Why the nickname?

Quint said:
I took this name without much thought when arriving at Lit; I had some ideas for How-Tos, but nothing so phenomenal that I thought I'd actually be KNOWN by it. So I took the name of my *coughs* livejournal.com account. Everything there is at least a year old and probably pretty funny reading, come to think of it.

Anyway, I picked the moniker there because quintessential is on my List of Nifty Words, and I liked the abbreviation. I'd change it now, probably, because I know niftier.

However, now that T is with us, we have Q-unit and Unit T...Unity? Get it? Huh? ......gosh, it's late at night. I'm so sorry, everyone.

*hangs her head in shame and slinks out of the thread*

Now Dear, I'm trying to make a good impression here.. don't go screwin up my rep already!

lol.. oh well

Mr. Unit- T

I do wish Blue was here to read that - would really appeal to his funny bone.
my nick

Hey all...

My nick was actually chosen by a boyfriend of mine very many years ago but it has been my online personna for so long I caint imagine changing it....he said...Green eyes and gold Spun hair....so greenspun even tho years after picking I hafta now put up with greenspan jokes...hey it was my nick first and it is definately me...
Quint said:
I took this name without much thought when arriving at Lit; I had some ideas for How-Tos, but nothing so phenomenal that I thought I'd actually be KNOWN by it. So I took the name of my *coughs* livejournal.com account. Everything there is at least a year old and probably pretty funny reading, come to think of it.

Anyway, I picked the moniker there because quintessential is on my List of Nifty Words, and I liked the abbreviation. I'd change it now, probably, because I know niftier.

However, now that T is with us, we have Q-unit and Unit T...Unity? Get it? Huh? ......gosh, it's late at night. I'm so sorry, everyone.

*hangs her head in shame and slinks out of the thread*

Hey Quint that's so cool! No need to hang anything ... I'm glad you explained for I *never* would have guessed ... I really like your nick! My favorite word is semi-ambidexterous (semi-ambidexterousappears courtesy of SpectreTM) :p

Unity said:

Now Dear, I'm trying to make a good impression here.. don't go screwin up my rep already!

lol.. oh well

Mr. Unit- T

Willow,...I agree,...Blue,...where are ya? We miss ya!

I thought about using Antidisestablishmentarianism
as my ID,..."but then I gots to thinkin'"(MzC) we are missing you also), Wily blondes would shorten it to Ant,...so I went with artful.

Cym, Lance, and others who were posting regularly, but have refrained from doing so,...I hope it is JUST the weekend, "REAL LIFE FUN", that you guys aren't posting. :D
Interesting posts here. I posted this in General, but here it is for the bdsm forum.

MechaBlade is the name I decided a long time ago would be my penname. It is based on a comic book character I created that happens to look like me (several characters I created look like me). He also has many characteristics that I yearn for: strong, intelligent, serious, wise, beautiful, heroic, somewhat immortal, and has a large mechanical sword. If he had a sense of humor, he would be my image of perfection.

I figured my comic story would never get made into a comic/movie/show because it's not something I really care about. Even if it does, MechaBlade is not a central character and I needn't have him make an appearance.

My AV is does not look like him or me, but I like Squall's painted warrior look for MechaBlade.
An easy one

I live in Las Vegas, which is in the Mojave desert. My nic is also the title of a Sting song, that I happen to like. And who doesn't like roses?

And by the way, my name is really not Rose. :) But I like it.

staying positive

Mine is meant as a reminder to me to go forward without fear, kick it out, etc. I think that many (though far from all) submissives tend to have a lot of hesitancy---to acknowledge who/what they are, to act on it, to allow themselves to be vulnerable, etc.
Meade is my last name, and the handle is meant to be read as "Go, Meade!"
Good bump, Shadowsdream!

i think Rose is a lovely name. And i hope i don't sound too sexist if i say, Pretty Roots, Toots! (how non-PC)

i love that song too. i worked as a DJ at a radio station, so i heard that song 1000 times, but i liked it the last time i heard it as much as the first.

Welcome to Lit. i hope you make a lot of good friends.

gomeade! That is so COOL! every time i see your handle, i will say it aloud and consider it a cheer for your victory. Welcome to you too.

i'm Doctor Blue, kind of the BSDM forum's dessert cart. Just a heaping platter of gooey sweetness. Just flattering, not fattening...as far as i know.

Mish mash

We did this thread a month or two ago, didn't we.....?

Mine's a mish mash...the full name is Lancelot A Castors, which was chosen originally for a vanilla personals site last year.

Lance, or Lancelot because my real first name is decidedly British.

And I like Monty Python & The Holy Grail a lot (though Brave Sir Robin makes me laugh more than brave Sir Lancelot).

And the cottage is near a place some believe the Knights Templar had a camp and may have hidden The Grail.

Lance Castor has the reverse order of syllables vis my real name.

Castor is French for Beaver, so Lancelot A Castors has a decidely cheesy Austin Powers ring to it, like Ivana Humpalot.

And Lancecastor sounds like Burt Lancaster to me as well as the Lancaster bomber, etc.

So, it works for me on several levels, as do my two other main noms de web, Crimson Glutes and (Clever) Trevor Harris.

My freshman year in college I had a roommate with the same first name as I did. We decided we both needed nicknames to keep it less confusing.

The name is based on a somewhat underground comic book character created by Bill Griffith in the 60's called Zippy the Pinhead. Zippy was from outer space, but more importantly, he was obsessed with sex and loved drugs. The sex thing still holds. The fact that he was bald was a coincidence (omen) as I did have very full head of hair back then. :D

I shortened it to Zipman when getting an email address and the 7 is my birthday (as there was already was a zipman).
I am such a dope

Lance asked "didn't we just do this a while back" or words to that effect. Well, YES and I forgot that I had previously posted here, LMAO. So my definition is here 2 times and slightly different.


How perfect that you would back up the nickname with such a complimentary and thought provoking av!
Shadowsdream said:

How perfect that you would back up the nickname with such a complimentary and thought provoking av!

Thanks SD,

I actually picked that AV because I couldn't decide on anything else and I was SO excited when I reached 100 that I wanted one no matter what. I guess it just worked out well. :cool:
It's just me

and self-explanatory; the way I feel and the way I am.
I only have one other nick right now and that I don't really use anymore , it is Lothlorien. My names are always chosen from "gut feel" and it usually takes me quite long to decide.


Because I feel like playdough most of the time. You can knead (need) it, shape it, bend it, twist it, but you can't break it. That's me. It can take many forms.

The funny part is the Doe part on the end. That was accidental, but it gets me emails from guys (thinking I'm a gal) and asking me if I'm interested in being Dom'ed.
Re: PlayDoe

PlayDoe said:
Because I feel like playdough most of the time. You can knead (need) it, shape it, bend it, twist it, but you can't break it. That's me. It can take many forms.

The funny part is the Doe part on the end. That was accidental, but it gets me emails from guys (thinking I'm a gal) and asking me if I'm interested in being Dom'ed.

You are MALE? Now I am lmao.....


edit: guess I should read profiles more often..... LOL
and what is Imao?

Can we still be friends? (hey, that's another song)
Re: and what is Imao?

PlayDoe said:
Can we still be friends? (hey, that's another song)

LMAO= laughing my ass off.

Yes, we can definately be friends.... You are simply toooo funny to let go.

geez! I get a house? lol

James Blandings said:
Long before people had online nicknames it was common for folks in the BDSM scene to take "scene names". I have friends I have known for 20 years whose real names I do not know.
I don't even remember why I decided to take this one, but I assume there are at least a few film buffs out there who recognize that I appropriated the name of Cary Grant's character in Mister Blandings Builds His Dream House.

ty James! well my nick is pretty self-explanatory also but when I first came to Lit,I was known as dreamangel_49801 and people called me Angel until my good friend Angelofsex asked if I'd change it to avoid confusion..of course I said yes..

When Master Artful chose me for His online submissive,He gave to me the name Artful's dream and now everyone calls me Dream,I love it!!:rose: ..my plan is to make ALL His dreams come true..:D :heart:
Mmm why my nickname... well...

my nickname is really Polarbear. I got it when I took karate classes in college. White uniform, big guy, pretty darn athletic with good dexterity and balance. Plus, and finding this out wasn't pleasant but it was good to know, I'm very even tempered and rarely get mad or pissed off, but when I do... get away fast. LOL. So, in many ways I was very much like a polarbear. Plus, many of the girls in the class thought of me as a teddy bear type.

Then I moved on to IRC and I adopted the nickname of Polarbare because I played alot in a sex channel. So I thought that name was cute and it attracted alot of attention from the females.

Then I started writing stories and eventually came to find Lit. I wanted a cool pen name to write my stories because I had crazy dreams of one day being a published author. LOL. But I wanted a nickname that looked like a real person's name, not something like Polarbare. I also liked the use of initials (D.H. Lawrence, etc.) Those kinds of pen names just sounded cool to me. So I went with P. B.

And to remember it easily I choose to use a last name that started with the same letter as my real last name. So "W". I couldn't really find a good name. ANd I happen to check out a baby names website. I saw the name Walker, which meant "Forest Walker". And that just really fit for me. There is nothing I like better than walking thru the heavy woods (or biking for that matter) either alone or with a dog. It's even better if it is raining. Something about the solitude and being in nature just makes me feel great. It's a great place for me to think and dream and just walk and explore. Course I don't live near heavy woods... but my dream house would be near some heavy deep woods.

And when I said it a few times... P. B. Walker it just kinda rolled off my tongue so easily.. and I thought it sounded so cool. Plus, one of my favorite president's (George Bush Sr) has a middle name of Walker.

Unfortunately... this was all before the whole John Walker thing hit... so that kinda brought down the "coolness" of Walker. LOL...

Anyhoo.. that's the secret behind the PBW :)

awww how sweet

I always thought of ya as cuddly too PBW:heart:

SORRY BUT WHEN i put PB together it makes me think of PBJ ..peanut butter & jelly!! lol lmao:kiss: :kiss:
Re: awww how sweet

Artful's dream said:
I always thought of ya as cuddly too PBW:heart:

SORRY BUT WHEN i put PB together it makes me think of PBJ ..peanut butter & jelly!! lol lmao:kiss: :kiss:

LOL... well actually that has kinda caused an offshoot nickname for me... quite a few people think of me as the PB&J man. LOL. Doesn't bother me because I love PB&J.

There was one woman that I use to flirt with on IRC. She always called me PoleVaultMe... <grin>

Can I tell mine?

The red part should be obvious - I have red hair.

Delicious because when I come to Lit I was having a bit of a confidence problem - so it is there to remind me (and let others know) that I am beautiful.

And yeah, it's a type of apple so there are all sorts of things I can do with that . . .

It is a bit oversexualized I guess, but at over 4000 posts I think I will keep it.