❓ PLP Inquires II ❓

I’m almost always attracted to really intelligent men. This has often, not always, translated to arrogant men which is a huge turn off. Mostly they’ve turned out to be in IT, which is odd because I come from medical education and the last seven years emergency services. It seems strange that that’s where my eyes land given where I mix.

I also tend to fall for musical men -specifically guitarists. Maybe it’s because they know what to do with their fingers and we all know all things are made better with good fingering.
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I’m almost always attracted to really intelligent men. This has often, not not always, translated to arrogant men which is a huge turn off. Mostly they’ve turned out to be in IT, which is odd because I come from medical education and the last seven years emergency services. It seems strange that that’s where my eyes land given where I mix. 🤷🏻‍♀

I also tend to accuse fall for musical men -specifically guitarists. Maybe it’s because they know what to do with their fingers and we all know all things are made better with good fingering.
Check out this fiddler

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?
I’d approach it with an open mind. There is certainly a niche that can be filled using AI.

It could also help authors generate ideas and storylines that can then be incorporated into their writing. I don’t think it can, nor will it ever replace actual creative writing.

There is also the standpoint of what is something trying to get out of reading a particular story. Are you trying to explore a sexual fantasy or enjoy it as a piece of literature? AI might struggle there.

Are you just trying to use it to get off, probably pretty good for that

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?
So, I've played around with ChatGPT to write stuff (there's a thread now, actually). It does OK writing stories, at least short ones. @Bry1313 had one that I thought was really quite good. I posted one that was kind of OK at least. They aren't "erotic" really because ChatGPT won't really do that. I can, of course, imagine that it could.

Some of the stuff that humans write is pretty derivative anyway. It's "wank fodder" and it's OK and I don't know when I'm reading it for that purpose, that I really care much about who wrote it. So I think, honestly, yeah...it could work.

From what I've seen though, a really good prompt is important, and so at the end of the day, a human has to give it direction. So maybe it's not so bad.

But I don't think it can ever really "innovate" in ways that are interesting. And I'm not sure it can really bring emotion, in ways that are as good as a human, but I could be wrong on that.

As far as an AI chat bot, you know yes, I can see that. But I don't think it can be as rewarding as really connecting with a person.

In some ways, the "trials and tributions" of a real relationship bring together the people as they overcome them. The misunderstandings, the missteps that you move past because you sense and feel something worthwhile. I can't believe the AI would really be able to do that, from the other side. I think the flaws are part of what makes perfection at the end of the day. The abililty to be flawed and have someone still want you. The ability to see past someone else's flaws and see the underlying beauty. And I'm not sure that an AI could really do that, and make me feel that.

I think AI will do a lot. Even write some good stories. Even be a good "wank" partner. But I think a lot of us here have found real people behind the screen names. I've made friends here that I cherish as much as anyone in my off-line life. And I don't think that an AI can do that. Maybe I'm naive.
And at the heart of the best relationships I've had here (one I think in particular) is a connection that I don't think an AI chat bot could do.

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?
AI is currently at the toddler stage. Over time it's capacities will just increase. I don't doubt that, eventually, we'll have good music, good art, and good stories told primarily, if not completely, by AI.

Where it sits now, it's not good and highly derivative. The hurdle of creativity remains ahead of us.

The same holds true for the chatbot side of the picture. Eventually, it will get really good and you won't be able to tell you're e-boning a computer.

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?
In the words of Homer Simpson, “You’d have to be pretty desperate to do it with a robot”.

No, I have zero interest in AI. The individual is what makes something wonderful. And that is what’s lacking in AI. A picture, a story, poem, song, etc. made by a person—a flawed, spontaneous, moody, unpredictable, individual person, is the only way to get anything real.

AI is closer to what you get when a bunch of people make something—crap.
Too many chefs.
A camel is a horse designed by a committee, etc.
What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?

Firstly I don't talk about souls here as in biblical terms, to me a persons soul is their essence. AI lacks soul, an analogy might be able to answer this for me. I believe sex robots are now quite advanced that look real and mimic human behavior. Having sex with a real live human or a sex robot will in all probability attain the same end result, some people might like the robot option, others not so much.

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?
The source of erotica absolutely matters to me. I think I get off on knowing what other people get off on. Sexiness put into the universe, created/curated/shared by women - especially women I like - is hotter to me than stuff put out by men. The actual content of the sexy stuff is almost immaterial (almost). Stuff created by a computer? No, thank you. There needs to be a human mind behind it. Preferably a mind I want to fuck.

AI Erotica

What are your thoughts about AI-created erotica? Do you think it could be a good way to scratch a niche interest that never has enough content? Or are pictures of and writing by real people infinitely sexier? Is a sexy picture just as sexy if it wasn't created by a human? Does an AI chat bot tailored to be exactly what you want seem cold or does the idea of creating your perfect partner sound like a dream?

While I can see a positive in creating niche art that looks exactly like someone's fantasy (thinking specifically of how some body types are underrepresented in kink/fetish), I don't think it could pack the same emotional punch as finding the real thing. Just stumbling across people doing exactly what you want is hot and validating in a way. I can't imagine ever wanting to read anything an AI writes, human imagination is far sexier and while I can see why a lot of people could find comfort in the chat AI that learns and adapts... I like weirdness too much.

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?

In case I haven't said it lately...I like this thread. You make me think...look within myself...and I appreciate that.

I think this depends on the definition of "friend". If a relationship has progressed to sexy explorations...yes...I want to know I am being thought of and am important enough for them to make time with me. And yes...that means I prefer it to be daily. I think of it as a grounding. It makes the sex more...valued. That doesn't mean the conversations need to be sexual. I want...honesty...and that can be gentle chit chat or deep stuff...or sex related.

Yes...I am needy. Life...has been hard at times...and the scars carried unfortunately affect other relationships. I wish that wasn't true...but it I'd. So yes, I have found I tend to carry the load of conversations more than most. It gets old. After a couple weeks of opening the door for deeper conversations...if all I keep getting is chit...I will find myself throwing up protective walls and backing away from the conversations.

How long do I wait before checking in? Depends on the relationship. But if I see a change in pattern...I check in...again opening the door.

What have I found prevalent in Lit? Maybe in life? When people say "I am not interested in that...I am just looking for friends"... it really means I am not interested in that with you. They already have someone else. That's fine. Be honest.

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
Let me start with my general philosophy: you can never have too many friends. I used to hate the story of the prodigal son, but as I got older and lost touch with friends, and then regained it, I really empathize with the father now. When a friend "returns" I'm gonna kill the fatted calf and have a party.
This is especially true here at Lit. There have people who have been very important to me here that have gone away. I still love and care about them and would be thrilled to see them again. Indeed, I was gone for four years, and some of those old friends welcomed me back. I was glad for it.

I have friends (mostly talking various on-line forums) that I check in with from time to time. One or two I'm thinking about in particular, we have days where we exchange messages (not always in "real time" but sometimes) and talk a lot. And then sometimes weeks (or even longer) with minimal contact. I still consider them - and I think they agree - good close friends. On line especially, you can't always find time. But we check in.

The chit chat in my friendships ranges from fun, funny, catch up, what's going on, joking laugh stuff to deep meaningful conversations about our lives. I've bared my soul to a couple close friends on line, and some have bared their soul to me too.

I think in person I'm more superficial except with a very few who I'm close to. In most cases in person it depends on the context. Some people I see every day and we talk at least briefly. I tend to be the one who wanders into my colleagues (friends) offices and chats. They know they can throw me out if they need to! LOL...and sometimes they do! Others I see more rarely, but chat with them when I do.

Note, I'm talking above about platonic friendships exclusively.

For the few (and the number is very low) on line romantic endeavors: generally it's daily. And often for long periods. And I check in frequently. And yes, sometimes there is an imbalance. It's one of the things you have to either work out, or you're with the wrong person. With the right person, the conversations are wide ranging. Everything from goofy funny jokey stuff to serious political/social discussions, from funny things that happened today to the big issues in our lives. Sexy explorations are only part of it. And with the right person (who I think I'm with right now), we slide from one to the other very easily. The sexy stuff isn't forced or anything, it just is a part of the conversation. Sometimes we focus on it, sometimes it just shows up. It's wonderful actually. :heart:

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
I can go a long time without seeing or hearing from a friend and still feel the same bond with them the second I see them.

Online, it does feel a little different in that my friends know other friends and if something happens, I’ll find out. Online, people just disappear and you have to wonder what happened, if they’re okay, alive, etc. There needs to be a way of checking out of Lit, and putting up a notice that everything is cool.

Communication style, I like everything. A quick, goofy statement, a deep conversation, sexy drawings, hardcore nudity, you name it!

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?

I think each relationship develops it's own, unique, communications rhythms. I'm flexible, so I adapt rather easily to whatever rhythm is present.

Someone going off their rhythm is what usually prompts me to check in on them. For some people, that is days, some weeks, some months.

I prefer a "whole person" chat - so that includes the ordinary and the extraordinary, the deep end and the shallow end. Again, each relationship has it's own nuances. My communication style is the same both online and offline.

I'm easy going by nature, so my expectations are flexible. The one thing I do expect and insist on is equity in communication. You should not expect me to do anything you won't do. If you expect daily comms, then I will expect daily comms. If you expect "we'll communicate when it's convenient to me", then I will be happy to return the same level of expectation on you.

I am advocate of Expectation Integration theory and an advocate of explict communications, so if you were to get involved with me, expect a conversation about communication styles, frequency, and expectations fairly early on in the relationship - and ongoing through the relationship.

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
It depends on the person I'm chatting with! I talk to my best friends every day. Others is more sporadic and that's fine too! I've definitely felt the imbalance where I wanted to talk to someone more than they have wanted to talk to me. And I'm sure others have felt that from me as well. One thing I try to be careful of is not to let new friendships take away from my existing ones. There's only so many hours in the day and time and privacy are limited.

I am a fan of both deep conversations and light chit chat. But if someone expects sexy conversations every time they talk to me... I'm not the girl for them and usually will back away.

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
It's not a hard-set requirement that we talk for this long every single day or whatever. I think friendship is an over reaching sense of knowing that we're there for each other in the larger sense. We can hit each other up any time at all and know we're good. Constant contact isn't a requirement. I myself have a life and I'm not always the most available person ever but I definitely try to be. And I want my friends (and friends who can get it) to know that I'm always around if they need me. ❤️

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
It varies. I'm in touch with one friend pretty much every day, and they've become a lovely part of my daily routine. I have another good friend who I speak to less frequently, but when we talk, it's just... right. ❤️

There are others, where we're more like passing ships, but it never feels awkward... there's never a "where the fuck have you been?" conversation 😂

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
I have phases I guess. There are days where I want to explore the meaning of life with everyone I know in great detail and days when a quick hi is about all I can manage.

I try and talk at least regularly with my friends, and I thank everyone for their patience with me while I haven't had the energy for that as much lately.

I also like to match energy.
If someone seems to only want to keep things casual with an occasional hi and catch up then that's fine. The same for those who like to chat little and often.

My closest friendships online can roll and adapt. Talk all day every day for weeks or need to tap out because of real life. No one gets upset because the understanding is there that it'll change again.

Outside of Lit I have close friends that I see maybe once a year but when we're together it's like no time has passed - except for grey hairs, wrinkles and kids getting older.

My best irl friends are a type of found family. We all give each other either time or space depending on what life throws at us and I know they support me as much as I do them.

Lit conversations that are purely sex based honestly get old really quickly for me. I want to know people - more than just how they like to get off - and have them want to know me too.
I also like to match energy.
If someone seems to only want to keep things casual with an occasional hi and catch up then that's fine. The same for those who like to chat little and often.
This! Sometimes it sucks if you're the one wanting more, but matching energy is so important and helps keep me from feeling like I'm always giving more.

Then sometimes I feel awful when I talk to someone and they are the ones that give more, and I just hope that they can match me instead lol.

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
... every day? That seems a bit much. I'm not opposed to every day, but mostly the only people I talk to every day are my family.

With my closest Lit friends I think we try to check in a couple times a week, maybe. More frequently when someone has something going on. Less frequently if not. If I realize I haven't talked to someone in 2-3 weeks, I'll send a "hey, are you good?" sort of check-in, but usually they're just taking a break.

I'm no good at small talk, but I understand it's necessary sometimes. I much prefer the deep conversations. And if they lead to sexier things, then so be it. But I try not to expect it.

I'm way chattier online than I am in person. Usually on Lit I'm the one to start a conversation. That almost never happens in person. I'm far shyer and self-conscious around real people.

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online?
It really depends on how busy I am. Online, I recognize there are lots of things that can impact how much I talk with people I like. Time zones being the biggest 😂 but I don’t require a whole lot. I’m a low maintenance communicator and never reach out with the expectation I hear back in any given timeframe.
Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day?
Not at all. A friend is someone I laugh with, joke with, have deep conversations with, someone who I’ve gotten to know and they me. Regardless how often that happens. If we only cross paths every few days, weeks, months or even years (shout out to my pen pal from the 5th grade. One letter quarterly going on 20+ years 😂) a friend is a friend is a friend.
Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in?
Depends. I’m notoriously bad at keeping in touch via texting (I’m the type to call 😬) because offline life is really busy and exhausting. I’d say if a few weeks (5ish+) have gone by I’ll definitely do my version of a wellness check “hey, how are things? How are you doing? Are you well?” Etc. but I try to respect people’s time and communication styles.
Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening)
Sometimes. I like meeting people and I’m terrible at small talk, I like big concept conversations and bonus points if we don’t think the same but can keep grace and compassion for each other centered in our relationship. Even still, I sometimes want to have more conversation than someone else. And that’s okay. I’d rather hear from them when it’s convenient for them and enjoy that time together than force the issue. No one likes a nag 😅😂 and honestly, I’m honored when folks share important things with me. If they had something awesome, or tragic, or confusing happen and they want to tell and talk to me about it? I mean…Wow. What a gift 🥰
Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three?
All three in in appropriate circumstances. I naturally lean towards talking about deep and nerdy things (but also get really self conscious when I nerd out over a subject I really enjoy 😳). Gentle chit chat is nice but can also be a bit exhausting. I feel a lot of *internal* pressure to respond even if the conversation is lackluster. And sexy explorations…well… whenever, wherever
*in my Shakira voice*
How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?
I’m very much the same in person as I am online. I’m boisterous and loud and *hopefully* warm and welcoming, love cracking jokes and can switch on a dime to big and deep conversations about the intricacies of politics, social issues, family dynamics, etc. I follow the other person’s/person(s) lead. I enjoy conversation so I’m only to happy to oblige and look forward to connecting 🥰
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