Trump formally files appeal of $365 million verdict, does NOT post required bond

Trump is whining that the courts shouldn't be able to impose such amounts that he can't afford them (seriously? Who else would have such self-importance that they would say this?).
He had the $91m bond posted by Chubb, they collateralized the bond against his properties so that they will be taking possession instead of E. Jean Carroll. Presumably they did a better due diligence than the NY banks! How long did the assessors spend with tape measures, making sure that he didn't 'overestimate' the size of his apartments by half an acre?
What a shocker! Trump doesn’t have the $$$ to post the appeal bond. And no one wants to accept his real estate holdings as collateral. My guess is they are over-valued and over-leveraged.

It means, likely, that they looked over his financials and they found he's not good for it, that his other debtor obligations would place the bonding company at the end of the list, and that the appeal will be probably be denied.
It means, likely, that they looked over his financials and they found he's not good for it, that his other debtor obligations would place the bonding company at the end of the list, and that the appeal will be probably be denied.
pretty much :)

After contacting 30 bond companies, few of them would even “consider a bond of anything approaching” $464 million and those that do “will not ‘accept hard assets such as real estate as collateral,’ but ‘will only accept cash or cash equivalents (such as marketable securities),’” according to the brief.
Trump’s brief also complains that the bond companies that could provide him with the $464 million require collateral totaling 120% of the bond, or $557 million.

tots and peas, baby
Does Trump own any part of the tower? He's over-leveraged with the banks, so likely there's nothing there at all left for him. Same for Bedminster and Doral. He could possibly get away with Mar a Stinko as his domicile, so it's a lifetime of crashing wedding parties now.
Trump is involved in so much winning, er uh, I mean whining. Same for his MAGAts.

It's so fitting that the con artist is broke, and that he totally squandered his daddy's silver spoon. But Deplorables will still vote for him because they think he's a successful business man, and they love his racist policies.
What happens to 'common' men and women who cannot afford a bond to appeal their decisions?

  1. One can ask that the court waive the fees and hope to win on appeal.
  2. One can accept or be resigned to the fact that they lost the case and live with the outcome. They still have to come up with the court's judgment via some resolution.
Donald Trump has arrived at the same barred gates that a 'common' person reaches in the 'two-tiered' justice system.

He is asking for a waiver, claiming the cost is too high for a 'billionaire' to afford, and thus, it is not a fair situation. It's a rigged system against a rich man who shouldn't have to liquidate his properties to get the cash for the bond.

That's also what the 'common' man must do in the same situation—a fire sale. Trump is, in essence, asking the court to keep his properties and have his justice case heard as well.

Is anyone empathetic to a billionaire's situation that was brought on by incessant lies?
What happens to 'common' men and women who cannot afford a bond to appeal their decisions?

  1. One can ask that the court waive the fees and hope to win on appeal.
  2. One can accept or be resigned to the fact that they lost the case and live with the outcome. They still have to come up with the court's judgment via some resolution.
Donald Trump has arrived at the same barred gates that a 'common' person reaches in the 'two-tiered' justice system.

He is asking for a waiver, claiming the cost is too high for a 'billionaire' to afford, and thus, it is not a fair situation. It's a rigged system against a rich man who shouldn't have to liquidate his properties to get the cash for the bond.

That's also what the 'common' man must do in the same situation—a fire sale. Trump is, in essence, asking the court to keep his properties and have his justice case heard as well.

Is anyone empathetic to a billionaire's situation that was brought on by incessant lies?
Trump claims a worth of 2.6-5 Billion, depending upon which side of the mouth he is talking from. So the court is only asking for 1/6th of his worth at most. In 30 days I could easily come up with 1/3 rd of what I am worth, or even more, since I have good credit. I don't have a history of not paying my bills, nor have I left a mountain of unpaid loans.

There is a reason Trump used offshore banking, and it's not because he got better rates....
How long do you think it will before all his dictator buddies start chipping in to cover the appeal bond?
It’s not their money and if they did chip in, they would own him. Even more so than they do now.
They still would not loan him money. No more than Trump would reciprocate by loaning them money. They may be willing to buy something from him, like information etc, but they are not going to loan him money in the hopes he becomes President again.
Look how much he made off his Golf courses in just a few months!

Plus he owns 78 million shares of Truth Social !

As if hes broke or EVER will be broke! Lmao But I can promise you, the communist judge who handed down the 365 million dollar penalty hangs by his neck before the court sees a single dime of that money! TRUTH
Look how much he made off his Golf courses in just a few months!

Plus he owns 78 million shares of Truth Social !

As if hes broke or EVER will be broke! Lmao But I can promise you, the communist judge who handed doen the 365 million dollar penalty hangs by his neck before the court sees a single dime of that money! TRUTH
Biden will rule the world
