where is D fiant?

Wanna Preparation H

Oh, thank God "Geraldo" is over. I don't think I could have stood another minute of that twerp and the insane people he had on that show. Cookie! Wanna wanna cookie. I could feel my IQ shrinking as I watched. I think it leveled off in single digits and is now starting to rise again. Wanna go pottie! Pottie!

The mad woman treatened me with a "Dr Phil" marathon if I ever try to escape again. Wawawawawawawawawawa I think I'd rather be strung up by the tonker than endure that. Well, I'm strung up by the Babababababababa tonker anyway, but that's better than Dr Phil. BeeEmmm potty! Pottypottypottypotty Gawgo POTTIE!

Well, must go now. It's time for my morning Cookie! Wannawanna cookie flogging. It's nice to be back in a structured routine.

Oh, we have a new game. No time to tell you about it now, but I really do need that Preparation H.

D fiant

Ps. Wawawawawawawawwa pottie
Tonker time

Well, it's almost up by the tonker time for me. Another day with the mad woman finally over.

She said she has a "surprise" for me tomorrow. I've never known one of her surprises not to be .... memorable.

Please don't forget about me. Send help. My tonker hurts.

D fiant

Ps... Arrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhhhhhh
Send help? I've rounded up a gardener and a cleaning lady. Also a babysitter. I can also get a part time cook. Think that will be enough?

I hope the mad woman lets you watch the Martha Stewart special tonight. Her guest celebrities are Geraldo, Oprah and a couple of evangelist scam--I mean preachers. Channel 27, 8 pm to midnight! I'm planning to pop a batch of popcorn and have a splendiferous night on the sofa!

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The end of D Fiant

Dear Ms Mia,

I'm afraid you will not be hearing from Mr Fiant any more. He .... escaped, and I'm sure he has gone on to a better life. I wish him all the best. The newly turned soil in my garden has nothing to do with Mr Fiant. I was merely tilling the cabbage patch.

I do find myself with an opening now for a .... roomer. Any reasonably healthy young male can apply at the address below.

It would be an especially good position for a man with a high pain threshold and a desire to lose weight. Although I give these people all they wish to eat, they always seem to lose weight. Strange.

Thank you for your interest, and I certainly with Mr Fiant all the best in his .... wherever he is.

The Mad Woman
22 Natcher St.

Ps. Hahahahahahahahaha
Is that the last word then? I'm afraid I can't undo the 38 messages I left on the police station voice mail. If they come knocking at your door, neighbor woman, just have some cookies and hot cocoa ready.

There is a strange smell that wafts over on damp nights and I wondered what kind of fertilizer you use in your garden.

Oops, got to go! My broccoli-spinach flan is ready!
MercyMia said:
There is a strange smell that wafts over on damp nights and I wondered what kind of fertilizer you use in your garden.
Oops, got to go! My broccoli-spinach flan is ready!

No luck yet on getting a new ...... roomer. Cabbage looks like it's going to be a bumper crop. Amazing what some good organic fertilizer can do.

The Mad Woman
Dear DFiant,
I hope you didn't mind my filling in for you while you were away. People were concerned, and I did my best.
Ps. MMia was very worried about you, so I did what I could to reassure her of your well being.
A little bondage... a little torture... eating domesticated house pets... urine consumption... an apparent poo fetish... a little bit of a distended sphincter... all the key ingredients that go into making a boy into a man.

MG, you did a fine job. The passion with which you captured my helplessness, my sheer despair... it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it......

...excuse me, the memories are just too painful...

...my daily radical shock therapy will clear up these pesky emotions...

...Ladies, good evening...

D Fiant said:
MG, you did a fine job. The passion with which you captured my helplessness, my sheer despair... it brings a tear to my eye just thinking about it......
Dear DFiant,
No, no, I couldn't. Your thanks are enough.
This is Shingtao(new name). I'm so glad you're back. I gathered a search and rescue teach and have been searching for you for the past couple months. I guess it was all in vain. Glad you're back. (Sorry I took so long but I couldn't help stoping to see the sites and go on tours and such. But believe me, I was working very hard.)

stupidguyhere said:
But believe me, I was working very hard.)
Dear S,
Yes. We were all grateful for your wonderful support. After all, someone has to stay home and feed the cat.
MercyMia said:
D fiant,

Show us yer tits.

With compassion,

After what D's been through with that torture, I'm not sure I want to see naked flesh.....