Trump formally files appeal of $365 million verdict, does NOT post required bond

Just for spite, if he can't get a bond, I'd suggest the DA seize his Trump Jet as the first thing out of the gate. I'd pay $100 to get a front-row seat to watch his reaction as it gets auctioned off on the runway, with all the news organizations there to record the sale.

Just think of him flitting back and forth between trials using commercial transport with Secret Service personnel in tow.
Just for spite, if he can't get a bond, I'd suggest the DA seize his Trump Jet as the first thing out of the gate. I'd pay $100 to get a front-row seat to watch his reaction as it gets auctioned off on the runway, with all the news organizations there to record the sale.

Just think of him flitting back and forth between trials using commercial transport with Secret Service personnel in tow.
All you have is hate. This fine by the court is indefensible in the United States. This is something that Putin or Xi might do to their enemies. This would be wrong if it happened to anyone in America, anyone. It violates the Constitution. It is a political corruption of the law and if left to stand New York is finished as the business capital of the United States. Mega investors are already leaving the state.
Silly person. You're missing a lot of data points:

Mir-a-Lago is not a private residence like the estate value you posted. It's purpose, according to deed restrictions, is to serve as a private club consequently it is valued as such by the tax assessor. If it were allowed to be re-classified as a residence it would be valued much higher. It would be valued much higher if he could tear it down and rebuild as residental properties, but he is stuck by the terms of the original deed restrictions.

Trump bought it and agreed to abide by the club restrictions - no sooner than he did so he violated the restrictions on how long club members could stay on site. The club members grumbled, but - he lied and stayed over the limit anyway.

Your comparable site is not comparable after all is said and done.
All you have is hate. This fine by the court is indefensible in the United States. This is something that Putin or Xi might do to their enemies. This would be wrong if it happened to anyone in America, anyone. It violates the Constitution. It is a political corruption of the law and if left to stand New York is finished as the business capital of the United States. Mega investors are already leaving the state.
You don't know what hate is. You haven't seen me hate. You don't even know how high my levels of hate can rise. I've been behaving myself - just offering comments.

It isn't hate to poke a little fun at Trump by musing that the AG should take his 'whale of a plane' as a first choice in the settlement. That's just poking a little fun at him where it would hurt his pride the most. The AG would be pragmatic about seizing his assets and take the most liquid and valuable ones first. She's got smarts when it comes to that kind of thing.

To paraphrase what Wade's former partner said on the witness stand, 'I was speculating. I don't really know that she would for a fact seize his airplane.' But my sardonic humor bone would be highly amused at that.

As to Puten this isn't something he 'might do to an enemy.' He would be injecting his enemies with poisons, have a speedly one-hour trial and whisk them off to a prison along the Artic Circle, and then have them die mysteriously. Other enemies have been very clumsy and fallen out high rise windows - several of the. One of them, the general, had his 'purple whale' blown out of the sky as he traveled across Russia. No one, that I know of, is contemplating that kind of retaliatory action against Trump not even sending out a Seal Team.

You put a lot of stock in the Constitution. Trump doesn't. Yet you unequivocally stated he has your full support. He has plans to ignore portions of it if he ever gets re-elected - his words, not mine. I'm pretty sure he will attempt to run over the justice system - the general populous isn't that stupid to vote for him. It might be close, but I believe enough of the citizenry realize how disastrous he is for our nation. [You are an acknowledged exception.]
Silly person. You're missing a lot of data points:

Mir-a-Lago is not a private residence like the estate value you posted. It's purpose, according to deed restrictions, is to serve as a private club consequently it is valued as such by the tax assessor. If it were allowed to be re-classified as a residence it would be valued much higher. It would be valued much higher if he could tear it down and rebuild as residental properties, but he is stuck by the terms of the original deed restrictions.

Trump bought it and agreed to abide by the club restrictions - no sooner than he did so he violated the restrictions on how long club members could stay on site. The club members grumbled, but - he lied and stayed over the limit anyway.

Your comparable site is not comparable after all is said and done.
The 126-room, 62,500-square-foot (5,810-square-meter) mansion on 17 acres actually does serve as Trump’s private residence as well as a club and resort. And in addition to far more space than the 2 to 7 acre mansions nearby that sell for hundreds of millions, it generates cash.

Yes, it’s deed restricted. It can’t be subdivided and sold off in smaller parcels for residential development. But the owner can and does live there. A future owner can do the same.

So why the low assessment? Because a the county assessor’s valuation is based on its annual net operating income as a club, not on its resale value as a home. If Mar a Lago was on the market, there’s no question it would be attractive as a private residence for a billionaire buyer.

The crux of the issue is lenders don’t value assets the same way the county assessor does. A lender’s priority is hedging risk.
there’s no question it would be attractive as a private residence for a billionaire buyer.
Which part of the "deed" did you miss? The deed is registered, for Trump to sell it as a private residence he would first need to get the deed changed. He can't just do it.

He was given permission to set up a permanent residence, under conditions. If he violates those conditions he loses his permission.

I do agree markets set the price, so what is a private club with a golf course worth in Florida?
I do agree markets set the price, so what is a private club with a golf course worth in Florida?
Given that houses that sit on just on couple acres and are prohibited from generating income from commercial activity are selling for $150 million or more, what do you think a 17 acre golf course resort that the owner can live on might sell for? Less than $150m? lol.
Whatever someone is willing to pay for it.
Exactly. BTW, some progressives like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren think a wealth tax is a good idea. If their dream came true, it’s a safe bet they would not accept the claim that Mar A Lago is only worth $18m.
Given that houses that sit on just on couple acres and are prohibited from generating income from commercial activity are selling for $150 million or more, what do you think a 17 acre golf course resort that the owner can live on might sell for? Less than $150m? lol.
I asked you first. It could sell for more, or less, the market decides, I don't even know if there is anyone interested in it as a club. However I think we can both agree Trump's claim of it being worth a billion (as deeded currently) is a tad high.
I asked you first. It could sell for more, or less, the market decides, I don't even know if there is anyone interested in it as a club. However I think we can both agree Trump's claim of it being worth a billion (as deeded currently) is a tad high.
Using the recent sale of the home of the late great American Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh as a benchmark, no less than $150 million. The Mar a Lago property is roughly 3X the size, has far more amenities including a golf course, and generates income to boot.
Using the recent sale of the home of the late great American Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh as a benchmark, no less than $150 million. The Mar a Lago property is roughly 3X the size, has far more amenities including a golf course, and generates income to boot.
You really are in love with racist TV hosts.
I asked you first. It could sell for more, or less, the market decides, I don't even know if there is anyone interested in it as a club. However I think we can both agree Trump's claim of it being worth a billion (as deeded currently) is a tad high.
Owners call value their assets at whatever value they want. I can declare my truck is worth a billion dollars and won't sell it for a penny less. It is perfectly legal for me to do so.

Finding a buyer who agrees is the only issue.
Using the recent sale of the home of the late great American Medal of Freedom recipient Rush Limbaugh as a benchmark, no less than $150 million. The Mar a Lago property is roughly 3X the size, has far more amenities including a golf course, and generates income to boot.
But can't be sold as a residence, only a club. Golf courses go from 100 million up when they are rated, PGA (did some googling) top dollar I'd give for it would be in 150-200 million range. That's if it can find a buyer since it only seems to make 18 million a year. Even at the 150 million selling price, and the profit it currently generates, the property would be a losing money pit.
You don't know what hate is. You haven't seen me hate. You don't even know how high my levels of hate can rise. I've been behaving myself - just offering comments.

It isn't hate to poke a little fun at Trump by musing that the AG should take his 'whale of a plane' as a first choice in the settlement. That's just poking a little fun at him where it would hurt his pride the most. The AG would be pragmatic about seizing his assets and take the most liquid and valuable ones first. She's got smarts when it comes to that kind of thing.

To paraphrase what Wade's former partner said on the witness stand, 'I was speculating. I don't really know that she would for a fact seize his airplane.' But my sardonic humor bone would be highly amused at that.

As to Puten this isn't something he 'might do to an enemy.' He would be injecting his enemies with poisons, have a speedly one-hour trial and whisk them off to a prison along the Artic Circle, and then have them die mysteriously. Other enemies have been very clumsy and fallen out high rise windows - several of the. One of them, the general, had his 'purple whale' blown out of the sky as he traveled across Russia. No one, that I know of, is contemplating that kind of retaliatory action against Trump not even sending out a Seal Team.

You put a lot of stock in the Constitution. Trump doesn't. Yet you unequivocally stated he has your full support. He has plans to ignore portions of it if he ever gets re-elected - his words, not mine. I'm pretty sure he will attempt to run over the justice system - the general populous isn't that stupid to vote for him. It might be close, but I believe enough of the citizenry realize how disastrous he is for our nation. [You are an acknowledged exception.]
Do you actually read what you write? Biden has violated our constitution on so many levels and not to acknowledge it is a reflection of your total bias. You’re not interested in constitutional law, equal rights or equal protection under the law. Get Trump at all cost is not law. You and your ilk are an embarrassment to what it means to be an American. Lititia James should be disbarred.
But can't be sold as a residence, only a club. Golf courses go from 100 million up when they are rated, PGA (did some googling) top dollar I'd give for it would be in 150-200 million range. That's if it can find a buyer since it only seems to make 18 million a year. Even at the 150 million selling price, and the profit it currently generates, the property would be a losing money pit.
Let’s disregard the fact that it serves as a private residence for the current owner, and that anyone with the kind of money it would take to purchase the property would not be inhibited from living there. I think we’re in agreement that it obviously would sell for many times more than the $18 million assessed value.

The court’s ruling highlights the difficulty in valuing unique parcels of real estate. The judge relied on the county assessor’s valuation. The assessors valuation is not based on a judgment of resale value (aka market value). It’s based on income generation.

In free markets, county assessors and judges don’t determine market value. Buyers, sellers, and lenders do. Free market capitalism is something the left both loathes and misunderstands.