Yay Team 2024 The Sex & Sports Author Organized Challenge Support Thread

So I thought I'd pass on this one since I wasn't sure if I'd have time between the Geek Pride and the Nude Day events. But! I stumbled upon not only a great idea, but also an amazing title to go through with it immediately, along with a good general concept for the description.

In other words, the difficult parts are already done, so I have no choice but to do the writing, too ;)
In other words, the difficult parts are already done, so I have no choice but to do the writing, too

I had this outline all mapped out and I though that it would be easy too, but filling in the scenes, the scenes are just so long. I've written 15k words in the past two weeks or so and I'm maybe a quarter done? I dunno if I'm going to make it, and spending all this time on it is taking away from my spillane story so that one might fail (again) too. :(
I had this outline all mapped out and I though that it would be easy too, but filling in the scenes, the scenes are just so long. I've written 15k words in the past two weeks or so and I'm maybe a quarter done? I dunno if I'm going to make it, and spending all this time on it is taking away from my spillane story so that one might fail (again) too. :(
Hope you make it! If I had a cheerleader outfit, I'd put it on... actually, that would likely hinder more than help! 😉
I had this outline all mapped out and I though that it would be easy too, but filling in the scenes, the scenes are just so long. I've written 15k words in the past two weeks or so and I'm maybe a quarter done? I dunno if I'm going to make it, and spending all this time on it is taking away from my spillane story so that one might fail (again) too. :(
If you can prioritize writing over board arguments, maybe it might help. Just an idea. :D Good luck.
My sports story has been done for a while. Just waiting impatiently for the upload date.

...I wasn't sure if I'd have time between the Geek Pride and the Nude Day events. ...

Ah. Nude Day. Thanks for the reminder. My current series was kick-started with last year's Nude Day entry.

I have something in the series already in the works with a returning-to-college theme, but since it was mostly a group adventure at at nudist resort all that needs to happen is tweaking the timeline and we're there.
This makes me want to think of the most unsexy sport I can find and somehow make it work. And no fair just making it nude or making it for dare bets.

Curling? Bowling? Hammer throw? Is chess a sport?
This makes me want to think of the most unsexy sport I can find and somehow make it work. And no fair just making it nude or making it for dare bets.

Curling? Bowling? Hammer throw? Is chess a sport?
I recall a favorite video game from 2015 where a chick was admiring the hero’s bowling form.

All these activities might be indulged in at Garin-Ruiz Resort in my fictional universe. Don’t mind you borrowing the setting if you need one.
Awww. I forgot about this challenge, when I posted my Yoga stories over the past month (if yoga would count as a "sport".) And I just clicked "Publish" on my third one "Unique Rewards of Yoga - Beginnings".
I have been working on 'The Lifeguard and the Visitors' as one of my One Off 1x: stories. Already had a seed of an idea.
To make it more relevant to the challenge I have made it post a water polo match. UK based so some details may be different. Also my original FMMM has become a FM MMF as F2 says "best forgotten phone ever".
I hope I can get my planned story about a bratty tennis starlet and her pushy mother from Essex England visiting Melbourne for the Australian Open finished in time.
My 19k tennis-themed story has gone though beta reading, had a brand new coda slapped on it and is now basically ready.

My beta reader did just admit to not fully knowing how tennis scoring works, so I need to go through each game point-by-point because I'm bound to have messed up somewhere.
I hope I can get my planned story about a bratty tennis starlet and her pushy mother from Essex England visiting Melbourne for the Australian Open finished in time.
So do I, so do I! That sounds like a lot of fun!
We're unleashing our inner geeks right now for The Literotica Geek Pride Story Event, but after that, I hope authors will be ready to get in touch with their inner jocks and jockettes! I can't wait to read your sexy, sweaty stories! Time to get off the bench and into the game! 🏟️
I'm up to 29k. I hope that I'm close to halfway done. I mean I'll still probably need a week just to edit. :s

The pressure's on! Ugh!
Only now, now I understand I called beach volley a game with two team of six players, on a beach. while the True Beach Volley needs just four people (I don't know how manage four people).
My tale involve six players on a amateur beach. And a bet.
Only now, now I understand I called beach volley a game with two team of six players, on a beach. while the True Beach Volley needs just four people (I don't know how manage four people).
My tale involve six players on a amateur beach. And a bet.
Re(garding) your Sig(nature) As you already guessed, English is not my native language (he says in parentheses: it sounds Greek to me)!

English, not sure which of the dozen or so versions you refer to 😉, as you can encounter three ones here a lot and possibly others a little. American English, but don't tell the Canadians they speak that, British English (don't cha know, old boy) and Australian (Alright cobber). Of course unlike well behaved languages everywhere else ‘English’ is a mongrel language.

This is due in large part due to the north men, (Norse men) driving the British into the hills (then calling them Welas – as in Germanic for foreign! The Cheek!). Then the Normans, more invading Germanic peoples (clue in the name), but using a Francophone language, came in and no intellectuals were interested in the common language of the Anglo Saxons anymore.😢

So it just did it’s own thing,😜 got lazy, 🥱 forgot about conjugations and genders of objects and such. 🚫🎓 Then suddenly Chaucer wrote something in it and people got interested and popularity with educated people increased 👌🎓 Until it was the norm by Shakespeare and the King James Bible.📖

Then printers got in on the act, trying to look posh and putting Latin spellings into Germanic or Greek words!

So don’t worry about it, it’s not a proper language, but there again it’s what the customers want.

BTW English, in all its variants, is (so I have been told) the only language that has either two or fifteen tenses and the one in which you can say “It was a small red extremely fast car” or “The red car was small, red and extremely fast.” or other variants.

Also, if someone asked “Bus time come what?” Few reasonable people would fail to understand what was being asked.

Finally, according to a book I have* ‘English’ has just over 400,000 words of which 200,000 are in general usage. German has 200,000 of which 100,000 are in use. French has 100,000 of which 50,000 are in use. No wonder they say “The English have a word for it.” 😁
*The Right Word at The Right Time