where is D fiant?


Well, it finally happened. I knew something horrible would occur if I wasn't rescued in a timely fashion, and sure enough, disaster!

It all started innocently enough, with me tied facedown on the rack. The mad woman was administering my morning flogging, and I guess the lash must have opened up a ticklish spot. Well, I started to giggle. Of course that just increased the pressure in my already overloaded abdomen. When the giggling turned to outright laughter, I could feel the plug in my bottom start to loosen, like a bung being slowly removed from a barrel. I tried to warn the mad woman, but I suppose she thought it was just another of my pitiful screams for mercy.

Right in the middle of a sustained fit of laughter, that plug in my bottom suddenly came loose. Imagine the sound of a five pound cork being expelled from a twenty gallon bottle of champagne. Well, that plug came out of my behind at only slightly subsonic speed and caught the mad woman squarely between the eyes with a sound like someone hitting a tree trunk with a sledge hammer.

The impact only slightly slowed the flight of the careening plug, and it went pinwheeling through the air. It richocheted off two concrete basement walls, scythed into the wooden door of the privy, and came to a spinning, soilslinging, smoking halt down in the pit. The entire aboveground part of the privy was reduced to matchsticks.

Meanwhile, the dazed madwoman was staggering around the basement. She had her hands over her eyes and was trying to regain full consciousness. Well, wouldn't you know it. She tottered blindly over to the unprotected privy pit and after some futile windmilling of her arms toppled over the edge. She landed with a "flunge" directly on top of the plug which had dealt her the staggering blow.

After the splashes had settled, the dungeon suddenly became eerily silent. The only sound was the "tic tic tic" from the cooling plug.

The sudden immersion had revived the mad woman, and she slowly climbed, streaming and cursing from the privy pit. She looked much like the Creature from the Black Lagoon in the old movie.

Without a backwards glance, the madwoman disappeared up the stairs. I've heard the shower running up there for about half an hour.

I don't like to think what's going to happen when she returns. I doubt that the mad woman will be in the best of spirits, and I fear that it will go hard for me.

d Fiant
Last edited:

Dear Friends,

Me again. Still dungeoned. Waiting for RESCUE, hint-hint.

I see that the mad woman has changed her avatar. Well, that won't work, she's known as MaYeoooowwwwwww goddamthathurtandireallymeanitowwwwowwwww.

Since the destruction of the privy, she's made othe arrangements for her.... personal needs.

D fiant
Dear D fiant

Hello, D, your last 2 missives have been quite spirited and provided me with high entertainment value. Of course I haven't forgotten about sending a rescue team. I'm limiting my intake of caviar and Dom Perignon this week to save enough money to start a Brownie troop in the neighborhood. I found out that Brownies are now defunct in this part of this country! Who woulda thunk? Brownies defunct? What a clever rhyme! Ah ha ha ha, I just tickle myself with my cleverness!

So once we have the Brownies in uniform and trained, we can learn map reading and internet tracing and track own the exact address of your captor. Now that your butt plug situation has um eased up we won't have to teach removal techniques and I know this will just save us so much time!

Be of good cheer! I'm sure the maxipads came in handy to mop up the demolished privy mess. Things always work out for the best, don't they?

I was going to keep this for a surprise, but since you might need a little something extra to look forward to upon your release, I thought you should know that I've contacted Martha Stewart Enterprises to ask if Madam Martha herself, the queen of good taste and sound household decisions, can appear on the rescue scene along with the local news team! Can you imagine what a glorious day we have to look forward to? See what I mean? So just hang in there (that wasn't a pun, but now that I've written it out, I am cracking up! Oh my, I just surprise myself with my cleverness sometimes!


Hi, all. Still here waiting for RESCUE. That's when some understanding and sympathetic person (YOU) notifies the proper authorities that someone (ME) requires aid (RESCUE). I just wanted to make sure you realized what I've been talking about.

I hope you got my message describing the events immediately following the expulsion of that plug from my bottom. Well, the dungeon has never been a candidate for "House Beautiful" but it was absolutely horrible after the dust (and everything else) settled. First there were the splashes caused by that mad woman falling into the privy pit. If that wasn't bad enough, I made a sizeable contribution to the mess myself. When that plug was ejected, it was followed by the gas, liquid, and solid material that had been building up in my poor innards for several days. What a mess! A great feeling of relief for me, though.

The mad woman didn't seem to be affected by her unfortunate immersion in the privy pit. She was just her usual, hysterically enraged, self. Thank goodness there's a high pressure washer and a floor drain in the dungeon. She used me to wipe up some of the really bad spots. While she was doing the ceiling, walls, rack, iron maiden, etc. she also gave me a good high pressure, hot scrubbing. Quite refreshing and badly needed, I must say.

She sandpapered the damaged spots on the plug and hammered it back in. I hope she doesn't leave it in too long this time. I would think she's learned her lesson by now.

Well, I'd better close. I hear her coming to string me up by the tonker. I can certainly use the rest. I don't mind telling you that the old tonker is getting a bit the worse for wear.

Please don't forget the RESCUE.

D Fiant

Ps . ohnonotthatagainpleasedontdothatagainijustcanttakeanymoreeeyagghhhhhohshithereitcomesagainarrrrrggghhhhhhh

Please, SOMEONE, send help. I really, really, REALLY could use a rescue team here.

It's raining outside, so I guess I'm lucky to be here in a (relatively) warm and dry dungeon. I could tell it was raining because the mad woman was wet and angry when she came down to kick me. She's usually just angry. Excuse me for just a tiny moment ... Awwwwwwohohohmytonkermytonkermytonkeryeeiiiioooowwwwww ... Thank you.

Lunch today was leftovers. Cat litter box again. Oh, sure, there were some fresh nuggets, but I recognized a few bits from yesterday.

Just a few letters of moral support would be appreciated. I'm sure Shing and MM mean well, but they can only do so much. Yeooooooowwwwwwwwww

The mad woman is playing a little game with me. She's going to put my natchers on the anvil tonight and beat one of them flat with her BIG hammer. She didn't say which one, though. It's a little game she plays with me. Suspense.

She's fitted my iron hat with earphones, and I've been listening to an endless tape of evengelists with southern accents preaching for the last ten hours. I think having one of my natchers beaten flat will be a nice change of pace.

Well, I'd better go before she catches me using her computer. Remember: RESCUE

In closing, let me just say awwnonotthatagainijustcanttakemuchmoreofthatnonotthatoneagainitsstillsorefromlasttimeeiiiiwwwwwwohshithereitcomesagain

D fiant
Busy, busy

Not much time to write this morning. Just a quick question:

Noolies do grow back, don't they?

D fiant
Dear D fiant

Dear D,

I've never heard of noolies actually growing back, but I read an article about implants. A univeristy in Madison, WI has successfully implanted prosthetic noolies into a gerbil. I'm sure we could take you up there and see about new noolies for you. (New noolies! Ah ha ha ha, I crack myself up with the euphony of my phrasing!)

But why ever did you ask about noolies growing back?

Hi D fiant

Are you sure you want to me rescued? The mad woman has such a great
sense of humour and those cross eyes have cleared up a treat.
She gives you three square meals a day plus lots of time and attention.
What more could you want. There's really no pleasing some people.
Square meals

RoughPlay said:
She gives you three square meals a day plus lots of time and attention.

Dear RP,
Thank you so much for writing. It's nice to know you're following my ..... adventures.

One thing, though. I wouldn't exactly call a steaming heap a "square meal."
D fiant

Ps .. Eeeeyowwwwnononotthatagainithasnthealedupfromthelasttimepleaseatleastlettheswellinggodownbeforeitgoesontheanvilagainohhhhnonotagainarrrrggghhhh

Hi, all. Me again. Still in the mad woman's dungeon. Still suffering unimaginable tortures. Still hoping for RESCUE. Yes, I do go on about that, don't I?

MM: I'm ever so glad that you find my situation a source of entertainment. Your wit is always the high point of an otherwise tedious day. I wish you hadn't mentioned gerbils. The mad woman has threatened to insert one into an extremely delicate portion of my anatomy. I think that would be cruelty to animals. No, to hell with the gerbil, I'm talking about ME.

She served my morning glass of urine with both an ice cube and a straw today. That was so sweet of her. Just another sign that she's becoming fond of me.

Well, it's staked spread eagled to the anthill time again. I'm getting a marvelous tan in the places where I still have skin. Those darned buzzards keep getting closer, and that concerns me.

The mad woman tells me the kitty has an intestinal disorder. That's good news, because there will be something fresh for lunch today. Always try to look on the bright side, I always say.


D fiant
Hi D fiant

I wonder if the little critter would have the stamina to reach the
light at the end of the tunnel.
I didn't need that fingernail, anyway

Oh, God, I can't take much more of this! I thought the noolies on the anvil was horrible, but this new torture the mad woman has subjected me to is far, far worse. Since she attached the speakers to my iron hat, I've had over twenty four hours of preaching by evangelists with southern accents. Not even a commercial break. No rest at all. How could anyone sleep with some cracker yelling about hellfire and damnation and pleading for money in their ears? Even my rat and spider friends ran for cover after about an hour. I'm just about to break. I think I'm going mad. Mad, I tell you, mad, Mad MAD! Hahahahahahahahaha

She's keeping me strapped into a specially made chair now. Oh, I get occasional excursions to the rack and the anthill, but it's mostly here in the chair. It has a hole in the seat, and my you-know-whats hang down through the hole. There's some sort of timing and spring mechanism. At random intervals, what's hanging down gets a sharp rap from below with a ping pong paddle. That can make your eyes water, believe me. At least my screams drown out those damned preachers.

Lunch was quite horrible. I certainly hope that cat gets well soon.

Well, I'd better go before the mad woman catches me using her computer. She brought down a TV set a while ago and placed it in front of my chair. I wonEEyyyyoooowwwwwwwiiiiieeeeeeder what she's going to make me watch. Anything will be better than the evangelists.

Please send someone to RESCUE me.

D fiant
Nightie nite

Just a quick note to say goodnight. As usual, I'm strung up by the tonker. It isn't too bad, now that I'm used to it.

I don't suppose I could look forward to RESCUE tomorrow? No, I thought not.

Good night,
D fiane

Ps.. ohdearpleasedontdothatthereitsstillsosorefromthelasttimeowwwiieeeenononotthatagainijustccantstandanymorehelparrrhgggggg
Hello D fiant

This is an e-card from your friend MM. Please surf to this site and enjoy the dancing bunnies.


Also, don't forget to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on DONATE to volunteer any extra body parts to the University of Good Cuisine!

Ta Ta!
Hi D fiant

Did you sing along and clap your hands with all those happy religious
people. Don't worry God will save you.

Hi, almfffghhahh

It's hfmfffhgtype whenmnmnm yor're tied amnmnmd dtrung ub by the tonnjmm.er

Bs.. Heppllllbb

B piamt
Dear D fiant

Hello, little camper! Your last email was a little cryptic. I'm not sure if it was corrupted by a virus or your spelling has just deteriorated. I'm going to a bookstore this afternoon and will try to find a vocabulary workbook for you.
Will you still need Preparation H? Let me know soon!
P.S. Martha Stewart was on TV today, on the news. She is wearing her hair quite differently these days--I thought you'd appreciate this bit of change. I think she's parting it closer to the middle now instead of over on the left. I wonder what that means? Some people say she's gay, but I think they're just jealous because they don't have the same native talents that have made Martha the Queen of American Households.

Bere Mm/

Fory bauteo the typoinkg.. butf ima tiedd to a fornjtlser bny the tonklseer. i'n suer uyo tumdersgtamd.

Barthea Steurrte con kiscss what'''x left of mx acsssse

f Biane
Dear D fiant

Now you've made me frown and crease my brows. I can't work out your email. Forry? Did you mean furry? Usually when my children complain about a furry feeling in the back of their throat, it means they're coming down with the flu. In that case, I'll put Advil and Vicks cough syrup on my list for you, too. Please try to type more clearly, D. I can't afford anymore wrinkles in my brows.
Besa me culo

Ber mM/

Uyo cn aolllso mekixx wharsts tleftm of mx aussre

Fe bio,otant

Dear MM and all,

I'm sorry if my past two messages have been rather garbled and less than positive. I've been strung up by the tonker, and it's really hard to maintain my usual good humor.

It's been over forty eight hours listening to the bible thumpers now. Nonstop. Two days. Day and night. Preaching at the top of their lungs, crying and begging for money, and a choir pissing around in the background. It's enough to drive a person mad. Mad, I tell you. Mad, Mad, MAD! Hahahahahahaha

Oh sh.. dear. I hear the mad woman coming. She promised to let me watch TV this evening. Maybe I'll hear on the news that there are rescue teams out searching for me. Not likely, huh? I thought not.

Bye for now,
D fiant

Ps. Did I mention that I've developed hemorrhoids? Well, I have. Just what I needed.
Bible Thumpers

I'm aghast, simply appalled. This is just like Waco and David Koresh. Shingtao, RoughPlay, Flicka, I've given up on the Brownie troops. It's up to us to save D fiant's brain from being mashed into a compliant soup.

Rally, troops! Some one bring a map!

Hi D fiant

Do you think she'll let you watch the Tele Tubbies. I think there're
wonderful. Not that good for SWAT team rescues but great for Big Hugs.

Incidentally did you know that a mathematician is a device for turning
coffee into theorems. Just a thought.

Big Hug