews for a loooong time and it was fun (it always is at first lol). And MNS, I agree, that's the good thing about multiple reviews--you get different outlooks.

As many of you know I started a new, very demanding job this past summer and it's only now that my schedule is starting to regularize so that I can be around here more again. I've missed it. I don't know if I can commit to a regular review day yet--at least not next Friday because I'm in a training class all next week (and there are tests--eek!). But soon after that I should have off most Thursdays-Saturdays, so I could start reviewing again. I will definitely be here again on those days after next week.

Angeline said:
. . .I should have off most Thursdays-Saturdays, so I could start reviewing again. I will definitely be here again on those days after next week.


that, is very good news.

this place misses you . . . there is a hole, where you were.

normal jean said:
I think that is Eve's Conrad Dimple poem, about spelunking. can you believe how GOOD that poem is? I wonder sometimes how 99.9% of what she writes is so amazing


I voted in VA today. I voted in favor of gay marriages, so let's get hitched. :D
WickedEve said:

I voted in VA today. I voted in favor of gay marriages, so let's get hitched. :D


I voted too. And I also voted in favor of gay marriages. I think people who care enough to take that step shoudl not be treated unfairly, it shoudlnt matter whats "down there" as long as whats important is

How 'bout a quickie in Vegas? :D

you are a precious soul, I hope you realize that
MyNecroticSnail said:
damn bastard never gave me the title,

OK for real, I saw it when I was drinking. It was used as a teaching aide. It was the structual model for goliath said.
Drinking? I recall bogusbrig saying one time that he enjoyed my poetry while drinking--something like that. So... you people need booze to read my poetry? :D

Since so many of you are mentioning my poems, I'll try to contribute a list--tomorrow. :) God, it's gonna be tough to pick only 10.
WickedEve said:
Drinking? I recall bogusbrig saying one time that he enjoyed my poetry while drinking--something like that. So... you people need booze to read my poetry? :D

Since so many of you are mentioning my poems, I'll try to contribute a list--tomorrow. :) God, it's gonna be tough to pick only 10.

you accused ME of needing arsenic, silly wench!!

WickedEve said:
Drinking? I recall bogusbrig saying one time that he enjoyed my poetry while drinking--something like that. So... you people need booze to read my poetry? :D

maybe you should print them on the back of liquor labels -
don't go there, that really is a cheap pun

and it wasn't booze, it was beer

I trod, then creep,
cursing those who can wing
dank and dark.
with headlamp
and string--strong rope's
for milksops and fops,
who venture not far.
to where good stalagmite
receives my grip.
I worm my way higher.
hooks pierce their slumber
so I may hang,
a mere but lofty man.

that's how I remembered it
MinorMonster said:
Thanks vampire for the mention, and all the kindness of commentors and feedback mailers for taking the time.

(Though my scores plunge like never so before. Some are at sub 2.5 now. Some or someone must really go to town on them. :cool: )

You have a way to go to beat me.
finished em, sorry for the late hour :eek:

and thanks to all of the reviewers it really is a labor of love, please let me know if y'all need a break and I can step in :)
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