Where Are You Published

Hey you don't recognize even seasoned posters

Well it's been a day, and I read your post with amazement,
Logging in tells me I only have 14 posts, and that I'm still a newbie here. Shit what does it take after 123 posts to get an avatar or an answer. One of the reason I don't hang here is there isn't any continuity.

Really frustrating
Shit logged in and still not shown as subscribed.

Lost in a long list of threads and not much else:eek:
100 post gets you to AV level ...

and ...continuity? Is that poultry?
tell you what, PM me with any
questions you have ...
I have to collect those,
encredibly eatable eggs ...Art~

index : Non-Erotic Poetry : 3:30am

by fabmax ©

The shadows
These more
than likely
Temporary Walls
Look like daggers
Once soothing
Now painful
And I'm afraid to
Open or close
These tired eyes.
A drink of you

index : Non-Erotic Poetry : A Drink of You

A Drink of You
by fabmax ©

Oh sweet love
Come crashing into
Let me drink a
case of you
This sleeping soul
Needs to awake
Back to the passion
For I am not myself
And I fight to feel
A previous known

Oh love
Come crashing into
I cannot see
I half feel
Oh love let me
drink a case of
Let me dance
Let me feel
that that is gone
I hate, and almost
For lost lust
For life
And to be whole again

Oh love come crashing
Into me
Let me drink
a case of you
So full of life
And you
I can't see
A Ride

A Ride
by fabmax ©

I'm cycling into a gusting wind
Tears bounce off my stinging cheeks
And a big black thundercloud
Feels just like I do.

Cycling fast, cycling hard, to make it hurt
Tears bounce off my burnt cheeks
And I barely notice
The big black thundercloud draws nearer
I'm huddled, I'm closed.........the pain seared like a
hot poker
I press on.

I just cycle fast, I want to be home
The thundercloud draws even nearer
And I feel cold, alone and shiver
Until my teeth chatter
The pain gets worst and I loose my stomach
But still I move my legs like a robot who
requires not a lot, and when there nothing
It although you not to feel

I cycle so hard to take my breath away
And my eyes ache with the crying down
A thunderclouded path
From which has delivered the opiate
Of numbness I have succumbed to,
And it justifies a meltdown of loathing
And pure hatred
For not and never being!
I'm glad to see you here Max. I always liked reading your poems. I've read them for about two years now, right? I know you've been posting poems here for a long time, and I remember your posts here about a year ago.

Why sticky?

Just out of curiousity, why is this thread sticky? If it is a collection of info about individual poets, shouldn't it be under the "roll call"? (or just in our bios?) If it is a collection of info about publishing, shouldn't it be under "welcome, information, etc"?

I'm not objecting, just wondering.
flyguy69 said:
Just out of curiousity, why is this thread sticky? If it is a collection of info about individual poets, shouldn't it be under the "roll call"? (or just in our bios?) If it is a collection of info about publishing, shouldn't it be under "welcome, information, etc"?

I'm not objecting, just wondering.
Actually, it would be nice to unstick this since we're getting sticky crowded. Ange, would you object to me unsticking this? I had thought about asking you and anna if there was a way to combine this thread with the roll call thread. But that may get too messy. Any suggestions on making one big roll call/where are you published thread?
WickedEve said:
Actually, it would be nice to unstick this since we're getting sticky crowded. Ange, would you object to me unsticking this? I had thought about asking you and anna if there was a way to combine this thread with the roll call thread. But that may get too messy. Any suggestions on making one big roll call/where are you published thread?

I've often thought about unsticking it myself--I don't think many people are comfortable sharing specific info about their publications--for various reasons. Sure, go ahead and unstick it, Eve.
Angeline said:
I've often thought about unsticking it myself--I don't think many people are comfortable sharing specific info about their publications--for various reasons. Sure, go ahead and unstick it, Eve.
I've even thought about unsticking the review thread. If it's used every day, then it'll never go far down the list. I should be able to unstick the feb contest thread soon. I combined the E and Award poetry thread with the welcome/info thread to cut down on some sticky clutter.
WickedEve said:
I've even thought about unsticking the review thread. If it's used every day, then it'll never go far down the list. I should be able to unstick the feb contest thread soon. I combined the E and Award poetry thread with the welcome/info thread to cut down on some sticky clutter.

Yes. That has been an awful lot of sticking going on.

Someone had asked me about sticking a thread about a Lit Poets get together, though I don't know who would host it or where it would be (I have a pretty small place here, lol.) Can we have it at your house?
Angeline said:
Yes. That has been an awful lot of sticking going on.

Someone had asked me about sticking a thread about a Lit Poets get together, though I don't know who would host it or where it would be (I have a pretty small place here, lol.) Can we have it at your house?
I can't find in mod options!
Sign in and see if you can find any. :D

Sigh... I found them at the top under some list at the bottom of that list somewhere... damn.
Last edited:
WickedEve said:
Actually, it would be nice to unstick this since we're getting sticky crowded. Ange, would you object to me unsticking this? I had thought about asking you and anna if there was a way to combine this thread with the roll call thread. But that may get too messy. Any suggestions on making one big roll call/where are you published thread?

Actually, "where are you published, if you care to divulge?" would have been a highly appropriate question for "Roll Call"... My suggestion would be to add that question to the original "roll call" in an edit, and invite the previous posters to answer.

Whatever happens, it's nice to know that the process is in intelligent hands.

- by the way -

this thread, in particular, isn't for posting poems. There is the "construction zone" and "all of a sudden..." for poems, not to mention submitting poems for publication. I don't mind one or two "bumps" but more than that tends to irritate my sense of fairness. ... post your poems for publication here, or in another appropriate thread, but don't invade another discussion about something else, please.


Hey y'all.

"Where are you published" was a question in the original roll call -- but I guess Ange wanted to make a separate and on-going place for announcements. I think joining them together would be a wonderful idea.

It makes me sad that people don't want to let us know where to find their poems out in the great wide wonder! :confused:

Maybe a thread about submission calls, etc.. A generic "Publication" one. I like the idea of having those sources in one place to be able to find them easily (like the informational pieces Maria put up) Many of the poetry forums have threads like that.

All the best, sticky ones :)

how does one get sticky out of threads? Peanut butter? Hairspray?

annaswirls said:
Maybe a thread about submission calls, etc.. A generic "Publication" one. I like the idea of having those sources in one place to be able to find them easily (like the informational pieces Maria put up) Many of the poetry forums have threads like that.
Angeline, I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have a quick sticky discussion on your thread.
Some forums have a Introduce Yourself thread. I love those. It lets you know exactly what's expected of you and it does entice you to go and introduce yourself. :)
I like that idea about submission calls and other info.
Okay, we need the welcome thread. The contest of the month. The introduce yourself or roll call thread, which can include the where are you published info. Now a submissions calls, etc.
I'm going to study this sticky "problem" for a moment. Let me know if you have any ideas.
WickedEve said:
Angeline, I'm sorry about this, but I'm going to have a quick sticky discussion on your thread.
Some forums have a Introduce Yourself thread. I love those. It lets you know exactly what's expected of you and it does entice you to go and introduce yourself. :)
I like that idea about submission calls and other info.
Okay, we need the welcome thread. The contest of the month. The introduce yourself or roll call thread, which can include the where are you published info. Now a submissions calls, etc.
I'm going to study this sticky "problem" for a moment. Let me know if you have any ideas.

lol. you know me--i don't care. people can discuss whatever they want, here or anywhere else. :)
Angeline said:
lol. you know me--i don't care. people can discuss whatever they want, here or anywhere else. :)
You're on dope, aren't you? :D
Well, girly, I'm all worked up over the sticky situation. I will not rest until I have stuck and restuck and unstuck and gotten all stuck up.
The Poets said:
You're on dope, aren't you? :D
Well, girly, I'm all worked up over the sticky situation. I will not rest until I have stuck and restuck and unstuck and gotten all stuck up.

I became unstuck years ago.

For those who might want to roll their own, here is an online self-publishing site:

You're own book as a prize, huh? ... That reminds me of the Texas rancher whose daughter was turning 18 and was scheduled to have a sort of a debutante piano recital at Town Hall. He went around inviting all his fellow ranchers and neighbors, saying that if she was a success, they should just all show up at his place afterward for free cigars, free beer, and the best barbecue bash the area had ever seen. At the recital, she was a dismal failure, forgetting great swaths of music, hitting sour notes, and keeping rhythm about like a drunken cricket.

So the man took his daughter home, dejectedly, closed the doors and drew the blinds and drapes. Directly though, there was a knock at the door and he opened it to find his yard filled with hundreds of excited visitors. "Well?" they all cried. "Where's the free cigars, beer, barbecue?"

"Don't y'all understand? I said we'd do all that if she was a *success*... and she was horrible!"

"Aw hell," they hollered. "*WE* liked it!"
Just wanted to say thanks to those who posted links of potential places to submit.

I've been wanting to submit some things for publication again. Now I have some goals! :)

In college, I presented poetry at 2 National Undergraduate Literature Conferences, did a few poetry readings (for $), and had my work published in the university literary magazine and the university annual. And I won two poetry contests at work (it's an annual Valentine's Day event - I won 2 years in a row). But besides that, and publishing here, there's been nothing else. Perhaps that will change soon, though!
Did you ever think of U of Pitt (prizes for poetry)

Hey there:

Just reading your thread here and I would suggest you try if you have at least a volume of poetry to submit they have a 25 thousand dollar prize available, the info you need would be at the University of Pittsburgh, the prize is called the Heinz Award, I'm going to be submitting next year as I'm almost there in terms of a volume of poetry myself.

Good luck with your search, and if you decide to submit to U of Pitt I will be routing for you!
Nice kitty cat there.


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fabmax said:
Hey there:

Just reading your thread here and I would suggest you try if you have at least a volume of poetry to submit they have a 25 thousand dollar prize available, the info you need would be at the University of Pittsburgh, the prize is called the Heinz Award, I'm going to be submitting next year as I'm almost there in terms of a volume of poetry myself.

Good luck with your search, and if you decide to submit to U of Pitt I will be routing for you!
Nice kitty cat there.

Glad you like my pet pussy! :catroar:

I don't think I have quite a volume's worth .... that'd be, what - at least 30 poems? Don't think I have that many that are publish-worthy, but I appreciate the info! <filing it away for later use>
300 links

Academy of American Poets (multiple contests listed): http://www.poets.org/academy/
ADIRONDACK REVIEW: http://adirondackreview.homestead.com/submissions.html
Alaska Quarterly Review: http://aqr.uaa.alaska.edu/About AQR/guide.htm
ALSOP REVIEW : http://www.alsopreview.com/Main/competition.html
ANHINGA PRESS : http://www.anhinga.org/contest.html
Another Chicago Magazine: http://www.sfo.com/~sarapeyton/achicago.html
Antigonish Review: http://www.antigonishreview.com/contest.html
Antioch Review : http://www.antioch.edu/review/
Arkansas Review : http://www.clt.astate.edu/arkreview/
Ascent: http://www4.cord.edu/english/ascent/submitascent.htm
Asheville Poetry Review : http://www.ashevillereview.com/
Associated Writers’ Program : http://awpwriter.org/
Atlanta Review: http://www.atlantareview.com/Resources/contests.htm
Atlantic : http://www.theatlantic.com/
Arizona State Poetry Society : http://www.azpoetry.org/

Backwaters Press: http://www.thebackwaterspress.homestead.com/
Barrow Street Press : http://www.barrowstreet.org/
Bellevue Literary Review : http://www.blreview.org/blr_guidelines.htm
Bellingham Review : http://www.ac.wwu.edu/~bhreview/49thparallel.htm
Beloit Poetry Journal : http://www.bpj.org/
Birmingham Southern College (Hackney Literary Prize) : http://www.bsc.edu/events/specialevents/hackneyguidelines.htm
Black Warrior Review: http://webdelsol.com/bwr/
Blue Mesa Review: http://www.sfo.com/~sarapeyton/bluemesa.html
Bluestem Poetry Award: http://www.emporia.edu/bluestem/lachowski.htm
Bookmark Press: http://www.umkc.edu/bkmk/index-tt.html
Borderlands, Texas Poetry Review: http://www.borderlands.org/guidelines.html
Boston Review : http://www.bostonreview.net/contests.html
Boulevard Magazine : http://www.sfo.com/~sarapeyton/boulevard.html
Breadloaf Writers’ Conference (residency fellowships): http://www.middlebury.edu/blwc/
Brick and Mortar Review : http://www.bmreview.com/contest_submissions.htm

Campbell Corner Poetry Contest (St. Lawrence College) : http://pages.slc.edu/~eraymond/ccorner/pcontest/submit.html
Carnegie Mellon University Press: http://www.cmu.edu/universitypress/
Carolina Quarterly : http://www.unc.edu/depts/cqonline/
Carolina Wren Press: http://carolinawrenpress.org/chapcontest.php3
Center for Book Arts : http://www.centerforbookarts.org/art/cba_pub.html
Central Piedmont Community College : http://www.cpcc.edu/literary/2003/
Chattahoochee Review : http://www.chattahoochee-review.org/guide.htm
Chicago Review : http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/review/
Cleveland State University : http://humanities.uchicago.edu/orgs/review/
Cold Mountain Review : http://www.appstate.edu/www_docs/depart/english/apub.html#cold
Columbia Journal : http://www.columbia.edu/cu/arts/journal/
Connecticut Review : http://www.ctstateu.edu/univrel/ctreview/
Contemporary Poetry Review: http://www.cprw.com/
Copper Canyon Press: http://coppercanyonpress.org/400_opportunities/430_gettingpub/advice.cfm
Cortland Review : http://www.cortlandreview.com/submission_guidelines.php
Cosmic Possum : http://cosmicpossum.com/photo3.html
Council of Literary Magazines and Presses (multiple publishers): http://www.clmp.org/about/index.html
Crab Creek Review: http://www.crabcreekreview.org/submit.htm
Crab Orchard Review: http://www.siu.edu/~crborchd/
Crazyhorse: http://webdelsol.com/Crazyhorse//
Cream City Review (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee): http://www.uwm.edu/Dept/English/ccr/index2.html

Elixir Press : http://www.elixirpress.com/

Fence Magazine : http://www.fencemag.com/v4n2/index.html
Fine Madness: http://www.finemadness.org/linkmain2.htm
Finishing Line Press: http://hometown.aol.com/finishingbooks/myhomepage/
Flume Press (California State University): http://www.csuchico.edu/engl/flumepress/
Four Way Books : http://www.fourwaybooks.com/contest.html
Freelance Writing (events & contests) : http://www.freelancewriting.com/contests.html

Georgia College & State University : http://al.gcsu.edu/prizes.htm
Georgia Review : http://www.uga.edu/~garev/
Georgia State Review : http://www.gsu.edu/~wwwrev/
Gettysburg Review : http://www.gettysburg.edu/academics/gettysburg_review/
Gival Press : http://givalpress.prodigybiz.com/
Glimmer Train Press : http://www.glimmertrain.com/
Graywolf Press: http://www.graywolfpress.org/
Greater Augusta Arts Council : http://www.augustaarts.com/
Gulf Coast Magazine (University of Houston) : http://www.gulfcoastmag.org/gccontest.html

Hub City Writers: http://www.hubcity.org/index.html

Illinois State Poetry Society : http://www.illinoispoets.org/
Indiana Review : http://www.indiana.edu/~inreview/general/guidelines.html

Kalliope : http://www.fccj.org/kalliope/
Kent State University : http://dept.kent.edu/wick/competitions.htm
Kentucky Writers’ Coalition : http://www.kentuckywriters.org/miller.htm
Kenyon Review : http://www.kenyonreview.org/

Literary Arts (Portland, Oregon) : http://www.literary-arts.org/about.htm
Literary Review : http://www.theliteraryreview.org/Featured_P&W/
Longleaf Press : http://www.methodist.edu/longleaf/
Louisiana Literature: http://louisianaliterature.org/
Louisiana State Poetry Society : http://hometown.aol.com/poetsspeak/myhomepage/poetry.html
Louisiana State University Press : http://www.lsu.edu/lsupress/submissions.htm

Main Street Rag (Charlotte, NC) : http://www.mainstreetrag.com/ChapCont.html
Many Mountains Moving : http://www.mmminc.org/contest.html
Marlboro Review : http://www.marlbororeview.com/
Massachusetts Review : http://www.massreview.org/editors.html
Michigan Quarterly Review : http://www.umich.edu/~mqr/index.html
Mid-American Review (Bowling Green State University)
Mid-List Press : http://www.midlist.org/
Mississippi Review : http://www.mississippireview.com/contest.html
Missouri Review : http://www.missourireview.org/info/contest.php

New Michigan Press (Diagram Contest) : http://thediagram.com/contest.html
National Federation of State Poetry Societies: http://www.nfsps.com/
National Poetry Series : http://www.nationalpoetryseries.org/
Natural Bridge (University Missouri-St. Louis) : http://www.umsl.edu/~natural/
New American Review : http://www.authorlink.com/new_american_guidelines.htm
New England Review (Middlebury College) : http://cat.middlebury.edu/~nereview/index.html
New Michigan Press: http://newmichiganpress.com/nmp/
New Orleans Review : http://www.loyno.edu/~noreview/submissions.htm
New Writer: http://www.thenewwriter.com/prizes.htm
Nimrod (University of Tulsa): http://www.utulsa.edu/nimrod/submissions.html
Ninety-Six Press: http://alpha.furman.edu/~wrogers/96Press/home.htm
North American Review : http://webdelsol.com/NorthAmReview/NAR/
North Atlantic Review : http://www.johnedwardgill.com/nar.html
North Carolina Literary Review (Eastern Carolina University): http://www.ecu.edu/nclr/current.htm#NCW
North Carolina Poetry Society : http://www.sleepycreek.net/poetry/
North Carolina Writers’ Network (links, conferences) : http://www.ncwriters.org/
Northeastern University (Boston) (Morse Poetry Prize) : http://www.casdn.neu.edu/~english/pubs/morse.htm
Now and Then (Center for Appalachian Studies) : http://cass.etsu.edu/n&t/winners.htm
NYU Press : http://www.nyupress.org/

Oberlin College Press (Field Prize) : http://www.oberlin.edu/ocpress/Main/FieldPoetryPrize.html
Ohio State Press: http://www.ohiostatepress.org/
Ohio University Press: http://www.ohiou.edu/oupress/poetryprize.htm
Orchises Press (Alexandria, Va): http://mason.gmu.edu/~rlathbur/index.html
Outrider Press : http://www.outriderpress.com/index.html

Paper Journey Press : http://thepaperjourney.com/
Paris Review : http://www.parisreview.com/
Pembroke Magazine (University of NC, Pembroke) : http://www.uncp.edu/pembrokemagazine/PemMag.htm
Penumbra Poetry : http://www.tfn.net/Writer_Association/penumbra.htm
Pittsburg Quarterly : http://www.city-net.com/~tpq/
Pleiades Press (Distributed by LSU Press) : http://www.cmsu.edu/englphil/pleiades/poetryseries.html
Ploughshares : http://www.pshares.org/
Poetry About.com: (scam warnings) : http://poetry.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http://windpub.com/literary.scams/ripoffs.htm
Poetry Contests (multiple contests): http://www.geocities.com/writeron/poetcon.html
Poetry Daily (lists contests and prizes) : http://www.poems.com/home.htm
Poetry International : http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/dept/press/PI2contents.html
Poetry London : http://www.poetrylondon.co.uk/
Poetry Magazine : http://www.poetrymagazine.org/
Poetry Not Com: (warnings about scams) : http://poetrynotcom.tripod.com/index.htm#scam
Poetry Previews (multiple grants & awards): http://www.poetrypreviews.com/poets/grantsawards2.html
PM Poetry (multiple publishers) : http://www.pmpoetry.com/publishers.shtml
Poetry Society (England) : http://www.poetrysociety.org.uk/members/aboutus.htm
Poetry Society of South Carolina:
Poets and Writers : http://www.pw.org/
Prairie Schooner : http://www.unl.edu/schooner/html/prize winners.html
Pudding House Publications : http://www.puddinghouse.com/
Puerto del Sol (New Mexico State University) : http://www.nmsu.edu/~puerto/submit.html

Resources for Southern Writers (multiple sites) : http://www.southernscribe.com/resources/resources.htm
Richmond Review : http://www.richmondreview.co.uk/
River City (University of Memphis) : http://www.people.memphis.edu/~rivercity/contests.html
River Styx : http://www.riverstyx.org/fancies.html
Runes Review (Arctos Press) : http://members.aol.com/runes/RunesReview2.html

San Francisco State University : http://www.sfsu.edu/~poetry/
Sarabande Books : http://www.sarabandebooks.org/news.html
Seattle Review : http://depts.washington.edu/engl/seaview1.html
Sendero Literary Journal (New Mexico Highlands University) : http://www.nmhu.edu/english/guide.htm
Sewanee Review : http://www.sewanee.edu/sreview/Home.html
Shenandoah (Washington & Lee University) : http://shenandoah.wlu.edu/
Slope Editions : http://www.slope.org/issue.html
Smartish Pace : http://www.smartishpace.com/home/index.html
Snake Nation Review (Valdosta, Georgia) : http://www.snakenationpress.org/
South Carolina Arts Commission: http://www.state.sc.us/arts/
South Carolina Book Festival (classes in writing) : http://www.schumanities.org/bookfestival/masterclasses.html
South Carolina Poetry Initiative : http://www.sc.edu/usctimes/articles/2003/2003-12/poetry_initiative.html
South Carolina Writers Workshop : http://www.scwriters.com/
Southeast Review (Florida State University) : http://english.fsu.edu/southeastreview/
Southeastern Writers (links & conferences) : http://www.southeasternwriters.com/links.htm
Southern Humanities Review (Auburn University, Al): http://www.auburn.edu/academic/liberal_arts/english/shr/submit.htm
Southern Indiana Review (University of Southern Indiana) : http://www.usi.edu/SIR/guidelines.asp
Southern Literature Council of Charleston (residency fellowship) : http://southernlit.org/about.htm
Southern Review (Louisiana State University) : http://appl003.lsu.edu/southernreview.nsf/$Content/Guidelines+for+Submission?OpenDocument
Southwest Review (Southern Methodist University) : http://www.southwestreview.org/SubmissionGuidelines.htm
Southwestern Review (University of Louisiana at Lafayette): http://www.louisiana.edu/Academic/LiberalArts/ENGL/Creative/SW_Review.htm
St. Andrews Presbyterian College : http://www.sapc.edu/main.html
St. Louis Poetry Center : http://www.stlouispoetrycenter.org/Contests/contests.html
Story Line Press : http://www.storylinepress.com/projects/roerich.htm
Swan Scythe Press: http://www.swanscythe.com/
Sycamore Review (Purdue University) : http://www.sla.purdue.edu/academic/engl/sycamore/misc/general.html

Tennessee Writer’s Alliance : http://www.tn-writers.org/contest03.htm
Texas Review Press (Texas A&M University): http://www.shsu.edu/~www_trp/
Thomas Wolfe Memorial Literary Award : http://www.wnchistory.org/Awards.htm#wolfe
Thought Magazine: http://www.geocities.com/thoughtmagazine/index.htm
Thumbscrew (University of Bristol, UK) : http://www.bris.ac.uk/Depts/English/journals/thumbscr/jl_thumb.html
Tin House : http://www.tinhouse.com/General_Info/faq.html
Truman State University (T.S. Eliot Prize) : http://tsup.truman.edu/tseliot_prize/guidelines.html
Tupelo Press : https://www.tupelopress.org/indexssl.shtml
Turning Point Books : http://www.turningpointbooks.com/

University of Evansville (Richard Wilbur Book Award) : http://english.evansville.edu/
University of Iowa Press : http://www.uiowa.edu/uiowapress/prize-rules.htm
University of Massachusetts (Juniper Prize for Poetry): http://www.umass.edu/umpress/juniper.html
University of North Texas Press (Vassar Miller Prize) : http://www.webdelsol.com/CWP/University_of_Southern_Mississippi/
University of Utah Press : http://www.uofupress.com/

Valparaiso Press (Valparaiso University, Indiana) : http://www.valpo.edu/english/vpr/
Verse Daily : http://www.versedaily.org/about.shtml
Verse Press : http://www.versepress.org/
Virginia Quarterly Review : http://www.virginia.edu/vqr/guidelines.html

Walt Whitman Award: http://www.poets.org/awards/whitman.cfm
Western Michigan University : http://www.wmich.edu/newissues/NewIssuesPoetryPrize.html
Western Michigan University (Third Coast) : http://www.shsu.edu/~www_trp/
White Pine Press : http://www.whitepine.org/compt.htm
Wind Magazine : http://www.wind.wind.org/contests/qrh-win.htm#
Winning Writers (multiple contests) : http://www.winningwriters.com/pcifreesamples/2002q4/indexbyname.htm
Word Press : http://www.word-press.com/
Writer Magazine (literary links) : http://www.writermag.com/wrt/community/events/
Writers at Work :http://www.writersatwork.org/fellowship.html#prizes

Disclaimer: All sites have not been validated for legitimacy.