❓ PLP Inquires II ❓

What have I found prevalent in Lit? Maybe in life? When people say "I am not interested in that...I am just looking for friends"... it really means I am not interested in that with you. They already have someone else. That's fine. Be honest.

Oh, come on now. You're not asking for them to be "honest."
You'are asking for them to be rude. lol

Communication Quota

How much contact do you need, especially online? Do you only consider someone a friend if you check in every day? Every week? How long goes by without hearing from someone before you wonder or check in? Do you ever find that you have an imbalance in expectations when it comes to communication styles? (i.e. you like to talk every day and they only like to talk when something important is happening) Do you prefer a gentle chit chat or deep conversations or sexy explorations or all three? How do you feel like you adapt your communication style for online vs in person?

Much to think and to say here but I will keep it simple. Let's just say that if you don't bother, I won't either. I'm too old for chasing and I never found a particularly interesting activity anyway.;)

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
My journey has been rather long… but the most important elements have been the occasional stops along the way, and the company of my sexy fellow travellers. I’m happy on this journey, but there are still stops I really want to visit.
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Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
I almost feel like I'm back where I started. I used to stick to the word game and ABC type threads, and sneak in the occasional snarky comment here and there elsewhere. Got a little more adventurous a little while back. Got some bumps and bruises. And now I'm back to being mostly harmless with the occasional snark. There's no endpoint in mind. I'm not looking for a partner or a new bestie or anything. I just keep hanging around because I've made some good friends here (and lost a few too).

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
Is there a journey? I guess I have weathered a bunch of stuff here. Good friendships. Great partnerships that have dissolved, some amicably, others not so much. Most have taught me something. Some have just been fun. Others have given me glimpses into things about myself that at times can be really uncomfortable.

I miss being lighthearted and fun. That’s where I’d like to go back to. Non-serious good time, which is how this started for me. It’s how I’d like it to end :)

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
I’m closing out my first year here, so I feel like I’m still exploring Lit. I suppose I’ve marked a few things off my Lit Bucket List.
I think I’ve reached a place where I really just want to spend time with my friends I’ve made here though.
Life has kept me busy the past month or so. So I guess where I’d like to go is getting back to posting regularly and maybe just maybe get around to posting a few more stories I’ve written. 🤭
I’m closing out my first year here, so I feel like I’m still exploring Lit. I suppose I’ve marked a few things off my Lit Bucket List.
I think I’ve reached a place where I really just want to spend time with my friends I’ve made here though.
Life has kept me busy the past month or so so I guess where I’d like to go is getting back to posting regularly and maybe just maybe get around to posting a few more stories I’ve written. 🤭
I love your stories :)

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
I don't know how to answer this really. I've learnt a lot. About myself and other people.
I'd like to write some. That was what brought me here.
I wish some people were more ok with just being friends and not pushing the boundaries all the time.
I wish people were nicer and more respectful to each other.
So, I'm not quite as bouncy and bushy tailed as I was at one time. But I'm not jaded.
I've made some good true friends here. And there are some good people who I am maybe not that close to, but I like.

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
Lit for me was the high school I never experienced. In the real world I played chess, learned how to unicycle and juggle, was on the swim team , and played soccer, and attempted to get good grades. Socializing was a low priority and I was terrified of girls.

In that way Lit has been a second chance. I actually talk to women (and occasionally men), and have some small clue what they care about. While describing it as high school might seem pejorative, I don't mean it that way. It's all the social developmental learning that most people take for granted which I missed. I'm sure I still appear pretty clueless to a number of people, but trust me it was way worse.

And yes I've had some excellent perving. I've learned a lot about sexual dynamics, and discovered, much to my surprise, that I'm a Daddy Dom (thank you to BFG and all of the kind people on the Daddy's Little Girl Threads).

The thing I have also found is that I love voice. I'm now somewhat actively looking for voice scripts.

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
Interesting question. So I’d been on Lit in the past to read stories, but never created a login and never went to the forums. But just a few months ago, I not only came back here, I also decided that I would start writing stories to be published here as well.

I think I wanted to see if I could actually write decent erotica, as well as to see how it was received. I’ve had seven stories published so far, and they are all currently “hot”, so I guess I’m doing something right. The stories have been mostly based on fantasies that, at 61 (as of today) have not been fulfilled, and probably won’t ever be. The main character is mostly based on me, with enough changes to keep things interesting.

I had hoped I would get more feedback than I have, to be honest, but what I have received is pretty good.

On the forums, I have been using them partly to just have fun, and partly to talk about things that I’m definitely not able to talk to my wife about, or my therapist. It’s been eye opening in more than a few ways… I’ve been exposed to ideas I’d not considered before, but I’ve also had some posts get negative reactions that were so extreme I’d been tempted to just leave Lit entirely!

I know some of the reason I’ve had disappointments here is probably due to being a bit neurodivergent, so I think differently than most people. There have been litsters that I’ve pm’ed back and forth who just suddenly stopped responding, which always hurts because I’d prefer it if they just sent me a message saying something like “sorry, but I think this conversation isn’t working for me any more, goodbye,” or even something less polite. Anything’s better than just not responding any more, but I know many people don’t feel the same way. It bothers me enough I actually blocked one person who’s pretty active here because it really hurt to see them pop up all over the place, and now I irrationally wonder if the pm’s they’d sent before were really sincere or not

I had hoped to get to know some people here at least a bit more, but it hasn’t happened so far, and maybe it’s just not the right setting for that.

So perhaps my interactions are just going to be superficial, but maybe that’s enough.

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
My journey started in the "Chaos Coffee Klatch" thread where I had learned that there are people here who care about me more than I care about myself. That we are not all perfect and most have issues. All have desires & kinks. And Chaos is suffering, so I'm going back there to wait for time to catch up and it will be redeemed! Meanwhile, I'm looking into my parental heritage in Scotland & Wales, England.
I also want to meet new people, like minded people.

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
I'm in a better place than I was the first time I came here. That experience brought lots of wonderful people into my life, but it was also very toxic and did a lot of damage to my heart and my marriage. This time around I'm trying to have more fun and not take things so serious. That can be easier said than done at times, though.
I'm in a better place than I was the first time I came here. That experience brought lots of wonderful people into my life, but it was also very toxic and did a lot of damage to my heart and my marriage. This time around I'm trying to have more fun and not take things so serious. That can be easier said than done at times, though.
Hello Indie,
Literotica originally did a lot of damage to my wife's and I marriage, because I was doing this behind her back. But now she watches and critique's my posts and is more involved now. The thing is she doesn't want her own name on literotica so she uses mine. So it looks like I'm talking, so I put a rose🌹on my posts in the text field. I'll tell you, this is a lot more fun now. (yes, she's watching me)💖

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?
It's been long. It's been the best of times and the worst of times.
I made many friends along the way and had my heart broken more times than I should admit.
Through it all though, I like this place.
It may not be perfect all the time, but most of the people on here make it worth logging on.
I have no idea where I'm going, but I'll know when I get there. ;)

Where are you in your "Lit Journey"? Where would you like to go?

My "Lit journey" actually started nearly 20 years ago. Then it took a very long pause about 10 years ago. Now I've been back for a little over a year.

Naturally, most people I'd been friends with on the forums back then no longer post. And the Horny Internet ecosystem is much different now - AmPics was a unique outlet, there wasn't OnlyFans or a dozen different Reddits Gone Wild.

It's a little harder to get to know people since the forums aren't as active. Times change. I spend more time in chat now. It's easier to communicate there, I think.

Let's have a fun question!

I know not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving but surely we've all had a pot luck before. What's your star dish or the thing you're known for bringing? What's the one dish someone else brings that you can wait to get a bite of when they bring it? What dish is totally overrated, in your opinion?
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Let's have a fun question!

I know not everyone celebrates Thanksgiving but surely we've all had a pot luck before. What's your star dish or the thing you're known for bringing? What's the one dish someone else brings that you can wait to get a bite of when they bring it? What dish is totally overrated, in your opinion?
Swedish chocolate cake/brownie is my go-to if I'm unsure. Easy to make non-dairy, easy to make vegan, generally easy to make, kids love it, a little goes a long way.
I have a few culinarily accomplished friends but one in particular is kind of crazy in what he creates - sometimes hit and miss, but whatever he brings will always be interesting and I'll want to try.
Overrated? I don't know. If someone has gone to the trouble of making something to bring along, I appreciate it.