You people are very intimidating

from MG:What the hell is that cat doing in the AV? It looks mort.

No, just his cat-like claim to both beds. Put any two treats in the room and he'll try to keep both of them to himself.

Don't know where he gets that behaviour.
I don't recall ever feeling intimidated here. But then again I've been pushing my way into fora of one kind or another since 1993.

That cat's attitude reminds me of a cat my folks used to have--a color point Siamese named Moog. The 'rents had this habit--and now I suppose I'm going to be in for a chorus of Ewwwwwwwwws--of, whenever they had a roast or something on a platter, once they'd taken the meat off, they put the platter down on the floor for the cats to lick before cleaning it off for the dishwasher. Moog was not a particularly large cat, but no matter how large the platter was, she had a way of standing over it in such a way that none of the other cats could really get to it.
Ha ha. I know what you mean. We used to have a Tom that loved anything with red sauce of any kind. We first discovered this trait when we took a platter of lasagna into the kitchen while clearing the dinner table. As you can understand with my posts, the whole family is talkative and we got into some kind of discussion that kept us out of the kitchen over the next five minutes. When we went in there, he was IN the dish, purring, and clenching and unclenching his paws in the top layer of noodles. I picked-up the dish, cat and all, and put it on the deck so he wouldn't get marinara all over the kitchen.

Unsanitary, that's what soap and hot water are for.

Eff, I don't know how you managed it but you are back in my good graces, if it matters. I'm a difficult and demanding woman is all I'll say, and you can be tenderly charming.

regards, Perdita :rose:
Svenskaflicka said:
*hugs to Chicklet, MathGirl and Perdita*
Hiya, Svenska,
I don't know what brought that on, but I'll take it.
Ps. Please remove your hand from my intimate parts.
Pps. Thank you
hi, just dropping by...

yeah there's a lot of college degrees floating around here, damn, a real high class establishment. and ms perdita has memorized the works of Shakspeare (sp?). so i guess it comes down to whether there's respect for a bitch like me that learned anything she knows in the hard knocks of life school and my learned college type slaves, of course.

scarlet vixen said:
hi, just dropping by...

the works of Shakspeare (sp?).

There is no (sp) for Shakespeare, he couldn't spell it the same way twice anyway.


He didn't go to college either. Degrees? We don' need no stinkin' degrees.
scarlet vixen said:
...and ms perdita has memorized the works of Shakspeare
Hey, Scarlet (great moniker), welcome. Noooooo, I haven't done any such thing. Sh're that I've reread and reread I get to know by heart (love that expression, by heart), otherwise I keep the texts nearby and just look them up.

What I know and display here I didn't learn in college.

By the way, my old Sh're prof. always said at the beginning of her classes, "All you need to know to read Shakespeare is to be a human being."

Hang around, Perdita :rose:

p.s. to Gauche: he knew 'a little Latin and Greek'; it was taught to school children then.
scarlet vixen said:
so i guess it comes down to whether there's respect for a bitch like me that learned anything she knows in the hard knocks of life school and my learned college type slaves, of course.

Probably depends on her attitude and how much of "anything she knows" she learned in Hard Knocks U..

Rumple Foreskin
So, she may have had a chance to become more widely 'known' than any of us wannabees.

scarlet vixen said:
hi, just dropping by...

yeah there's a lot of college degrees floating around here, damn, a real high class establishment. and ms perdita has memorized the works of Shakspeare (sp?). so i guess it comes down to whether there's respect for a bitch like me that learned anything she knows in the hard knocks of life school and my learned college type slaves, of course.


Welcome love, drop by again, we're short on folks who learned their trade in the University of life like wot we did, hehe!!:D

Umm would that be Bert Shakespear who used to live at number 59 until his arrest:)
MathGirl said:
Hiya, Svenska,
I don't know what brought that on, but I'll take it.
Ps. Please remove your hand from my intimate parts.
Pps. Thank you

For sticking up for me.
Ps. Only you would refer to the shoulders as "intimate parts".
Pps. You're welcome.

Originally posted by rhinoguy PS. MathGirl, was that a typo? meant to say: "AND rhinoceri will....."
Dear Nosey,
Of course that's what I meant. At the AH, we usually eschew pointing out innocent typos made by well meaning friends.
Ps. Svenska, I'd do the same for any sharp tongued Swede.
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I don't think I've ever been intimidated by people on a message board. Yep, a hell lot of you guys are far wittier, and more well read than me. On the other hand, I'm young and have plenty of time to catch up. ;)

The main thing I find about cyber communities is the whole fitting in thing. Heck, that goes for all communities, but cyber ones are almost harder to crack. For some reason I feel it's much easier to feel left out in those communities. Perhaps because it's so much easier to see who are the "popular", "prominent" etc people. Or just the ones making the most noise... I find it harder to get into the clique on boards/chats. In real life I can at least see the cliques easier (and they're usually smaller), and aim for the one that is more like me...
On the other hand, I'm young and have plenty of time to catch up.

Yeah? Well I'm older and have more insurance, kid.

My Kathy Bates impression - well I may not make the same kind of impression as she does - but she looked pretty impressive to me in About Schmidt - or at least brave

Don't ask me what the hell I'm talking about. How the hell am I supposed to know? He just moves the fingers and my jaw starts flapping.
Eff, what's with all the small type? I have progressive lenses and don't miss a thing; you merely make me squint (an unpleasant thing to be forced to do).

So sorry. I can't use those types of lenses because they interfere with the rate I read (my focal point is so high that the reading part of the lense ends up only covering about 4 letters at a time). I cheat and set my monitor to 120 dpi (as opposed to the normal 96 - no large fonts).

I'll experiment with other ways to make my asides.

does this look any better? think it will work as an aside just to ignore capitalization rules?
That works fine, or you could just use parens.

Thanks for the consideration (your heart is safe now).

Perdita :)