Trump formally files appeal of $365 million verdict, does NOT post required bond

HR-2 was a better bill but Schumer is another congressional fuckup.
HR2 was a partisan bill with no Democratic support. The Senate bill was a compromised bill that did not give amnesty nor path to citizenship, both of which have been Democratic requirements for past bills. You don't want a solution, you want only your solution even when you're given the majority of what you want in a compromise bill

You won't take a fix until your guy is the one leading it.... Admit that's your only goal or stfu
And yet immigration was under control, our petroleum reserves were full, unemployment at all time lows, no foreign wars, energy independence, military rebuilt, booming economy, stock market breaking records, made covid vaccines available for all, armed Ukraine, convinced NATO to pay their fair share, initiated the * First step act*, brought industry back to America, invested in rural America, dealt with China trade imbalance , tax cuts lifting all boats, created opportunity zones where long term investments were not taxed, massive deregulation that strangled economic growth, ended NAFTA and created USMCA, supported our farmers, MOST OF ALL HE PUT AMERICA’s interest first.
Not to seem pedantic or produce a long post here, but suffice it to say your statements are not accurate. I’ll note two for the readers to consider, and the rest can be reviewed by checking the Fact Check Link.

“Our petroleum reserves were full,” you said.

[Forbes] “…the highest level ever for the SPR was in 2010, when Barack Obama was president. Further, there was actually a net decline in the SPR when President Trump was in office. When he took office in January 2017, the SPR contained 695 million barrels. When he left office four years later, the SPR contained 638 million barrels. So not only is the claim of filling it untrue, but the level of the SPR actually declined while President Trump was in office.”

Unemployment at all-time lows,” you said.

Your claim is on par with Trump’s problem with ‘gross exaggerations.' His numbers were off to a good start until Covid, but by the time he left office, his initial claims to creating the most jobs ever – was a falsehood.

“Most of those jobs (56%) would return before Trump left office. But he ended his presidency with an economy that had 2.9 million fewer jobs than when he started — becoming the first president in modern times to experience a net loss of jobs over his time in office, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which has monthly employment figures dating to 1939.”
lol one fuck up fucked up 3 branches of government. you dumb blind partisan hypocrite.
Welp, your side isn’t fairing much better. Universal healthcare is still a fantasy. I’m certainly not a partisan hypocrite. I’ve called out republicans as much as I’ve railed against democrats. Both parties are a complete and total failure.
Not to seem pedantic or produce a long post here, but suffice it to say your statements are not accurate. I’ll note two for the readers to consider, and the rest can be reviewed by checking the Fact Check Link.

“Our petroleum reserves were full,” you said.

[Forbes] “…the highest level ever for the SPR was in 2010, when Barack Obama was president. Further, there was actually a net decline in the SPR when President Trump was in office. When he took office in January 2017, the SPR contained 695 million barrels. When he left office four years later, the SPR contained 638 million barrels. So not only is the claim of filling it untrue, but the level of the SPR actually declined while President Trump was in office.”

Unemployment at all-time lows,” you said.

Your claim is on par with Trump’s problem with ‘gross exaggerations.' His numbers were off to a good start until Covid, but by the time he left office, his initial claims to creating the most jobs ever – was a falsehood.

“Most of those jobs (56%) would return before Trump left office. But he ended his presidency with an economy that had 2.9 million fewer jobs than when he started — becoming the first president in modern times to experience a net loss of jobs over his time in office, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which has monthly employment figures dating to 1939.”
I stand corrected on SPR. I was going from memory, he wanted to top off at low prices but was blocked by democrats.
Welp, your side isn’t fairing much better. Universal healthcare is still a fantasy. I’m certainly not a partisan hypocrite. I’ve called out republicans as much as I’ve railed against democrats. Both parties are a complete and total failure.
100 bux sez you're on a form of uhc.

1,000 sez 95% of trump voters are on uhc.

yall too ignant to know you're on "obamacare."
Welp, your side isn’t fairing much better. Universal healthcare is still a fantasy. I’m certainly not a partisan hypocrite. I’ve called out republicans as much as I’ve railed against democrats. Both parties are a complete and total failure.

I stand corrected on SPR. I was going from memory, he wanted to top off at low prices but was blocked by democrats.
time to apologize again, dumbdumb.

Record number of Americans have signed up for Obamacare this year, HHS says

The HHS expects 19 million will sign up by the Jan. 17 deadline.

December 22, 2023, 9:44 AM
You didn’t answer my question? As usual! I’ll ask again. Would Trump be in the middle of all these indictments if he wasn’t campaigning for Biden’s job? The answer is an emphatic no!! All these charges didn’t take shape till after he announced his bid for president.
I did, but not surprised you couldn’t comprehend it.

All of them eh? I seem to remember a bunch of them prior but of course it’s easy for the facts-optional folks like yourself to not remember things. So used to being told what to think and what fake facts to believe.
I did, but not surprised you couldn’t comprehend it.

All of them eh? I seem to remember a bunch of them prior but of course it’s easy for the facts-optional folks like yourself to not remember things. So used to being told what to think and what fake facts to believe.
Trump announces Nov 22 2022 that he’s running again and Lord and behold Bragg announces a 34 count indictment that has outrun its statute of limitations in April 2023. Nothing to see here? :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: Typical NY justice system gone rogue, possessed by TDS.
I’ve called out republicans as much as I’ve railed against democrats.
Where, go get one post showing you doing this. Or is this like your "I've called out Trump", but no such post evidence exists, and you fallback on the "look it up yourself" defence.

Trump flagged as 'massive security risk' after he's unable to post bond in fraud judgment​

March 18, 2024

Donald Trump's lawyers notified a New York court that he's not able to find an insurance company willing to underwrite his bond to cover his massive civil fraud judgment, and a Democratic congressman said that opened him up to foreign corruption...

The former president's attorneys said in a court filing Monday that Trump has approached 30 underwriters to back the bond due by the end of this month to pay more than $464 million in penalties and interest, and insurance broker Gary Giuletti signed an affidavit stating that securing a bond for the full amount was "a practical impossibility," reported CNN.

It looks like that pompous con man will have to sell some of his property. I wonder if he owes money on it. If his net debts exceed his net assets, a homeless person with loose change in his pocket is richer than he is.