What Do You Like About Men?

PierceStreet said:
Anyone else first read that as Adam's 22nd birthday? Let's see, 22 minus 9, must be part of DurtGirls' clan.
Gee, and he had to wait five years to consummate the marriage. What a bloke!

Perdita :D
PierceStreet said:
Anyone else first read that as Adam's 22nd birthday? Let's see, 22 minus 9, must be part of DurtGirls' clan.

Originally posted by Perdita
Gee, and he had to wait five years to consummate the marriage. What a bloke!

Perdita :D

LOL! You guys made me roar!

Ok, so it was late and I'd just written a long scene of me Nanooo novel.

Bloody hell, it's even later now. We've been... erm... celebrating. ;)

Night night ya nutters!

Loulou :kiss:

P.S. He's 31 :p
Men as friends

I don't know what the reason is but I tend to discuss stuff more freely with my male friends than my female ones. Maybe it's the fact that they will not go all emotional on you when you're cribbing about your life but they'll just listen and then gently steer you away from it. I gel more with males than with females.

I like their sense of humour- which is more dry, sarky, witty. I like the fact that they don't get silly often.

I like the way I can be perverted with my male friends I have and they won't take it in the wrong way. I like the amount of perversion they can take. :D

They are more straightforward when they want to tell you something. They don't pussy-foot around stuff which I need to hear in a frank and honest manner. Not to say women don't do this, but more often that not they are either apologetic about it or they sandwich it in between other mushy stuff.
Got Men?

Men: we're good at parallel parking.

Men: we know what we want to eat before seeing a menu.

Men: we don't need anything more than a wallet to carry our stuff.

Men: we get better looking with age.

Men: we came make more noise during a playoff game. The deep, throaty kind of noise, not high-pitched squeals.
Got Men?

Men: we're good at parallel parking.

Men: we know what we want to eat before seeing a menu.

Men: we don't need anything more than a wallet to carry our stuff.

Men: we get better looking with age.

Men: we can make more noise during a playoff game. The deep, throaty kind of noise, not high-pitched squeals.

Men: our biological clocks are digital.
Men: we have an inexplicable need to repeat ourselves.

I don't know how the hell that message repeated itself.
Men: we have an inexplicable need to repeat ourselves.

I don't know how the hell that message repeated itself.
Dampanties said
On another note, I once heard a penis being referred to as "that tiny, wrinkled thing you have down there."

I've just caught up with this thread.

A Spanish neighbour of friends was 'flashed' in London a few years ago. In describing the incident she said "he pulled open ez coat and showed me ez rubbish"

I guess we know her opinion :D

For myself, what can I say, most of my friends are women, never lost a woman friend, lost plenty of men friends. Never understood why. Maybe something to do with living in different countries, working unsocial hours. Only one close male friend, for neigh on 30 years, we sail together and consequently have built a relationship built on mutual instinctive trust which is something you need when you can't see the coast.

Another thing I like about men (apart from the pride they take in their ability to parallel park):

If you ask men what they like about women, you'll get a simple, concise list of nowns. And up to two verbs.
As I am pissed off at the entire Man Realm right now, I'm having a hard time coming up with anything...

But I do like to find guys who will treat me as "one of the boys". I'm most myself, I think, in a situation like that. And I suppose men are good for a good hard fuck every now and then... :p
Mhari said:
As I am pissed off at the entire Man Realm right now, I'm having a hard time coming up with anything...

But I do like to find guys who will treat me as "one of the boys". I'm most myself, I think, in a situation like that. And I suppose men are good for a good hard fuck every now and then... :p

Yes, they are at least good for that. LOL

One thing wrong with men, especially quarterbacks. They never seem to know that it is better to take the damn sack then try and get off a stupid pass that turns into a turnover.

I'm sorry, but I'm watching a game right now and our guy thinks he is Clark "fucking" Kent or something.

Take the sack. Go down! Go down! Go down!

Hey, that's something good about me. I'm always willing to go down.

Yes, I am ashamed for saying that.
Vincent E said:
Hey, that's something good about me. I'm always willing to go down.

Yes, I am ashamed for saying that.

Nothing to be ashamed of, at all! You are in very appreciative company. ;)

I love the way some men smell. I love the smell of cologn on a man. I love the grin they get on their face when they are thinking naughty thoughts about us. And I love it when a man takes control in the bedroom sometimes but only in the bedroom. If a man tried to control me any other way I would tell them to fuck off.