will it, won't it? big story supposedly about to break about governor wannabe mark robinson

“We absolutely are,” Robinson, who has denied CNN’s reporting, said Monday when asked by a reporter at a campaign stop if he had taken steps to prove the allegations against him are untrue. “We’re in talks right now, everything up to legal counsel to take CNN to task for what they have done to us. We are going after them, OK? We are going to go after them for what they’ve done.”
*nods* *rollseyes*

“Make no mistake about it … we are not going to let CNN throw us off of our mission,” Robinson said Monday. “Think about what’s going on our border. Think about what’s going on on the world stage. And this is what you — this is what you choose to focus on? You’ve got these news cameras, news reporters, pens, pencils, your microphones, this is what you’re focused on?”
well, you ate all the damned cookies, robinson, so it's not like we can focus on them... were they good? you look like you enjoyed them... all of them...

He’s a piece of work alright. Even former Repub gov pat mccrory was talking about how shady the guy is and that if he’d been properly vetted he wouldn’t even be in the race.

RGA has turned off money for advertising. Like throwing a drowning man an anchor.
After the couchfucking hoax and many more lies about Pubs, I will assume this is the same old shit until Mark personally admits something. And if he did all that and still wins, I will LMFAO.
After the couchfucking hoax and many more lies about Pubs, I will assume this is the same old shit until Mark personally admits something. And if he did all that and still wins, I will LMFAO.

HUH??? Say what?
You wanna wait till Robinson "admits something" before you question the allegations and turn your back on his campaign???
1. You should tell this to trump, Tillis, Kemp, and Lee who don't seem to have your patience.
2. Do you denounce racism? And Nazi's despite their race?
3. Why do so many inquiries to your posts begin with "Huh???"

Haha! I kid Cherno! you know I loves ya!
You ain't gotta answer cos it don't matter none anyway because Robinson won't and legally can't get out of the race and off the ballot. This is only going to get worse as he tries 🤷‍♀️ to refute the allegations and trumpers are going to have to figure out a way to contain voter dissatisfaction that threatens to end trump's presidential bid and hasten his slow walk to prison.
Oh the irony of one of DuhBlax supporting trump, described as being better than MLK, and who is seeking to make a black job of the governorship in North Kackalacky will be the impetus for ending trump. :ROFLMAO:
Do you denounce racism? And Nazi's despite their race?
Only racists and Nazis like racists and Nazis, so denouncing them would be virtue signalling or taking troll bait.

North Carolinans, not us, have the votes that count on this.
Republican Sen. Thom Tillis, the senior senator from Robinson’s home state, indicated this week that he’s not going to vote for his party’s gubernatorial nominee. Around the same time, two Republican governors — Georgia’s Brian Kemp and Tennessee’s Bill Lee — announced that they’re withdrawing their earlier Robinson endorsements.

Once again we see, only Trump can be Trump.
He has a right to defend himself. However, it’s a sucker bet to think it’ll go anywhere. It’s a gesture so he can claim something.

if it were all so false and unverifiable, why did his staff quit en-masse leaving only 2 spokespersons and a bodyguard still with him?

why would those ad buys not be renewed?

why would 2 republican governors and a rep senator back away as sharply as they have?

why would trump have not mentioned his name at the NC rally?
lindsey graham continues to try and distance trump from robinson

Graham said on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” over the weekend that Robinson must defend himself. Speaking with Sean Hannity a day later, he sounded ready to throw Robinson under the bus.

Democrats are “trying to make people believe that Donald Trump somehow’s involved with Mar— with the Robinson guy,” Graham said, obscuring Robinson’s name.
lol... i don't even know him, who is that person, barely heard his name before.... lol

Graham also told Hannity: “It would be unfair to say that somebody you wrote a letter about or even your own pastor — you own every stupid thing they did. We’d be crucified politically if we did that.”
Of course, Republicans did do what Graham described — to Barack Obama, when they attacked the then-presidential candidate in 2008 over remarks made by Jeremiah Wright, his pastor at the time.

Wright and Robinson are not one and the same. But it’s worth noting that Obama ultimately did denounce Wright.

Another North Carolina Republican is backing away from embattled gubernatorial nominee Mark Robinson — and this time it's the current nominee for lieutenant governor, the office Robinson himself currently holds.

Hal Weatherman addressed in a statement Tuesday on X bombshell revelations published by CNN last week that linked Robinson to an account on a porn site's message board in which Robinson defended slavery and called himself a "Black Nazi."

Robinson, he wrote, “should conclusively and quickly prove false the allegations against him."

"If he can prove this isn’t true and was fabricated to hurt him, he will win in a landslide," said Weatherman. "But if he fails to do so, he will lose, because the comments being attributed to him are highly disturbing."

"His entire campaign strategy should be focused on proving the allegations false," he added. "During this process I and the other Republican candidates need to stay focused on winning our own races.”

He has a right to defend himself. However, it’s a sucker bet to think it’ll go anywhere. It’s a gesture so he can claim something.
Of course, Rightguide, who basically supports everything Robinson says (and does so proudly and shamelessly) will try to convince us all that the defamation suit actually has a good chance of success.