"To keep the review thread clean..."

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Unbridled_Passion said:
Thank you Rhyme Fairy for mentioning my poem in the reviews, and also for the helpful critique. I can use all of the help I can get. I have more ideas in the works.

Your welcome my friend. :rose:

Stay around won'tcha. I have learned more by reading these boards than anything. Of course one can never go wrong with the classics ...

Thanks for the encouragement Eve and Maria. I'm having such a hard time writing at the moment I really need it. Thanks. :rose:
Thank you!

Eve, Tess, Le Broz. and Art for your kind comments on my poem Hibernation.
Thank you to all who have read as well.

I hope all had their fill of turkey, family and poetry yesterday...

Thanks to Ange and RF for mentioning "Ostinato" on the review thread. Also to everybody who commented. I must admit I was shocked--go away for a couple of days and zow! I don't know that I've ever gotten that many comments before, so thanks.

Thanks especially to ishtat and bb. You're right, the meter isn't quite exact, though to my ear it is S2, not S1, where the rhythm is slightly different. I never could keep time. ;)

Oh, and a special thanks to Champie for reviving the Bob. I don't write form poetry and this was my first attempt at such. Kind of fun. :rose:
Tzara said:
Thanks to Ange and RF for mentioning "Ostinato" on the review thread. Also to everybody who commented. I must admit I was shocked--go away for a couple of days and zow! I don't know that I've ever gotten that many comments before, so thanks.

Thanks especially to ishtat and bb. You're right, the meter isn't quite exact, though to my ear it is S2, not S1, where the rhythm is slightly different. I never could keep time. ;)

Oh, and a special thanks to Champie for reviving the Bob. I don't write form poetry and this was my first attempt at such. Kind of fun. :rose:

You're welcome. I really enjoyed the poem. I looked up the term "ostinato," and was pleasantly surprized to learn that even the title (and its musical meaning) support the theme of the poem. My you're thorough.

Sorry again about the links (or lack thereof). My computer is in the hospital and ee's is, well, old. Every time I open a new window the old one disappears into the digital stratosphere. Muy frustrating. So thank you Rhyme Fairy for linking my recommendations. :rose:
Just stopped in

to say a big thanks to

bill dada
unbridled passion
and tt2U
for reading and commenting on my latest!
My muse was not working well that day so I decided to kick her butt..
ty all... :rose: Lynn
Thank you to everyone who has read and commented on my first two poems, The Eagle and Sexual Alphabet. I am learning alot from the members here, and am really enjoying myself.
Thank You for all the reads and commentary on my new poem All American Pie. Also, thank you Blue for the mention in todays new poem review ;)

:rose: :rose: :rose:
I know there are links posted everywhere for this kinda stuff. Just hoping to help Anna get the word out a bit ...

annaswirls said:
Here is the link to the Welcome Thread that has a lot of great resources:

There are many places to post original poetry. Here are a few from the first three most recent pages of threads:

Poetry Discussion Circle post two comments on previously submitted poems in this thread, and then you are eligible to have your own critiqued

Some challenges have to do with number of words:
Challenge: Three Words or Less
The Perfect Ten

Or not.... Not sure how many words

Feeling Ambitious?
30 Poems in 30 Days Challenge

Spontaneous? all of a sudden passion suddenly and writing live both of these have the same premise: write it down in a passion, do not edit, do not copy paste just let it out, no spell check etc etc etc. Here is an exerpt from the originator of these threads: ~no cheating allowed~ take all the time you want but start and finish your piece without leaving. Don't edit either.

Some threads are made to work on poetry, ask for suggestions, etc.
The GymnasiumA place to work it out.
Poetry under Construction poetry in progress

Some threads are intended for trying out different forms of poetry:
Free Verse Falling Post your free verse poetry; comment, dish, do whatever you want with that little mouse you're carressing there in your fingertips:

Mystic Lake Poetry What is Mystic Lake Poetry? ... poems of the mystical essence.... a thread for all to share and explore this style of writing.

illustrated poetry and images

Concrete Thread The rules are simple here. Write poems about concrete objects, things you can touch and feel.

Haiku River

13-o-clock (darker poetry) if you have the devilish urge, to cook something up, some 13 o'clock poetry stew, be my guest and post here

Cherilew A Clerihew (or clerihew) is a very specific kind of short humorous verse, typically with the following properties....

I only pulled threads from the first three pages, and certainly misses some on those pages... there are DOZENS of threads dedicated to sharing poems, hopefully you find one or two or three that you like! If not, start your own or revive one of the older threads....

Go for it!
Write on, girl :)


Thank You Anna for a very helpful and fun read ... ;)

Seems to me I am a thread killer :confused:

Just wanted to pop in and Thank LeBroz for the mention in todays reviews AND everyone else for reading my latest writes. Yes, I know there have been a few, that's why I have to send everyone lil smutty kissses for hanging in there and continuing to support and encourage my writing. I appreciate it more than I can say ...

:rose: :rose: :rose:
RhymeFairy said:
Seems to me I am a thread killer :confused:

Just wanted to pop in and Thank LeBroz for the mention in todays reviews AND everyone else for reading my latest writes. Yes, I know there have been a few, that's why I have to send everyone lil smutty kissses for hanging in there and continuing to support and encourage my writing. I appreciate it more than I can say ...

:rose: :rose: :rose:

I've never seen ya kill a thread (o_o) <GRININ'
...maybe... hug a tree?

...and thanks leon (~_~) bows humble
some how, that poetic moment had to be written <grin
Thanks LeBroz, Rhyme Fairy, duddle146, Bill dada and everyone else who read and commented on my last two poems, The Fat Of The Matter and Farewell Superman. Its a reward not deserved to have people read them. Thanks.
Thank you flyguy for recommending my poem, 528 + Infinity. It's nice to submit a poem here again--I was starting to forget what it's like to do that. And thank you duckiesmut and LeBroz for your kind comments. They are much appreciated.

Thanks for the mention, today, Ange!

empty stage nabbed me my first slam win, two weeks ago and will be the first pome in my hastily cobbled together chapbook, "Reluctantly."

Yay, mentionses!


THank you for the mention of my poem today.

Also, thanks to everyone who took the time to read and respond.


from the passion thread ~

champagne1982 said:
Outside The Law

I wish I could take that singular
moment and multiply it to a life-
time of awe. You know the one
I mean? When your heart flew
free of your chest and gravity
could not make you obey
the law, at least, not the way
physics wants it followed.

We are apart from the realm
and Sir Isaac holds no sway,
not on us, not on our hearts
wings carrying us beyond
man's puny influence, outside
the fragile bounds of self-
control where we become more
than the sum of our equation
and write a new law
of singular momentous lives.

I get this Carrie and I love it. Very heartfelt write ...

RhymeFairy said:
I get this Carrie and I love it. Very heartfelt write ...

That passion thread seems to inspire this sort of writing. When you settle in to let your heart overrule your head to simply explain a feeling or a moment, it feels right and can be so freakin effective.

Thanks RF. Your encouragement means quite a bit right now. I'm sure a lot of us are scraped more than a little raw from certain contacts that I don't have to go into at the moment.

I'm glad you're here, sanding away the splinters so that we can all grab the oars and pull together.
champagne1982 said:
That passion thread seems to inspire this sort of writing. When you settle in to let your heart overrule your head to simply explain a feeling or a moment, it feels right and can be so freakin effective.

Thanks RF. Your encouragement means quite a bit right now. I'm sure a lot of us are scraped more than a little raw from certain contacts that I don't have to go into at the moment.

I'm glad you're here, sanding away the splinters so that we can all grab the oars and pull together.

Dear Champagne

Can I christen you Princess of Healing Metaphors?


another "passionate" read ~

Angeline said:
I've seen that painting, not
the Susquehanna but the boat
brown and light cracked against
the crazed gold horizon. I've seen
the painting, stood on the marble
floors of that museum, run my fingers
over dusty burgundy rope. Velvet
feels like comfort and nothing
comforts me today, not knowing
the painting hangs, the museum
stands, the poem published still
read and the road leads north
to webs of streets one of which was
mine once. Those children mine once,
but they've grown up and I older
find no peace but tremble in the solitude
I once desired, a thin old teacup
fragile painted the rim of a smile
and all these years rolling tanks
in a square of soldiers that put up
no fight just mist away as ghosts.

I've seen the painting no not that
one, the other on his wall late
of the garage no longer mine I know
your hair is dusty, but not silver shot
like mine. I could blow the gray off
see auburn eternal and blue eyes
eternal and the cryptic smile that must
have been the artist's imagination
because you never smiled that way
in life which calls me saying "Almost
Christmas, damnit. Almost the boy's
birthday. Send cards. Make cookies.
Rise above the crawling sadness
that lingers in the bedsheets."

Even if I had that painting I couldn't
touch the cold frame I couldn't wipe
the dust from your eyes. Have I mentioned
it's snowing here? Have I mentioned
how much I hate December fourth?

Wohw ... this is powerful stuff Ang. :heart:

My lord what emotion here. I can't get passed the gripping choke hold on my heart. Almost like the heart just stops and dares you to try and breathe. I'm serious, very powerful imagery.

I will leave ya'll alone now. I just read this one also and I had to have my say.

This goes under the 'other chitchat' heading

'Tis the season for infomercials and there is this one I keep seeing.

The Vidalia Chop Master<cue dramatic music>

It is basically a julienne slicer attached to a tupperware container. No big breakthrough, but I want to let Anna know everytime I see it, I think of her Vidalia onion poem.

(I would tell Pat that I think of him everytime I see the Chia-Pet infomercial but I'm afraid he might take that the wrong way. :rose: ;) )
clutching_calliope said:
<snip>(I would tell Pat that I think of him everytime I see the Chia-Pet infomercial but I'm afraid he might take that the wrong way. :rose: ;) )
Which one, the head with the big nose or the sheep needing shearing?
neonurotic on the passion thread said:
Stop short #6 - Climax
a 7-character Chinese chueh-chu
Look! a neo sighting. Hi there mister. I hope all is well in your corner of the cold and damp northwest. :) <snicker> north </snicker>
champagne1982 said:
Look! a neo sighting. Hi there mister. I hope all is well in your corner of the cold and damp northwest. :) <snicker> north </snicker>
Heyya vampire Carrie, do ya'll have any sun left? ;)

Eh...work and school keeps me away lately. All is well, or better said, 'will be' by the end of this week. It's the last week of school for me and final exams are next week (yea me!)
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