What have you posted recently?

Read your first one and throughly enjoyed it, even if not my preferred subject matter, which is actually a good thing.
A couple of critical comments I would have:
In the beginning you spend too much time on minutia descriptions of what was being served and eaten. Since it’s not an important part to the story it doesn’t need to be addressed that deeply.
Also, I would suggest getting more descriptive of the characters’ physical traits so the reader can better picture who is involved in the story.

Damn good for a first go.
Thanks for taking rhe time to reply, and glad you enjoyed it!
Totally get both of your suggestions, and it's something I'll look at next time around. My intention was to really set the scene, but maybe went too far.
As for the characters themselves, leaving them as blank canvases was a very deliberate choice, as I want each reader to conjur their own personal ideals in the MC. Will defo look at how I can balance that!
I like the novel blank canvas approach which is going to negate my next comment!
I think you need to develop the backstory a tad bit more as to what is going on with the husband/boyfriend.
Tooting my horn here for the first time - one story published - 3 Haikus (& more coming) - 3 art pieces under moderation
My first story on Lit - all feedback good & bad welcome (about the writing, not the morals).

I also don't know how it works here but please vote/rate my story if you like it

It's raw eroticism with very little character building but that was my aim - a pure sex fantasy of 2K words

It's about a girl who attends a rock concert of her favourite band, The Grateful Dead, and is groped by a stranger and how she deals with it.

The name of the band may give a clue to the debauchery at play in this story & it is a homage to Anaïs Nin's story "La Petite Mort", the little death which is a phrase referring to an orgasm

It's in two parts with the second part to come shortly, I hope
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My latest "What Were You Thinking? - Therapy" just went public hours ago. It's 9.7K words in Loving Wives. "Do swingers need marriage counseling after they cheat?"

I wrote this after one comment on my previous story said, "This dysfunctional couple needs therapy!" So, I wrote the story of how a high IQ swinger might interact with a marriage counselor. And I thought to include many of the arguments of how a swinger might address the criticisms of those "monogamous only" judgmental types with their hateful comments in LW.

As expected, my 1-bombing followers started early, with the story at 2.14 (up from 1.95 an hour ago) with 42 votes.
My latest "What Were You Thinking? - Therapy" just went public hours ago. It's 9.7K words in Loving Wives. "Do swingers need marriage counseling after they cheat?"

I wrote this after one comment on my previous story said, "This dysfunctional couple needs therapy!" So, I wrote the story of how a high IQ swinger might interact with a marriage counselor. And I thought to include many of the arguments of how a swinger might address the criticisms of those "monogamous only" judgmental types with their hateful comments in LW.

As expected, my 1-bombing followers started early, with the story at 2.14 (up from 1.95 an hour ago) with 42 votes.
Hi, new here
Based on your comments above it seems that there are "voices" with agendas that "need to be heard" - very much like the way society in a lot of countries is now very polarised?

I'm presuming your story was fantasy so WTF are people complaining about? That it doesn't fit in the category of Loving Wives?

I just published a story (see my post above) & I wondered what the star rating at the side represents - the average of the votes cast so far or some other measure?

So far I have no stars but I see 3 people have added it to their favourites & one person is following? Kinda strange!! Although not really for those who are just looking for wank material.
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... I'm presuming your story was fantasy so WTF are people complaining about? That it doesn't fit in the category of Loving Wives? ...
As discussed here in the A.H. MANY times previously, the Loving Wives category gets a story more views than any other category. My previous story "What Were You Thinking?" about the wife's deception has received over 66K views in just under one month.

But the audience there is divided between those who HATE swinger/sharing stories, believing any non-monogamous sex deserves violent revenge by the spouse, and those who LIKE having sex for fun.
My latest "What Were You Thinking? - Therapy" just went public hours ago. It's 9.7K words in Loving Wives. "Do swingers need marriage counseling after they cheat?"

I wrote this after one comment on my previous story said, "This dysfunctional couple needs therapy!" So, I wrote the story of how a high IQ swinger might interact with a marriage counselor. And I thought to include many of the arguments of how a swinger might address the criticisms of those "monogamous only" judgmental types with their hateful comments in LW.

As expected, my 1-bombing followers started early, with the story at 2.14 (up from 1.95 an hour ago) with 42 votes.
Brilliant concept. I gave it 5 stars without reading it. The creepers rate without reading, why can’t I?
Hope to get to reading it soon.
I had a look at the comments on your "What Were You Thinking", first story but didn't read it yet
I see a lot of the comments are Anonymous - spineless as well as stupid - a lot can't even spell FFS
I had a look at the comments on your "What Were You Thinking", first story but didn't read it yet
I see a lot of the comments are Anonymous - spineless as well as stupid - a lot can't even spell FFS
There are 21 comments so far on my latest story "What Were You Thinking? - Therapy".

Some of those indicate the commenter believes the story is aimed at them specifically! Others think it's a judgmental attitude opposing monogamous marriage. And yet I have the main male character saying effectively "people are who they are due to their own unique experiences!"

I've learned over the last few years dealing with such LW comments that there are many out there who are so narrow minded that they think everything is about them!

I've long since gotten over their negativity bothering me.
My first two submissions since my return to erotic writing after over a decade.
Part One: A Surprise Visitor
Part Two: The Visitor Returns
With Part Three pending approval and Part Four in drafts awaiting editing.

My other writing is definitively non-erotic, this has been both a great outlet to get some practice in and also get some of the urges and desires in the back of my head out in the air.
There are 21 comments so far on my latest story "What Were You Thinking? - Therapy".

Some of those indicate the commenter believes the story is aimed at them specifically! Others think it's a judgmental attitude opposing monogamous marriage. And yet I have the main male character saying effectively "people are who they are due to their own unique experiences!"

I've learned over the last few years dealing with such LW comments that there are many out there who are so narrow minded that they think everything is about them!

I've long since gotten over their negativity bothering me.
Some people should realise that the universe doesn't revolve around them
“The older I get, the surer I am that I’m not running the show.”
― Leonard Cohen
I've taken up an interest in audio narrating. Of course I didn't realize that the Audio category here is basically just a never ending collection of porn noises and very little erotica narrating, so I've pretty much dropped an unsexy sea urchin among the desert of sex noises--whoops! :LOL:

This story was written by @oneagainst, I'm just the voice behind the awesome writing, reading the intro to his series The Light Between the Trees. This excerpt details a harrowing and action filled scene surrounding the FMC Chloe and her experiences being held at gunpoint by a maniac. For something so serious I had so much fucking fun recording it, and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.

The Light Between the Trees - Intro
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I've taken up an interest in audio narrating. Of course I didn't realize that the Audio category here is basically just a never ending collection of porn noises and very little erotica narrating, so I've pretty much dropped an unsexy sea urchin among the desert of sex noises--whoops! :LOL:

This story was written by @oneagainst, I'm just the voice behind the awesome writing, reading the intro to his series The Light Between the Trees. This excerpt details a harrowing and action filled scene surrounding the FMC Chloe and her experiences being held at gunpoint by a maniac. For something so serious I had so much fucking fun recording it, and I'm pretty proud of how it turned out.

The Light Between the Trees - Intro
Yeah, check it out. @seraph_nocturne smashed it!!
My "latest" to go up was my "Hammered: an Ode to Mickey Spillane" event story.

My laptop crashed just days before the event deadline, so the story that went up was a short.
The one that I originally had written was over 10,000 words.

I think for how quickly I had to rush to get it out in time, it's pretty damn good.

Nothing but positive comments.....so far. LOL.
