Where Are You Published

BooMerengue said:
Well, I can now proudly add that I am published at Mannequin Envy, and Eve's Habit, and this week at Thieves Jargon! And some time this summer 2 entries, with foehn, and Belegon at admit2! And I've just begun... :)
Boo!! excellent. Hell yes, youve just begun:catroar:. I knew it woudl happen for you, just surprised it wasnt much sooner . :rose:

keep writing :)
BooMerengue said:
Well, I can now proudly add that I am published at Mannequin Envy, and Eve's Habit, and this week at Thieves Jargon! And some time this summer 2 entries, with foehn, and Belegon at admit2! And I've just begun... :)
You're like me. Just getting started. I know you'll poetry will find it's way onto many fine poetry sites. :)
WickedEve said:
You're like me. Just getting started. I know you'll poetry will find it's way onto many fine poetry sites. :)
Like Eve's Habit, for instance! They haven't accepted any of my stuff.
WickedEve said:
I keep meaning to get it back online. I need help.

I would volunteer, but this computer would be so exasperated it my commit cyberbytecide,..or something. I plan on a serious upgrade soon then I woudl try :rose:

if you needed me , that is
Maria2394 said:
I would volunteer, but this computer would be so exasperated it my commit cyberbytecide,..or something. I plan on a serious upgrade soon then I woudl try :rose:

if you needed me , that is
I had part of it ready (looks pretty much like it did) and then I decided I was bored and went in another direction: bored cow poetry. I have a bored cow photo I took. Cows are cool off and on the bun.
My little girl

just got word that a story she wrote, The Queen of Snake City, will appear in an issue of thieves jargon within the next few weeks.

Im so proud!! I cant wait for you guys to read this,l its great. It is a crusty short story, reminiscent of Spillane's Mike Hammer "stuff"

. I' am truly envious of this, and she popped it out in less than 2 hours, and its really good!! :D she isnt on LIt, says she doesnt wanna infringe on mamas place, lol, but she said I could tell you all...
Maria2394 said:
just got word that a story she wrote, The Queen of Snake City, will appear in an issue of thieves jargon within the next few weeks.

Im so proud!! I cant wait for you guys to read this,l its great. It is a crusty short story, reminiscent of Spillane's Mike Hammer "stuff"

. I' am truly envious of this, and she popped it out in less than 2 hours, and its really good!! :D she isnt on LIt, says she doesnt wanna infringe on mamas place, lol, but she said I could tell you all...

Maria, that is so so so so cool.

She got your genes and your encouragement! How old is she and she is off to such a great start already! You SHOULD be proud! I am a little jealous.

of both of you :)

in a good way of course.

annaswirls said:
Maria, that is so so so so cool.

She got your genes and your encouragement! How old is she and she is off to such a great start already! You SHOULD be proud! I am a little jealous.

of both of you :)

in a good way of course.


Thank you Anna , big hugs. She is 22. ( i was 20 when she was born :D She actually said she saw me getting all jazzed cause of what I was doing just as a wishful thinking type thing and I kept telling her, baby, youre good!! She writes poetry, but wouldnt take a constructive comment from anyone, still at that hard headed age which will last till about, lets see, 42? ;)

She said it was accepted at a place called Shotgun Mouth, too, but when she got the note from Matt, she said she wanted to be on a site where I am too. Aint that precious?

You know who encouraged me? lookie in the mirror :rose:

and a whole bunch of other people too!!
gotta love that ripple effect... Lit is a wonderful place, most of the time
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Maria2394 said:
just got word that a story she wrote, The Queen of Snake City, will appear in an issue of thieves jargon within the next few weeks.

Im so proud!! I cant wait for you guys to read this,l its great. It is a crusty short story, reminiscent of Spillane's Mike Hammer "stuff"

. I' am truly envious of this, and she popped it out in less than 2 hours, and its really good!! :D she isnt on LIt, says she doesnt wanna infringe on mamas place, lol, but she said I could tell you all...

Congrats, sis! I'm very happy for both of you.

Maria2394 said:
Thank you Anna , big hugs. She is 22. ( i was 20 when she was born :D She actually said she saw me getting all jazzed cause of what I was doing just as a wishful thinking type thing and I kept telling her, baby, youre good!! She writes poetry, but wouldnt take a constructive comment from anyone, still at that hard headed age which will last till about, lets see, 42? ;)

She said it was accepted at a place called Shotgun Mouth, too, but when she got the note from Matt, she said she wanted to be on a site where I am too. Aint that precious?



You know who encouraged me? lookie in the mirror :rose:

and a whole bunch of other people too!!
gotta love that ripple effect... Lit is a wonderful place, most of the time

You know that means more to me than ten acceptances.

It is a ripple effect. denishale threw the first stone for me, and there have been many since.

Maria2394 said:
just got word that a story she wrote, The Queen of Snake City, will appear in an issue of thieves jargon within the next few weeks.

Im so proud!! I cant wait for you guys to read this,l its great. It is a crusty short story, reminiscent of Spillane's Mike Hammer "stuff"

I am truly envious of this, and she popped it out in less than 2 hours, and its really good!! :D she isnt on LIt, says she doesnt wanna infringe on mamas place, lol, but she said I could tell you all...

That is excellent, Maria! It must be so fun to write together! My daughter won't even read mine! Why don't you try a partner poem and submit it to admit2? It would be great!

And as far as kudos, I got to give it to Angeline! It was Cordelia and IrishWolfhound who got me to submit a story, but Ange is the one who beat me with words til I submitted a poem, and I owe her big!
(but don't tell her I said it or she might extract too heavy a punishment)
BooMerengue said:
That is excellent, Maria! It must be so fun to write together! My daughter won't even read mine! Why don't you try a partner poem and submit it to admit2? It would be great!

And as far as kudos, I got to give it to Angeline! It was Cordelia and IrishWolfhound who got me to submit a story, but Ange is the one who beat me with words til I submitted a poem, and I owe her big!
(but don't tell her I said it or she might extract too heavy a punishment)

Hey Boo!!
Yes, Angeline ( love you sis) threw a bunch of encouragement my way too! and so did you. The main thing Im finding out, is attitude is everything. Literally. My first couple of rejections stung. Until I saw how others here reacted. Anna told me, its not that they didnt LIKE it, maybe it just didnt fit. After that, I let it slide right off and keep going. Im just getting started too ya know. BUt when my mandy saw how much fun it was, she started submiting too. She even lets me read her work for errors. And I thought she didnt like my poetry, but she said its just not what she gets "into". I dont think there will be an admit2 poem from us anytime soon, but who knows. My own mother has been gone nearly 4 years now and she told me a week before she died that her greatest regret was naver having written a novel...she said, Honey, dont let that be one of YOUR regrets. It wont be a novel, dear mama, but maybe a chapbook someday, I bet she's smiling :D

Thanks for the pushes you all, if I can return the flavor, lemme know :heart:

ps Boo, has anyone seized Flippy ? If not, Im so amazed. I think that people would fight over who gets that one. :)
I have only submitted Flippy to Literary Mama and have never heard anything. Maybe I should resubmit... thanks for reminding me.

Does your daughter use the comp? Just write 2 lines of free verse on a sort of middle of the road topic, and get her to write 2 and send it back... and Voila! The fact you and she are so different should make it a great poem... You think me and Rybka are alike? Or me and foehn? But our poems sure came out terriffic!!
speaking of mothers....

if there are any midwives out there, who happen to subscribe to Midwifery Today, check out the back cover, my first poem in print since nineteen ninety something before I took 7 years off from writing.

Universal Mother-- thanks for those of you who helped out with it.

annaswirls said:
speaking of mothers....

if there are any midwives out there, who happen to subscribe to Midwifery Today, check out the back cover, my first poem in print since nineteen ninety something before I took 7 years off from writing.

Universal Mother-- thanks for those of you who helped out with it.


:) Universal Mother is a beautiful, moving poem. Congrats Anna!!

I will look for it at the library


Court Green

Court Green is a poetry journal published annually in association with the English Department at Columbia College Chicago and is edited by Arielle Greenberg, Tony Trigilio and David Trinidad. Each issue features a dossier on a special topic or theme. The first issue, published in 2004, features a dossier on film. The second issue, due in 2005, will feature a dossier on the poet Lorine Niedecker.

We welcome submissions of poetry for the journal and the special dossier section each year from February 1 through May 1. Email submissions are not accepted. Submissions without a self-addressed, stamped envelope will not be returned.

Copies are available for $10 each through the address below. Please make checks payable to Columbia College Chicago.

Court Green
Columbia College Chicago
English Department
600 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60605

For the Dossier section of the Spring 2006 issue, we are accepting submissions of bouts-rimés ("rhymed ends").

As Ron Padgett says in his Handbook of Poetic Forms, "A bouts-rimés poem is created by one person's making up a list of rhymed words and giving it to another person, who in turn writes the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given." Various sources attribute the invention of bouts-rimés to the French poet Dulot in the seventeenth century. In 1701, Etienne Mallemans wrote a collection of sonnets whose rhymes were chosen by the Duchess of Maine. In the mid-1800s, brothers William Michael Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti experimented with bouts-rimés. In 1864, Alexandre Dumas curated a volume of bouts-rimés composed by 350 French poets -- all with the same rhymes.

In the spirit of Dumas's invitation, we are accepting submissions of bouts-rimés sonnets written with the following end-rhymes (in the following order):


All themes and subjects are welcome as long as your sonnet uses these end-rhymes in the order they appear above.

Submissions of bouts-rimés sonnets for consideration in the dossier can be sent through May 1, 2005: Court Green, Bout-Rimés Dossier, English Department, Columbia College Chicago, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60605. Email submissions are not accepted. Submissions without a self-addressed, stamped envelope will not be returned.

We welcome submissions of poetry for the regular section, in addition to Dossier submissions. If you would like to submit poems for the regular section, our reading period is February 1-May 1 of each year, to the same address above.



I wrote a note to Christine, one of the editors at Erosha/VLQ just checking in on her to make sure everything was okay. It is one of my favorite places out there, and I was worried!

She said basically her paying career was catching up with her, and that the updates should be up in the next few weeks.

It is a beautiful journal, one of the most classy erotic place I have ever seen. Hopefully they get their feet back on the ground, it would make me so sad for it to fall!

annaswirls said:
Court Green

Court Green is a poetry journal published annually in association with the English Department at Columbia College Chicago and is edited by Arielle Greenberg, Tony Trigilio and David Trinidad. Each issue features a dossier on a special topic or theme. The first issue, published in 2004, features a dossier on film. The second issue, due in 2005, will feature a dossier on the poet Lorine Niedecker.

We welcome submissions of poetry for the journal and the special dossier section each year from February 1 through May 1. Email submissions are not accepted. Submissions without a self-addressed, stamped envelope will not be returned.

Copies are available for $10 each through the address below. Please make checks payable to Columbia College Chicago.

Court Green
Columbia College Chicago
English Department
600 S. Michigan Ave
Chicago, IL 60605

For the Dossier section of the Spring 2006 issue, we are accepting submissions of bouts-rimés ("rhymed ends").

As Ron Padgett says in his Handbook of Poetic Forms, "A bouts-rimés poem is created by one person's making up a list of rhymed words and giving it to another person, who in turn writes the lines that end with those rhymes, in the same order in which they were given." Various sources attribute the invention of bouts-rimés to the French poet Dulot in the seventeenth century. In 1701, Etienne Mallemans wrote a collection of sonnets whose rhymes were chosen by the Duchess of Maine. In the mid-1800s, brothers William Michael Rossetti and Dante Gabriel Rossetti experimented with bouts-rimés. In 1864, Alexandre Dumas curated a volume of bouts-rimés composed by 350 French poets -- all with the same rhymes.

In the spirit of Dumas's invitation, we are accepting submissions of bouts-rimés sonnets written with the following end-rhymes (in the following order):


All themes and subjects are welcome as long as your sonnet uses these end-rhymes in the order they appear above.

Submissions of bouts-rimés sonnets for consideration in the dossier can be sent through May 1, 2005: Court Green, Bout-Rimés Dossier, English Department, Columbia College Chicago, 600 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago, IL, 60605. Email submissions are not accepted. Submissions without a self-addressed, stamped envelope will not be returned.

We welcome submissions of poetry for the regular section, in addition to Dossier submissions. If you would like to submit poems for the regular section, our reading period is February 1-May 1 of each year, to the same address above.


Mines half written. Thanks, Anna. :rose:
Two New Acceptances

I just heard that two of my poems Memory Like Mud and Glosa on Coole Park have been accepted by Carnelian. Both will probably appear in their October issue.

Yay me, and thank you Patrick for recommending them!

:) :rose:
Angeline said:
I just heard that two of my poems Memory Like Mud and Glosa on Coole Park have been accepted by Carnelian. Both will probably appear in their October issue.

Yay me, and thank you Patrick for recommending them!

:) :rose:

i told you so. :cool:

looks like we'll be in that issue together. :)
