Where Are You Published

Erosha is a journal that has welcomed quite a few poets from literotica in the past. I have not seen an update from them since the Sept/Oct issue.

Anyone know the deal with that? are C.E. Lane and Donna Michele Hill working on something else?

At any rate, a very classy, beautifully presented journal of the sensual, erotic...

another suggestion for publication.

I know many poets here dig on the moon and haiku/short poems.

I bet they would love those moon poems from the contest last year!

This is a tasteful site (well, overly advertised, but what're you gonna do) that takes in both new and experienced poets. Give 'er a look-see.

full moon

Submission Guidelines

To Submit to Full Moon:

Please send up to 6 poems

( haiku and/or short poems)


Haiku and Haiga:
We will accept the 17 syllable 5 7 5 form, as
well as organic or free form haiku. We are more
interested in the haiku moment than the strict
adherence to form.

If submitting haiga, please make sure the type font is clearly visible, as we may need to adjust for size.

Short Poetry:
Full Moon will consider poetry up to forty lines in length. We are interested in well written
poetry. We are NOT interested in poetry that
disrespects or denigrates other nations, religions or


* Please send one(1) submission of six poems per month*

We will accept attachments, but prefer submissions in the body of an email, in 12 pt Arial, if possible.

We will accept simultaneous submissions, please let us know if work you have submitted has been accepted by another magazine, as soon as possible.

We prefer to publish previously unpublished work, but we will accept work that has been workshopped on internet groups, or from an author's personal website.

Copyrights will revert to the author upon publication on Full Moon, which means the author may have the work published by another magazine, as long as Full Moon is given first publication credit.



We are seeking high quality work to accompany the poetry on
Full Moon:

black and white or colour
abstract and nature related themes


Please view our current and past issues, before submitting work to Full Moon.

Please send one(1) submission of up to six(6) pieces
of artwork or photography per month to:


We will accept attachments(JPGs) of art and photography, and you may send us a link to a website of your work.

Thank you!
Kate and Kim, Editors of Full Moon
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Submit at your own risk!

annaswirls said:
I know many poets here dig on the moon and haiku/short poems.

I bet they would love those moon poems from the contest last year!

This is a tasteful site (well, overly advertised, but what're you gonna do) that takes in both new and experienced poets. Give 'er a look-see.

[* URL=http://fullmoonlm.bravehost.com/index.html] full moon [/URL *]
. . .QUOTE]
Potential submiters beware! This site will download "information capture" cookies onto your computer. Programs like AdAware blackflag it.
annaswirls said:
Erosha is a journal that has welcomed quite a few poets from literotica in the past. I have not seen an update from them since the Sept/Oct issue.

Anyone know the deal with that? are C.E. Lane and Donna Michele Hill working on something else?

At any rate, a very classy, beautifully presented journal of the sensual, erotic...


I don't know, but I hope they update soon--three of my poems will be there if they ever do it...

Reltne said:
annaswirls said:
I know many poets here dig on the moon and haiku/short poems.

I bet they would love those moon poems from the contest last year!

This is a tasteful site (well, overly advertised, but what're you gonna do) that takes in both new and experienced poets. Give 'er a look-see.

[* URL=http://fullmoonlm.bravehost.com/index.html] full moon [/URL *]
. . .QUOTE]
Potential submiters beware! This site will download "information capture" cookies onto your computer. Programs like AdAware blackflag it.

Thank you so much, Ryb! I have been hit so hard by these sites. I despise them. I won't go near it for that reason.
enlighten me please

If you have something like Norton, it should block these, right? I would not go onto the internet without it. Everyone captures cookies, don't they? Don't many sites do this?

Boo, how can you tell the difference, between "these" sites and others?

Rybka, how is this different- out of curiousity? I will email the editor to ask her about this.
Sibilaire said:
If you have something like Norton, it should block these, right? I would not go onto the internet without it. Everyone captures cookies, don't they? Don't many sites do this?

Boo, how can you tell the difference, between "these" sites and others?

Rybka, how is this different- out of curiousity? I will email the editor to ask her about this.

I can't tell the difference. I only know that this computer I'm on is inundated and since it's not mine I can't fix it. It's not so big a problem when I'm on mine cuz I have the full package w/ Norton anti-virus, firewall, spy/adware blocker, etc. But why borrow trouble? If Ryb says its a problem, I believe him and I don't want anymore than I can help on this harddrive.
Right, Boo,

I understand why you would be cautious, and I would not expect you to believe anything on blind faith, but I hope others make up their own minds and do not discount this site. 2Rivers, a reputable site has links to the full moon.

here are emails from the editor of the site who was surprised and concerned when I wrote what R claimed:



I've never had complaints about this, its true the site has ads on it,
but I've never had any tell me that this happened to them.


I sent an email to Bravehost, my host for the site, I will let you
know what comes of it. Thank you for the heads up on this. Do you want
me to remove your site until it is resolved?



btw: literotica uses cookies as well. Still waiting on R to hear how this is different.

I know it is not a pervasive one as I have had no trouble and have visited the site many times.
SeattleRain said:
Right, Boo,

I understand why you would be cautious, and I would not expect you to believe anything on blind faith, but I hope others make up their own minds and do not discount this site. 2Rivers, a reputable site has links to the full moon.

here are emails from the editor of the site who was surprised and concerned when I wrote what R claimed:



I've never had complaints about this, its true the site has ads on it,
but I've never had any tell me that this happened to them.


I sent an email to Bravehost, my host for the site, I will let you
know what comes of it. Thank you for the heads up on this. Do you want
me to remove your site until it is resolved?



btw: literotica uses cookies as well. Still waiting on R to hear how this is different.

I know it is not a pervasive one as I have had no trouble and have visited the site many times.

I'll give it a try, then. I just tend to get panicky. The owner of this computer does no updates, and no maintenance. You wouldn't believe the pop ups, and cookies just in one day! It's so annoying.

Peace, kiddo! :rose:
the main one i've worked with in print is *the lummox journal* and it's a good rag. he only accepts a certain percentage. some of the writers he publishes also knew bukowski. and the lummox is where i sent my manuscript for a first ever chapbook. and if you are looking for quality chapbooks, i can honestly say that my first copy to look over before completing the order really looked superb. in my case, 30 poems for 50 chaps for 125.00 bucks. i've also used wanderingdog (the editor is in england) and babel. both are online journals, but the latter went a different direction and no longer accepts poetry.
a place to submit

I am not sure this is the right place, but I can think of many people who might want to submit here-- erotica in form.


II. Poetry
Traditional forms only: narrative, lyric, ballads, epigrams, sonnets. Rhyme schemes, even metered/syllabled lines, and rhythmic consistency are a must. Subject matter: sex, love, courtship, passion, desire, betrayal, strife. Bonus points for humorous poetry.

Please read before submitting poetry:

"Traditional" means NO free verse whatsoever. Sliptongue accepts formal poetry only, absolutely no exceptions, so please do not send anything besides. Free adaptations of established forms (sonnets, for instance) do not qualify. We will not bother to read poetry that is not strictly traditional in form. We began accepting poetry ONLY to accomodate those who understand and love what formal poetry is, and to provide an outlet for them.

email poetry submissions to epigrams@sliptongue.com. Please paste up to five poems into the body of an email. Any file attachments will be deleted unread. Include a note about yourself, between 50 and 100 words. Previously published works and simultaneous submissions OK. Please allow at least one month for a response. See "General Information Regarding all Submissions" below.
Are there "publish on demand" houses for poetry? Just curious -- 'cause there's an ongoing discussion over in the Author's Hangout about throwing together an anthology and using a POD publisher to get it "out there."
impressive said:
Are there "publish on demand" houses for poetry? Just curious -- 'cause there's an ongoing discussion over in the Author's Hangout about throwing together an anthology and using a POD publisher to get it "out there."

There are loads of them. You can google something like "self-publishing" and you'll get lots of sites. Not sure how much it runs, but you do have to pay in advance and then sell the books yourself. There may be places that will market and sell for you, too, but no doubt that'd be more expensive, and there are a lot of scam operations out there.
Angeline said:
There are loads of them. You can google something like "self-publishing" and you'll get lots of sites. Not sure how much it runs, but you do have to pay in advance and then sell the books yourself. There may be places that will market and sell for you, too, but no doubt that'd be more expensive, and there are a lot of scam operations out there.

I'm not interested for myself. (I'm nowhere near ready for THAT.) However, I'd probably buy an anthology of Lit poets. :D
2nd worst poetry in the universe

and I have 2 poems posted there!!

I had almost forgotten, until my daughter asked me if I knew what a Vogon poem was...lol, yes baby, mama knows :D

Vogon Poems
impressive said:
I'm not interested for myself. (I'm nowhere near ready for THAT.) However, I'd probably buy an anthology of Lit poets. :D

me too!
A New Link, a PAYING market

breath and shadow is accepting poems and "other" from people with disabilities.

be sure and read their guidelines, ( they have a LOT of them) they especially want work from people in Maine, ( i spose thats significant somehow).

Good Luck


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Maria2394 said:
breath and shadow is accepting poems and "other" from people with disabilities.

be sure and read their guidelines, ( they have a LOT of them) they especially want work from people in Maine, ( i spose thats significant somehow).

Good Luck



somehow, sis.

Here's an address I like, but not really a publishing site per se.

Writing World

Read it and sign up for the news letter. It brings lots of good info and contests.
Academic Zines and a few barroom napkins festooned in catsup and taco sauce in the south, north, east and west. Like a universal chili cook-off.

Im mainly a proser, so of course I get comments like "that last paragraph was very poetic."

All you can do is chuckle under your breath. And check to see if the smarmy guy with the mullett is picking up the ckeck.
eagleyez said:
Im mainly a proser, so of course I get comments like "that last paragraph was very poetic."
Do they mean it as a compliment? :D
flyguy69 said:
Do they mean it as a compliment? :D

I do. I've read the novel and it's poetic way before the last paragraph.

Some people speak in poetry. The frightening part is I've come to understand it. :D
