will it, won't it? big story supposedly about to break about governor wannabe mark robinson


if it were all so false and unverifiable, why did his staff quit en-masse leaving only 2 spokespersons and a bodyguard still with him?

why would those ad buys not be renewed?

why would 2 republican governors and a rep senator back away as sharply as they have?
Yep. They know.

why would trump have not mentioned his name at the NC rally?
trump throws everyone under the bus at some point. Robinson just had worse timing than most.

lindsey graham continues to try and distance trump from robinson

lol... i don't even know him, who is that person, barely heard his name before.... lol

Lindsey was borderline hilarious on meet the press. He did a Kellyanne Conway pretzel logic angry rant about how it’s basically Biden’s fault that war in the Middle East-Russia/ukraine broke out and we’re on the verge of WWIII and how that would have never happened if trump were president and he’ll fix it and bring peace when elected! He gave a tiny smile when the scene ended and Welker gave a tiny nod of we’re out of time and nicely done.
Yep. They know.

trump throws everyone under the bus at some point. Robinson just had worse timing than most.

Lindsey was borderline hilarious on meet the press. He did a Kellyanne Conway pretzel logic angry rant about how it’s basically Biden’s fault that war in the Middle East-Russia/ukraine broke out and we’re on the verge of WWIII and how that would have never happened if trump were president and he’ll fix it and bring peace when elected! He gave a tiny smile when the scene ended and Welker gave a tiny nod of we’re out of time and nicely done.
To think that I voted for Graham in the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary in Arizona, despite him dropping out, not because I agreed with all of his views, but because he was the loudest Republican anti-Trump voice and I hadn't changed parties yet. Ugh...what a wasted vote!
To think that I voted for Graham in the 2016 GOP Presidential Primary in Arizona, despite him dropping out, not because I agreed with all of his views, but because he was the loudest Republican anti-Trump voice and I hadn't changed parties yet. Ugh...what a wasted vote!
Graham changed his tune bigly on trump!

“If the cops wanted to shoot an elderly black man they should have shot Al Sharpton,” Robinson commented in April 2009 on a NewsOne article about Sharpton participating in a police-brutality protest. “Closing his mouth would do this Nation good.”
“Obama IS a blackface step-in fectch-it [sic] for liberal white America,” Robinson wrote on the same site the same month.
“It’s Oprah the wicked witch, leading the way to sexing up the children!” he wrote beneath another article a few days later.

These comments are previously unreported. And for good reason: They’re no longer accessible on the Internet, as the comments systems Robinson used to make them are now defunct. The Bulwark was only able to access them through an archive of old comments made on sites built with the content management system WordPress. Plugging Robinson’s personal email address (the same one that multiple outlets have reported on in recent days) into that archive, we were able to find his now-infamous “minisoldr” username and the comments he left.

These additional posts underscore just how wide-ranging Robinson’s use of the “minisoldr” alias was.
The North Carolina Republican announced last night he has retained a law firm to “investigate the outrageous lies” from CNN, the outlet that first uncovered his porn-site comments. Whether he will actually file a lawsuit remains to be seen. (Robinson also reportedly declined other offers of outside digital-forensic help—a decision which, as we noted yesterday, reportedly contributed to his mass staff exodus last weekend.)

i wonder if he's borrowing that tremendous force of weeding out the 'real truth' otherwise known as mike pillow?
How do we know that Reichguide isn’t Robinson??
1. Chloe is a likelier candidate.
2. Reichguide has that silly idea that because he has never said what race he is, we have no way of knowing. Robinson, for all his faults, would not say that.
so... robinson has 'hired' longtime trump lawyer

their statement doesn't exactly sound as if they believe their client; if anything, the language is decidedly uncommitted to presenting their client as innocent:

“My team and I are looking forward to getting to the bottom of CNN’s claims and we will bring all our resources to bear in getting the facts,” Binnall said in the press release.

2020: Binnall represented Flynn after he withdrew his guilty plea for lying to the FBI... he was found guilty but was pardoned by trump

after the 2020 election, Binnall represented trump's failed bid to overturn election results in Nevada

Binnall was one of trump's lawyers in the failed bid to get Hillary Clinton on racketeering charges.... the judge tossed the case out in 2023, ordering trump and alina habba $1m for the 'frivolous lawsuit'

so, yay, he's got Binnall on the case.

seems trump's having a problem remembering he's been WELL-informed about robinson (or he's just a big fat liar and i know where my money is on that)... the trump go-to, the magat go-to

Speaking Thursday to reporters at a press conference in Trump Tower, the former president addressed a wide range of topics, including the migrant crisis, the war in Ukraine, and even touched on the indictment of New York City Mayor Eric Adams. He notably did not mention the North Carolina gubernatorial candidate, who earned the coveted Trump endorsement in March.

As he left the podium, a reporter asked if he was planning to pull his endorsement of the lieutenant governor. Trump responded “I don’t know the situation” before quickly walking away and taking another reporter’s question.

a bit like mike johnson 'not having seen' higgins' haitian hate post

The Harris campaign, who are eager to tie the former president to the besieged lieutenant governor in an important swing state, quickly responded to the remark. “It’s impossible to believe that, somehow, Donald Trump missed the news about his handpicked candidate for governor calling himself a ‘Nazi,’” Harris campaign spokesperson Ammar Moussa said in a statement sent to the Daily Beast.


NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson being treated for burns following incident at campaign event

Great! The black nazi sympathizer now figures he can win by leaning in more on the sympathy part.
C'mon CNN, how you not have details on the how, how serious, and injuries sustained by whatever came in contact with Mark Robinson?
Lol. I kid, I kid. Of course I'm wishing Robinson a speedy recovery. I need him alive and well to drag down the NC GOP ticket in flames.

Lol. Get it? Cos he’s big, full of gas, likes things German, and is literally going down in…

Yeah, I know. It’s 12:52 and I amuse myself and I prolly shuda stopped like 2 posts ago. Nite-nite.
Graham changed his tune bigly on trump!
Yeah, not pleased with his reversal at all! True of a lot of the "Never Trump" Republicans, who came around in time. I don't like Romney or the Cheneys, but at least they haven't caved on that point.
The poll by East Carolina University shows that the embattled gubernatorial candidate's support among North Carolina Republicans has dropped 20 percentage points.

The latest poll shows Robinson has the support of 63 percent of Republican respondents, compared to the last poll which showed he had 83 percent support.

Robinson is now trailing behind his opponent, Democrat Josh Stein, 50 percent to 33 percent, according to the poll.

I had always hoped to run and win a seat for public office. Living in SC meant that I’d have to be a republican to do that. Goddammit! Who knew that posting on the forums board of a porn site would be a bridge to far in gaining support of conservatives! 😢🤷‍♀️😢

All of our dreams of political glory are dashed.
when his scandal was being lost amongst new, big stories, robinson obscurely thought that making waves right now would be a good thing?

“I don’t need some lily-livered, jelly-backed, spineless toad like Thom Tillis wanting to cross his legs,” Robinson said to applause and cheering from those in attendance.

“I called him ‘spineless,'” he continued. “And here’s why I called him spineless: cause he’s more concerned about standing up against Mark Robinson and other Republicans like me than he is to standing with us to fight these Democrats who are trying to destroy this nation.”

when his scandal was being lost amongst new, big stories, robinson obscurely thought that making waves right now would be a good thing?


Mark Robinson is a turd:

Robinson, speaking Saturday, referred to a war being fought on “four fronts” — in Israel, in Ukraine, at the U.S.-Mexico border and “on our streets to save our children.”

oN ouR StReeTS To saVe oUr CHildReN!!!

Fearmongering turd.
Trans-on-girl porn is . . . honestly, the only word that comes to mind is "puzzling."
I can see the appeal myself, but to be frank, it's a rather gross form of hypocrisy to hate on trans folk while jerking off to them. A bit akin to folks who hate lesbians or gay men and jerk off to them (it happens more than people realize).