Yay Team 2024 The Sex & Sports Author Organized Challenge Support Thread

according to a book I have
Thank you Alex. For a long time the only English phrase I knew read "Speak in French when you can't think of the English for a thing-turn out your toes as you walk-and remember who you are!" 😁 (1761, L.Carroll, "Through the Looking-Glass": a glass which is not looking at anything innit?😉).
then when I was young (decades ago: four score and fiftyseven years ago) the Musicals provided me with some key phrases ("who are you, to criticize her?" and "bless yore beautiful hide") many useful in everyday life (along with "Pretty and trim but not too slim" and "that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam."
Then the Beatles and that young boy, Elton something ("I don't have much money, but boy! if I did, I'd buy a big house where we both could live").
Long story short, in an ancient book 📖 written before Homer (not Simpson, the other Homer) I read that no sentence is "new": all sentences have already been said by someone else.

In my stories it often happens that some of the main characters are characterized by a culture, an ethnic origin, a religion. It seems to me ... more believable, rather than just saying pure names in an abstract world. These characters sometimes stumble with language because it happens to me, and I see it happen to people around. Many stories are set in a Resort precisely because the Guests come from different cultures.
I feel sorry for grammarnazi and language purists. Socrates (the famous Brazilian soccer player) said that Love is the child of Cleverness and Poverty. Perhaps struggle against the enormous poverty of language with a tiny pinch of cleverness could be useful for erotic literature.
.. Love is the child of Cleverness and Poverty. ....
What I didn't include was that I once heard a commedian say "The English language is the result of the relationship between a Norman soldier and a Saxon barmaid and is about as legitimate and anything else the relationship produced."

You may not have noticed that when animals are alive they are Saxon - Cow - Sheep - Pig - Deer, and when they are meat they are French Boeuf / Beef - Mouton / Mutton - Porc / Pork - venaison / venison.
I once heard a commedian
I hope I am not offending anyone if I paste here a meme I read today. What were the odds?
I apologize in advance if it has nothing to do with the FORUM

The three main types of English people: Native Britons Swarthy and hobbit-like (Rowan Atkinson acting),they are the aboriginal inhabitants of Britain. They are of middling intelligence and naturally subservient to their betters. Celto-Germanics (… Jeremy Clarkson) Descendant from various pre-Norman invaders, they are brutish and stupid, and have yet to master even the English language. They tend to be unruly and antisocial, but easy to manipulate. small minority almost identical to the average. Frenchman, they have ruled England since the 11th century, and preserved their existence by creating the British class system. They include the nobility and every Briton who ever achieved anything of note. (Henri Cavill).

Hobbits, drunken Dwarves, and Elves. Tolkien always wins. Easy. ;) ;) ;)
I hope I am not offending anyone if I paste here a meme I read today. What were the odds?
I apologize in advance if it has nothing to do with the FORUM
Well I for one couldn't be offended as I started this little wander off the golden path. I nearly made my comments as a one to one, but felt I had to share my folk history of the English Language.
Hobbits, drunken Dwarves, and Elves. Tolkien always wins. Easy. ;) ;) ;)
I like it, though the Welsh and the Northern British may get offended, nah broad backs (Translates to: no they won't be offended as they have a sense of humour and can take it) and the Home County mob (Translates to: Counties around Greater London) will lap it up, though I would have gone for Hugh Fry myself!

But as you have implied: Enuf said. (Translates to: Let's finish this here.)
I've written 15k words in the past nine days and am up to 40k. I hope that it's about 2/3rds done. I have a weekend trip commitment starting tomorrow. I'm taking my laptop and I'll be lucky to get 1000 words done while I'm away. :( I don't know if I'll make it. Plus apparently my beta reader says that I made big inaccurate mess of the sport rules in chapter two that I have no idea how long might take me to fix.
I've written 15k words in the past nine days and am up to 40k. I hope that it's about 2/3rds done. I have a weekend trip commitment starting tomorrow. I'm taking my laptop and I'll be lucky to get 1000 words done while I'm away. :( I don't know if I'll make it. Plus apparently my beta reader says that I made big inaccurate mess of the sport rules in chapter two that I have no idea how long might take me to fix.
Fingers crossed it all works out...🤞
Fingers crossed it all works out...🤞
I hope it works out for you as well because it makes me, a writer of about 7 to 9k word stories, look like we are taking it too easy. After all, all I needed to do was work out the pool depth and team numbers for water polo, rather than any complex rule requirements! Everything else came from my Common Knowledge which often is not all that common!
Hopefully, good colleagues, you can get going on your next challenge, Yay Team 2024, entries while reading through the excellent Geek Pride stories...🤞
We did it, team! Not edited yet but 13k words in total. About twice (!) of what I expected, but then I only had a rough sketch of the plot in mind, and I ended up changing the latter half rather extensively.

Interestingly, at the start I intended for the story to go in EC. But after reading a few posts elsewhere in AH, how this category often results in tumbleweed when it comes to reader attention and feedback -- which somewhat agrees with my experience -- I realized I could instead emphasize a few things much more and put it in Fetish instead. So, I did just that, and I'm very happy how the story turned out.

This will be another new category for me so I'm quite curious how it goes. (My Geek Pride foray into SF&F was... well, not as great as I hoped for).
I skimmed the thread but couldn't find it... What tags do we use? I'm guessing "yay team" and "yay team 2024"?
I skimmed the thread but couldn't find it... What tags do we use? I'm guessing "yay team" and "yay team 2024"?
It's on page 1 part way down MyBareTorso's introductory post. I belive the necessary Admin comment is YAY TEAM 2024 and also in the Tags.
It's on page 1 part way down MyBareTorso's introductory post. I belive the necessary Admin comment is YAY TEAM 2024 and also in the Tags.
I did Ctrl+F "tag" on page 1 and all I found were unrelated words. And @MyBareTorso only mentions admin comment:
7. Make sure to include the phrase YAY TEAM 2024 in the NOTES TO ADMIN field so your story can be easily located and posted in a timely manner.
It's pretty obvious that this is probably the tag, too, but I figured there is no harm in asking explicitly.
Yay Team 2024 in the Notes To Admin field (most importantly), and also Yay Team 2024 as a tag. Many thanks!!
Submitted yesterday with both. Right now it's still pending, probably because I asked in notes to double-check if the formatting of certain sections comes out fine (there are a few chat transcripts in the text). Hopefully it goes through :)
I only have ten days left! I probably need to write 2000 words a day for the next eight days. I'm so stressed.
Did anyone get their story approved? Mine is pending for three days, and that’s after I resubmitted it to correct the formatting of some sections.

Normally I wouldn’t sweat it but the challenge starts tomorrow…
Did anyone get their story approved? Mine is pending for three days, and that’s after I resubmitted it to correct the formatting of some sections.

Normally I wouldn’t sweat it but the challenge starts tomorrow…
I'm in the same boat. Sent mine in last weekend and it's still pending. PMed Laurel on Friday and that still hasn't shifted it. Maybe she's just leaving them till the challenge begins...maybe.