What did you dream? Tell it in five sentences or fewer.

In my dream, someone I know on Twitter had a really complex thing to do.

She organized a bunch of us on Twitter to help her and she divvied us up into several work streams based on our strengths and development needs.

I was responsible for catching mice (???), another person in our Twitter community was responsible for finding certain plants to be planted. Another one was on the entertainment committee. And there were three or four other people who had to run other work streams.

It was a really well run project and the leader was super organized.
I was in a library, seated at a large round table, and we were playing a game of AMA. It came my turn, and someone asked me what would my legacy be? I replied, first we must define legacy. Ultimately, I concluded that our legacies, if we have any at all, last about two generations. Then I woke up, and have been thinking about legacies ever since.
I was in a library, seated at a large round table, and we were playing a game of AMA. It came my turn, and someone asked me what would my legacy be? I replied, first we must define legacy. Ultimately, I concluded that our legacies, if we have any at all, last about two generations. Then I woke up, and have been thinking about legacies ever since.
What would your two generation legacy be?
I had a dream that I tried to get a statement from the pope about satellite orbits and god for a work project. It was more stressful a dream than I would have wanted.
I'm not sure I have one. I have no children, so there's that. I haven't built anything or written anything. I did save some lives; that will have to do.

From what you write here, there seems to be people who care about you. I don’t think it has to be your own kids to make a legacy that way.
And saving lives is certainly something to be proud of.
A week ago Tuesday I smoked some pot bcz I was desperate to sleep. I was awake and having steam of consciousness dreams… but I was awake. It was weird. I was really high.

In”dreamt” that I was a comedian and I had this act where I was telling people what not to do when high.

To keep this at five lines or less, here’s a poem I wrote about the experience:


It was a really bad awake dream and dream.
Went for chocolate with someone important to me. Stepped outside for a cigarette. They never came out of the store and when I went in looking, they weren't there. To make matters worse, I had no idea where I was, why I was there, or where I belonged.
I was taking a Welsh exam that was held in a dark church with only a few candles lighting the room. It was hard to see the texts and I wanted to leave the church because it was so dark and cold, so I just answered random things as quickly as possible hoping I’d get at least something right.

I left the exam feeling very disappointed, but then someone ran after me from the church and told me I had passed the exam and I had been accepted to study church music at a university that was supposed to be the leading place to study just that and very difficult to get in. The Welsh exam had been a ruse and in reality they were testing who reacts well to the church environment because they needed new students in the church music program.

I called J to talk with him about what had happened and to get his opinion on if I should start to study church music or not, and then, sadly, I woke up before I could get his answer.
I don't dream as much as I once did but my sleep hasn't been great lately. I've had some dreams in the past that really shook me, that felt life changing at the time. My unconscious was letting me be aware of things that I just hadn't thought or was aware of.
I don't dream as much as I once did but my sleep hasn't been great lately. I've had some dreams in the past that really shook me, that felt life changing at the time. My unconscious was letting me be aware of things that I just hadn't thought or was aware of.
You need a good orgasm so you get some sleep ! Then your have some good dreams
I was running through the shopping area of the London suburb where I grew up. I was being chased by Elvis Presley, who was wearing a human size carrot outfit (so his face poking out of a hole in the body of the carrot, his arms and legs outside the costume and in an orange top, orange leggings). Whatever I did I couldn't shake him off. As if that wasn't bad enough he was also singing. Happily I awoke...
I was in Iraq. Leaving Raider base and crossing ruote cardinals (a main road in Baghdad). Could almost smell the smells and feel the dust in the air.

The fucking yellowness of everything.

Very vivid.

Not a bad dream or a ptsd one. Just a dream.