While you were sleeping


I was with a Lady for a while who started off every day with a blow job. That was nice to wake up to.
Just broke up with a girl who was the same. She loved to get fucked and I woke up hard several times in the middle of the night and mounted her from the back while she slept. By the time she’d wake up and realize it, i had already gotten two full pumps and had my cock buried deep inside her. She’d wake up and lift her hips up to take it deeper.
While I was sleeping, the rhythm of your heart
Was closer to my body than I dreamed;
I couldn't say a word for that would start
Resistance and reluctance, as you creamed
Your essence over thighs and into me;
I knew you wanted closeness, but I thought
I could trust you with the front door key;
I'm so naive and stupid; now you've taught
Me such a lesson, giving me those pills
To help me sleep through tension. I was tired
Of moonless nights, that reinforced the ills
Keeping me restless and completely wired,
But now I'm disconnected, and you've won:
While I was sleeping, you made sure you'd come...

delete me now.jpg

Méli 🌷 🌷 🌷
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