What was your first sexual experience that lead to your current fetish or fantasies?

Vor ein paar Jahren hatte ich eine Freundin (nennen wir sie Freundin 1), mit der ich rumgemacht habe. Eines Abends gab es eine Hausparty, es war ziemlich spät, es musste ungefähr 1 Uhr morgens gewesen sein, wir haben im Schlafzimmer rumgealbert, die Tür war unverschlossen (Anfängerfehler, lol), obwohl es nicht unsere erste Begegnung war, waren wir noch neu in allem und haben es langsam angehen lassen. Wir haben eine Weile rumgemacht, die Füße baumelten vom Bett, langsam, sinnlich, haben einfach alles in uns aufgenommen. Ich war zu nervös, um zu weit zu gehen und sie in Verlegenheit zu bringen. Sie fühlte sich jedoch nicht unwohl und ging noch ein bisschen weiter. Wir gingen wieder ganz aufs Bett und sie begann, meinen Hals zu küssen, langsam, sanft, sie ließ sich Zeit. Sie bewegte sich zu meiner Brust, mein Herz klopfte so heftig, dass ich mich fragte, ob sie es spüren konnte. Sie senkte die Träger meines Tanktops und begann, meine Brustwarzen zu küssen und sanft daran zu saugen. Ich erinnere mich, dass es sich anfühlte wie nichts, was ich zuvor gefühlt hatte, ich hatte zu diesem Zeitpunkt noch nicht einmal meine eigenen Brustwarzen berührt. Es war erregend, jemandem so nah zu sein. Ich fühlte, wie ich feucht wurde. Ein Gefühl, das auch damals noch neu war. Alles fühlt sich beim ersten Mal so viel intensiver an. Sie hört auf, wir sehen uns nur schweigend an. Ich beginne, sie auf die Brust zu küssen und ziehe ihr Shirt herunter, um ihre Brüste freizulegen. Sie waren eher klein, vielleicht Körbchengröße B, und ihre Brustwarzen waren rosa und weich. Ich nehme eine in den Mund und beginne zu saugen. Ich bewege mich von Brust zu Brust und küsse sie beide. Ehrlich gesagt waren wir einfach in unserer eigenen Welt. Die Musik im Wohnzimmer war laut, das einzige Licht im Zimmer war das rote Licht der Lampe auf der anderen Seite des Zimmers. Und kennen Sie dieses summende Gefühl in Ihrem Kopf, wenn Sie so geil sind und in dem Moment kaum etwas hören oder sich darauf konzentrieren können, außer auf die Person vor Ihnen? Nun, das ist wahrscheinlich der Grund, warum ich die Tür nicht aufgehen hörte und ich glaube, sie hat es auch eine Zeit lang nicht bemerkt. Es können nicht länger als 30 Sekunden gewesen sein, aber irgendwann bemerkten wir es. Es war eine andere Freundin von uns (Freundin 2). Wir sahen sie nicht so oft, aber wir waren Freunde. Ich sollte erwähnen, dass wir alles heimlich machten. Niemand wusste es, weil wir nicht wegen unserer Sexualität verurteilt werden wollten. Aber wir fickten auch nur ab und zu rum. Es hatte keinen Sinn, es irgendjemandem zu erzählen. Wie auch immer, sie kommt herein und schließt die Tür. Sie war gelinde gesagt schockiert. Ich saß da und hatte Angst, sie würde rausrennen und etwas sagen. Aber Freundin 1 beginnt sie zu fragen, ob sie es sehen will. Sie zieht ihre Hände weg und enthüllt ihre Titten. Ich sehe Freundin 2 an, um ihre Reaktion einzuschätzen. Sie starrt auf ihre Titten. Sie kommt herunter und setzt sich zwischen uns. Ich frage, ob ich ihre sehen kann. Sie zieht ihr Top herunter. Sie hat dunkle Haut und ihre Titten sind größer, sie waren perfekt rund und ihre Brustwarzen wurden hart. Ich fragte, ob ich sie anfassen dürfe, und sie sagte ja. Das war das zweite Mädchen, das ich angefasst habe, und ich fand es toll, die Körper von beiden zu sehen. Sie waren unterschiedlich gebaut, aber beide so verdammt heiß. Ich streichelte sie, während ich sie einfach nur gruselig und erstaunt anstarrte.Freundin 1 küsst sie, sie knutschen, während ich mit ihren Titten spiele. Sie ziehen sich zurück und ich fange an, sie zu küssen, während Freundin 1 anfängt, an ihren Titten zu saugen, ziehe ich mich zurück und fange gleichzeitig an, an ihrer anderen Titte zu saugen. Ich werde für immer das Bild in meinem Kopf haben, wie ich Augenkontakt mit Freundin 1 aufnehme, die auch an ihr saugt, und dann zu ihr aufschaue und sie ihren Kopf vor Lust hochhält, die Augen geschlossen. Es ist ziemlich harmlos, aber ich könnte kommen, wenn ich daran denke. Wir hörten dort auf, jeder zog seine Hemden wieder an und wir sprachen nie wieder darüber, lol. Ich bin ziemlich sicher, dass es allen gefallen hat, aber leider war es sehr beschämend.

Wie dem auch sei, Sie haben wahrscheinlich erraten, dass ich Dreier liebe und unbedingt noch einmal einen erleben möchte, und zwar richtig durchgeknallt.

Das ist das erste Mal, dass ich so etwas geschrieben habe, es ist eine wahre Geschichte, lol. Ich bin definitiv kein Autor, aber ich wollte sie teilen, ich weiß nicht, ob ich ein paar Kommentare hinterlassen soll, wäre jemand daran interessiert, andere Geschichten zu hören, oder sollte ich weiterhin ein stiller Zuschauer bleiben, lol
Sehr gern gelesen. Danke für den schönen Bericht.
It was during the AOL days. There was a section that had erotic stories. I stumbled upon a mother and son incest story. This fetish never crossed my mind. But when I was done reading the story the woman in the room got royally pounded that day. Been hooked ever since.
A couple years back I had this girl friend (let’s call her friend 1) I was messing with. There was a house party one night, it was pretty late around this point had to be around 1am, we were messing around in the bedroom, with the door unlocked (rookie mistake lol) although not our first encounter with each other we were still new to everything and took it slow. We made out for a while feet dangling off the bed, slowly, sensually really just taking everything in. I was too nervous to take things too far and make her uncomfortable. She wasn’t uncomfortable though and she moved things a little further. We moved back on to the bed fully and she started kissing my neck, slowly, mildly, taking her time. She makes her way towards my chest, my heart was pounding so hard I wondered if she could feel it. She lowers the straps of my tank top and starts kissing on my nipples, sucking them softly. I remember it feeling like nothing i’ve felt before, I haven’t even touched my own nipples at this point. It was arousing to be that close to someone, I could feel myself getting wet. A feeling that was still new then too, everything feels so much more intense the first time. She stops we just look at each other not speaking. I start to kiss on her chest and lower her shirt to reveal her tits. They were on the smaller side a B cup maybe and her nipples were pink and soft. I take one in my mouth and start sucking, i’m moving from each breast kissing them both, we were just in our own world to be honset. The music in the living room was loud, the only light in the room was the red light coming from the lamp across the room. And you know that buzzy feeling in your head when you’re so horny and in the moment that it’s hard to hear or focus on anything expect the person in front of you? Well that’s probably why I didn’t hear the door open and I don’t think she notice for a while either, it couldn’t be longer than 30 seconds but eventually we notice, it was another girl friend of ours ( friend 2), we didn’t see her as often but we we’re friends. I should mention we were doing everything in secret, nobody knew because we didn’t want judgment for our sexuality but also we would just fuck around occasionally there was no point in telling anyone. Anyways, she comes in and closes the door, she was shocked to say the least I was sitting there quietly scared she would run out and say something. But friend 1, starts asking her wants to see, she pulls away her hands to reveal her tits, i’m looking at friend 2 to gauge her reaction, she staring at her tits. She comes down to sit in between us. I ask if I can see hers, she pulls down her top, she has dark skin and her tits her bigger, they were perfectly round and her nipples were getting hard. I asked if I could touch them, she says yes. This was the second girl i’ve touched and I loved seeing both of theirs body’s, different builds but both so fucking hot. I fondled them while I kinda just creepily stared in amazement. Friend 1 is kissing her, they make out while I play with her tits. They pull away and I start to kiss her, while friend 1 starts sucking on her tits, I pull away and start sucking on her other tit at the same time. I’ll forever have the picture etched in my mind of making eye contact with friend 1 was also sucking her and then looking up at her and she’s had her head up in pleasure, eye closed shut. It’s pretty tame but I could cum thinking about it. We stopped there, everyone put their shirts back on and we never talked about it again lol. I’m pretty sure everyone enjoyed it but there was alot of shame around it unfortunately.

Anyways, you probably guessed that I love threesomes and reallllllyyyy want to experience one again taken all the way.

This is the first time i’ve ever written something like this, it’s a true story lol i’m definitely not a writer but I wanted to share, idk leave some comments, would anyone be interested in hearing other stories or should I continue to be a silent viewer lol
Nicely written story of early passion. Shame didn’t go even further. Of course we will love to hear whether you end up having many threesomes:)
It was during the AOL days. There was a section that had erotic stories. I stumbled upon a mother and son incest story. This fetish never crossed my mind. But when I was done reading the story the woman in the room got royally pounded that day. Been hooked ever since.
Similar I became interested in younger man with older woman scenario. The friends mother I was talking about was particularly gorgeous.
After my girlfriend committed to me, she fucked her previous boyfriend. When she confessed, it was both intensely painful, and incredibly exciting. It reminded me of that RHCP lyric "I like pleasure spiced with pain". I realized that I would have to be a cuckold in order to keep this woman.
I didn't end up liking the idea of being cuckold but I did allow one ex girlfriend the love of my life at that time commit a sexual act on a random stranger while I watch and those fantasies remain etched in my mind.
My wife and I went to different universities when we were dating, and she was free to date others. I only saw her once or twice a month the first two and a half years, and when I was not with her she was with another guy. I suspected they were having sex, but she denied it. I was terribly jealous. A few years after we married, we were having sex and I asked her to tell me the truth: did she have sex in college? She said, "Yes. I was fucked." I asked how many guys had her, and she began to tell me. I found myself getting harder and harder as we fucked. It was the beginning of exciting times whenever she tells me about having sex with others.
My wife and I went to different universities when we were dating, and she was free to date others. I only saw her once or twice a month the first two and a half years, and when I was not with her she was with another guy. I suspected they were having sex, but she denied it. I was terribly jealous. A few years after we married, we were having sex and I asked her to tell me the truth: did she have sex in college? She said, "Yes. I was fucked." I asked how many guys had her, and she began to tell me. I found myself getting harder and harder as we fucked. It was the beginning of exciting times whenever she tells me about having sex with others.
Its a very common desire amongst readers here:)
It actually started with an old story from Lit! A girl I was talking to sent me a story that I think was called "Under The Covers"? can't remember exactly if that's it. But basically the couple in the story help each other get off under a blanket it at a party surrounded by her friends. She and I basically replicated the story on her birthday! I remember how wet she was when I started to play with her pussy under the blanket. definitely the start of my risky public sex kink lol
It actually started with an old story from Lit! A girl I was talking to sent me a story that I think was called "Under The Covers"? can't remember exactly if that's it. But basically the couple in the story help each other get off under a blanket it at a party surrounded by her friends. She and I basically replicated the story on her birthday! I remember how wet she was when I started to play with her pussy under the blanket. definitely the start of my risky public sex kink lol
Wouldn't it be exciting if someone suddenly pulled the blanket away and you are fingering her! And you decide to continue.
About 5 years ago we had went to Universal Orlando and we were at the pool watching our kids swim. She went to the bar to get us a couple drinks. As she's standing there, I see a couple guys chatting her up. She comes back with our drinks and tells me how those guys wanted to buy her a drink and hang out. As she's telling me I was starting to get turned on. We talked about it more, joked about what they would do with her. Started a whole wife sharing thing for me. Since then we have posted nude pics, did some hotwife role play, she dresses a little more revealing. Seriously doubt it will ever actually become a reality, but it's a fun fantasy for us both.
My fetish started some years ago when I saw a boy my age walking in front of me in tight black leather pants. they had a soft golden glow and made me incredibly horny. today leather (pants, boots, belts) is a big fetish of mine.
My fantasy for sucking cock started at an early age Around 46 I was so curious and got the nerve to try it. I ended up meeting a Gay guy at his place and we did 69 and my fantasy turned to reality. After experiencing it I fantasized about sucking more cock and I went bat shit crazy pursuing more dicks to suck.
I did have a very early experience where I had the soft cock of a contemporary briefly in my mouth. Just juvenile experimentation - Nothing happened.
But, in my late teens, I acquired a "personal cocksucker". He was an older male friend, about my father's age at the time. The way he LOVED to suck my cock made me want to try it too. He had ED, so I was un'suck'cessful. Then I got married and my interest waned; but later on, I returned to ABS video areas to supplement my desire to have my cock sucked, or substitute for my craving to have someone swallow my cum, the desire to do the same reemerged. My wife did suck but, unfortunately, she has always been a spitter.

I still haven't experienced it, entirely because I fear contracting some disease that I'd "bring home", but as sex between my wife and I is now virtually nonexistent, the desire has intensified. So my "first" sexual experience has certainly lead to my fantasy of having a male suck buddy. It would be nice to enjoy having my cock sucked and my cum swallowed while I'd do the same for him.
My wife became attracted to another man. He took her to a hotel and he fucked her! It almost ruined our marriage. But soon after her tryst started to arouse me. Since then other men screwing my wife has been my fetish.
I think my kinks were ingrained in me and then I "discovered" them...

I remember being quite young and watching the movie sleeping beauty and absolutely loving the scene where he scares her in the woods and then pursues her... I wonder if there's a version/retelling where that scene gets a little spicy.

I read TONS of trashy romance novels when I was a horny, but horrifically awkward, teenaged girl. There was one in particular that included reluctance on the part of both the FMC and the MMC with an emphasis on the FMC getting pregnant (it was set in medieval times, so the whole 'I need an heir' thing was in play). I LOVED it. Read and masturbated with that book constantly lol.

But then again, I don't really enjoying being degraded during sex, and I wonder if that's because some of the men in my life when I was growing up could get verbally abusive...

You can call me a "dirty girl" if you tell me how much you love it afterwards. But if you call me a "bitch", I'm done.
My fetish for crossdressing started the instant I first tried my mother's lingerie. I saw it hanging to dry in the laundry room, having never seen anything like it before, and felt the need to try it on. I was immediately very deeply aroused.

My interest in incest started one day at my aunt's house when I saw a picture of her oldest daughter (my cousin) sitting against a tree in short denim shorts, revealing a great deal of thigh.

I have some other interests with more complicated origin stories. I can discuss in PM if anyone is that interested.
Walking in on my mother and father, he was dressed in all feminine undergarment and a wig, my mom was dressed in exactly the same attire. She was giving him head in his recliner and he was calling her my sisters name and also saying things to my mother like “oh yes Karen suck mommy’s pussy.”
Uh... of all the things that didn't happen that day, that didn't happen the most. In fact it didn't happen so hard, some things that actually happened stopped happening at all.
This is a bit odd….

But when I was younger, I was diagnosed with urethral cancer. I had surgery to remove a cancerous section of my urethra and then pull and stitch the ends together. As a result, I had to wear a catheter for about 2 months as the incision healed. At first, there was only pain. But near the end of my recovery, there was a day when i was pulled from my morning sleep by an indescribable sensation. I looked down to see I was fully, almost painfully erect. The catheter tube was rubbing the interior urethral wall from the tip of my penis all the way down to the base of my shaft and further. The slightest lateral movement of the tube or any change in my erection caused an immediate overload of sensation. I touched myself briefly and watched as my penis expanded, and my cockhead swallowed a few extra millimeters of tube. I may have gasped…the pain/pleasure combo was so powerful. I was leaking precum and i wanted to get myself off so badly….but with such a large restrictive tube in place, it is considered medically unwise. The cum has no direct exit except around the tube and this can cause issues. So I had to stop. As I tried to avoid contact, my erection began to slowly subside and again, as my penis contracted, it slid down the catheter providing another burst of sensation. It was joyful agony.

At last, I was back to normal. But I never forgot that sensation and never tried to replicate it…although i know there are some who enjoy sounding for the same reason. It remains one of my most intimate and bizarre sexually gratifying moments.
My now wife was dating a friend in college. He was really hung. One night I walked in on them fucking. He was behind her fucking her brains out. A couple of years later, he had moved and they were trying to have long distance relationship. She and I became close and we began fucking 3 or 4 times a week. He would come into town and we would have to act like everything was normal. We’d be at the bar together and she would walk by and tell me that she loves me and then I’d have to watch her walk out the door with him knowing that he would be fucking her soon with that big dick. He eventually found out about us when she met yet another guy and began fucking him. They fucked for a few months before he moved. She came back to me and we have been together ever since. We have been in a hot wife marriage now for over a year and we both love it. I’ve watched her fuck other men several times and she makes videos for me when I’m not there.
My now wife was dating a friend in college. He was really hung. One night I walked in on them fucking. He was behind her fucking her brains out. A couple of years later, he had moved and they were trying to have long distance relationship. She and I became close and we began fucking 3 or 4 times a week. He would come into town and we would have to act like everything was normal. We'd be at the bar together and she would walk by and tell me that she loves me and then I'd have to watch her walk out the door with him knowing that he would be fucking her soon with that big dick. He eventually found out about us when she met yet another guy and began fucking him. They fucked for a few months before he moved. She came back to me and we have been together ever since. We have been in a hot wife marriage now for over a year and we both love it. I've watched her fuck other men several times and she makes videos for me when I'm not there.
Bet you spend plenty of time jerking off I know I would
I did. I was very jealous back when all this happened. I was very hurt and thought that all couples should be faithful to each other. The fact that she wouldn’t break up with her boyfriend and then started fucking someone else hurt me very badly. A few years after we got married, I started to fantasize about her with other men. It took several more years before we finally took the plunge. I wish I had been into this when we first got together. She could really have gone through quite a few guys by now. That was 28 years ago.
AOL chat rooms and instant messages were my first “sexual” experiences. I was quite young and I believe that has helped inform my fantasy and fetish of older men. I got a particular thrill that I was pleasing older men. In fact, I also enjoyed them directing me what to do. I once found myself in quite the position based on the directives of one of these older men. I can picture my very inexperienced self on my bedroom floor, trying to type one handed while following directions. Makes my pussy tingle.