I guess it can be possible for folks to be dumb racist know it alls… better for humanity if it weren’t true but the orange Jesus has a loyal (facts/evidence be damned) dumb following… thanks for pointing that out.I succeed because I work hard and invest wisely, not because I suck on the government tit-o-dependency like you Lefties.
Speaking of nonsense, it seems like you've swallowed PaxGargle's bullshit about everyone being my Alt.
Which should scare the hell out of you if you'd only pause to think about it for half a second and realize that, if it's true, then I'm always awake, always aware, and always watching.
Maybe you should call me Skynet. Or maybe you're in The Matrix and you should have swallowed the Red Pill instead of getting dumped into the disposal at the end of your use cycle.
You as an inanimate object though is an interesting premise… we all know you are a tool….please continue.