"To keep the review thread clean..."

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neonurotic said:
Heyya vampire Carrie, do ya'll have any sun left? ;)

Eh...work and school keeps me away lately. All is well, or better said, 'will be' by the end of this week. It's the last week of school for me and final exams are next week (yea me!)
Good Luck! I'm glad it's industry that's keeping you away. Best to the bundles of joy in your life :kiss: and all that stuff about holidays and cheer...

Oh! If you drink, don't drive :).
hey, thank you ang, for noticing me. and thanks to all of you who read/commented on that paroxysm of persistence.

Thanks to MET and MNS for mentioning my Courtney Love love poem and thanks as well to all the commententors. :)
If anyone would like to give me feedback on my last submitted poem, "For Sean" I'd appreciate it.


DeepAsleep said:
If anyone would like to give me feedback on my last submitted poem, "For Sean" I'd appreciate it.



I have to go to work soon, but I will tonight.


Thank you for mentioning my backwash poem


and I appreciate everyoen who read it and left comments


Here We Go Again


Looks like MohawkValleyGirl is at it again. Her piece today, Eroticism, can also be found on another blog (Australian) from back in June, only there its title is Erotica. Must be why the comments are off.

Easily checked. Take the first line, "I woke early this morning to find" and type it with quotes in Google. Sad.

Also found it posted on an Asian AdultFriendFinder site blog. MVG brings it here with adjusted line spacing and Americanized spelling.


Looks like MVG's piece has been pulled. After getting caught plagiarizing last year, you'd think she'd do real work this time round. It makes you question her entire bio with her claims of being published and having her own web site. If there's a web site, list it.

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My other moniker, Jamison, thanks Specs for the mention in the New Poems thread and mostly thanks to those who read/commented like LeBroz, duddle146, Shaena and Maria on my dirty poem, Feline Cannibal.

Props also to:
LeBroz said:
neonurotic had an excellently descriptive piece out in, Breathless Before 99 Steps. The only thing I didn't feel was the bone chilling cold of the Washington coast; the rest all seems so real.
Thanks for bringing more reads to my 2005 winter poem. It's especially appropriate today since we've had some wicked storms lately like last night--65 mph wind gusts and thunder/lightening!

LeBroz said:

Looks like MohawkValleyGirl is at it again. Her piece today, Eroticism, can also be found on another blog (Australian) from back in June, only there its title is Erotica. Must be why the comments are off.

Easily checked. Take the first line, "I woke early this morning to find" and type it with quotes in Google. Sad.


Hi all, I am the original author of the poem being quoted entitled 'Erotica' - a poem. Submitted by erotic51 (x.xx) 04/22/02


I wrote it while in Darwin, Australia in 1998 to my then partner. It has been re posted, by myself, under the names erotic51, anerotic54 and more recently as cairnsmale55. It also appears in the link mentioned in the 'quoted' post, which is one of my blogs.

I have no issues with it being reposted, as long as I am accredited as the original author.


erotic51 (anerotic54 and cairnsmale55).
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SpectaclesInSkirt said:
Hey y'all. Thanks to those that've sent "Get Well Soon" messages. I fly to Florida later tonight so that might help, but for now I'm still in a very medicated place. Anyway, there are 10 New Poems up today. Here is my pick:

Bruised Thigh by KittenishJane

Everyone have a great holiday. See y'all in a bit.

Thanks for the mention, Specs. :)
Vampire Dust, thanks for the mention and comment. It sounded sad and unhinged to you?


That was my objective, and thats how being with/ married to this, eh-em, man, for 26 years makes me feel, the only redeeming moments include our kids and that is the ONLY reason I would do it again. I almost titled it "pointless". you know, what point is it to jump off a thousand tiny tables...



ps, art, you almost had it, heart=baitfish, mullet, almost worthless except to throw back, nobody really wants it, lol. but the rusted hooks remain as scars to the
owner of the heart...crappie metaphor, I guess :D

couldnt help myself there

Merry Christrmas and HAppy Holidays to all


Thank you Vampire Dust, for your comment and mention in the review today.
Thank you as well LeBroz, for all your commnets and pointers.

I intend to make "economy" my watchword hencefroth. Can't promise completely to not rant, something in the water down here... Merry Christmas Ya'll
Thank You!

Christian for doing Monday Reviews ...I had to much on plate to do justice...enjoyed your blowjob poem..raw reality...blue
I think I understand it now

normal jean said:
That was my objective, and thats how being with/ married to this, eh-em, man, for 26 years makes me feel, the only redeeming moments include our kids and that is the ONLY reason I would do it again. I almost titled it "pointless". you know, what point is it to jump off a thousand tiny tables...

I remember clicking on the poem and not understanding it (I'll admit being slow) and so didn't comment, but I thought the last two lines were more positive than it appears they actually were.

normal jean said:
I'd still remember those twenty-six years-
twenty-six years I'd ( probably) do again.

Your pain may be deeper than I realize, but if it is that normal pain that married people have, you might consider checking out Laura Schlessinger's The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. Your husband probably feels the same way, but you are the female in the relationship, and because of that have some advantages to fixing the problem.

Anyway, best wishes.
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FifthFlower said:
I remember clicking on the poem and not understanding it (I'll admit being slow) and so didn't comment, but I thought the last two lines were more positive than it appears they actually were.

Your pain may be deeper than I realize, but if it is that normal pain that married people have, you might consider checking out Laura Schlessinger's The Proper Care and Feeding of Husbands. Your husband probably feels the same way, but you are the female in the relationship, and because of that have some advantages to fixing the problem.

Anyway, best wishes.

Dear Fifthflower

I appreciate your offers to help and understand. I dont know what the "normal" pain in a marriage is, but mine involved years and years of physical and emotional abuse and I still cannot underdstand why I havent left, except that i am stupid. I dont care to fix him, have given him every chance, he is ..I wont list his problems here, but mine are..

a- too forgiving

b- too tolerant

c-too optimistic

d-afraid of my own abilities or that they dont exist.

e- does the list above equal hopelessness?

I dont think so, I just need to find a better hiding place for my money, lol, as I will never be homeless again and that is the root of all my fears, being with an ass is better then being alone on the streets...most of the time.

Im just not real bright most of the time, that must be the real problem, lol

have a good one and thanks for reading my poem-thingie


It seems I sound like a broken record :cool:


Thanks Christian for the favorable mention on both my poems:
Santa's Been Here and Dark Passion
... in yesterdays reviews. I appreciate it. :D

I have been trying to switch it up a bit in my writing. Going from sappy, to love, to erotic and even trying a bit of humor now and again. So it is always great to get the feedback to see if what one writes really is taken for what it is ... then again that might not be a good thing, lol. :eek:

Thank you to everyone for taking the time to read, comment and vote.

:rose: :rose: :rose:
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I just wanted to say thanks to all who have commented and provided feedback on my poems. A special thanks to LeBroz for your helpful comments on "Winter Rain" - it looks much better with your edits.

And thank you to everyone who shares their work, as well. It's a joy to read.
thank you christian for noticing my latest and including it in the new poem reviews. i'm glad you enjoyed it. and thank you lebroz, for the insightful comment.

Ref : December Poetry Challenge

champagne1982 said:
RF - This poem illustrates your skill development of the past year. The rhyme and rhythm inside each strophe are sophisticated and shows how even an uneven verse structure can still represent the formula, even though it doesn't look quite right. Just read it aloud and the quatrains are there. Very heartfelt. Thankyou.

Thank You Carrie for the insightful review ;) :eek: :D

Thank you Christian

...for the lovely review as well as taking the lion's share of reviewing this year. I hope you are having a happy 2007!

Thank you to LeBroz, Maria, and Duddle for commenting...and I'm expecting my friend SET to put in his iambic opinion before a year passes...

Happy New Year and all the best to everyone here at Lit! ( :kiss: 's at midnight)
Let me here express my thanks to vampiredust for mentioning each of my three posted sonnets on the review thread over the last week or so.

Thank you also, individual commentators, for your comments and suggestions for my poems: I greatly appreciate each one of your comments.

Please accept my wishes for a Happy New Year to all.
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