❓ PLP Inquires II ❓

I agree people can't be summed up by a few words. We are complex and nuanced and full of inconsistencies. But sometimes simplifying everything to a binary can be interesting and clarifying.

So I kind of agree with this theory. As a total golden retriever all my most significant partners have been total black cat people. I think this speaks less to an opposites attract idea and more to a balancing and refining ideas. People who are inherently different that you hring a different point of view and can amplify your strengths and weakness in a way that someone similar would excuse negative behaviors and amp up the good too much. I enjoy being in relationships, romantic and platonic, where we are making each other better people just by proximity.

In short, I'm way too much! #GR4Lyfe 😁
There are more introspective questions in the works here at PLP Inquires. We have a mission to not only have fun. silly questions but also promote the thoughtful, important conversations which seem to be in short supply around here lately. But until then ---


I heard a theory that all the best couples are made of one "golden retriever" person and one "black cat" person. No we aren't talking about furries! We are talking about personality types. The theory goes that two golden retrievers would too chaotic, impulsive and untethered that would eventually be off putting to the wider world. While two black cats would brew a kind of introverted, negativity and meaness that eventually ... would be off putting to the wider world.
The idea is a kind of opposites attract mentality. Do you agree or disagree? Are you more of a golden retriever or black cat? Do you tend to attract a type? How has that worked out so far? Also, do you think this could apply to friendships as well? And do you think personality types change depending on the relationship type?

I don't think I like this binary... I probably lean more towards golden retriever than black cat, but I'm introverted as hell. Can I be a basset hound instead? And my wife definitely leans more black cat, but she's not mean (well... she can be, but it's not her default). Plus, all the black cats I've known have been absolute sweethearts. But if we're painting in the broadest strokes, then yeah, generally I think couples work better when they complement each other.
someone will die of fun.jpg
I don't think I like this binary... I probably lean more towards golden retriever than black cat, but I'm introverted as hell. Can I be a basset hound instead? And my wife definitely leans more black cat, but she's not mean (well... she can be, but it's not her default). Plus, all the black cats I've known have been absolute sweethearts. But if we're painting in the broadest strokes, then yeah, generally I think couples work better when they complement each other.
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Andy and April are the total example I had in mind of this relationship type.

And just to clarify myself - I don't think black cat people are mean. I think when they group up they bring out the grumpier traits in each other. I like my black cats because they dont open up to many people at all. And I like being the lucky one that's earned that.
There are more introspective questions in the works here at PLP Inquires. We have a mission to not only have fun. silly questions but also promote the thoughtful, important conversations which seem to be in short supply around here lately. But until then ---


I heard a theory that all the best couples are made of one "golden retriever" person and one "black cat" person. No we aren't talking about furries! We are talking about personality types. The theory goes that two golden retrievers would too chaotic, impulsive and untethered that would eventually be off putting to the wider world. While two black cats would brew a kind of introverted, negativity and meaness that eventually ... would be off putting to the wider world.
The idea is a kind of opposites attract mentality. Do you agree or disagree?
A believe people need to have similar IIfe goals or life goals that don't interfere with each other, but as far as personality it should be opposites. Having a balance is important and helps a relationship.

Are you more of a golden retriever or black ca
I know it's hard to believe, but I am more the golden retriever lol. I am playful and hyper most of the time. I find it weird, because she isn't a people person, but knows how to navigate through politics, when I don't like someone it's obvious, I am a brute in that way. At work parties I was told, I don't know how to do Office Politics.

Do you tend to attract a type?
No specific type, all kinds of ladies love me

How has that worked out so far?
I'm happy with it, I get past my day in a positive way, while keeping unwanted people away from me. I have strong boundaries

Also, do you think this could apply to friendships as well?
I think having a good mix, people you can relate to, others you can branch out with and receive new information.

And do you think personality types change depending on the relationship type?
With time many things can change:
A person's politics, their values, some get bitter through hard times, after receiving new information one might change how they see things. Then you have the people who never change, no matter what information they receive.


It's the Lit-pocalypse!!
What do you bring to the survival team. What 3 Litsters do you want to survive with and why?

It's the Lit-pocalypse!!
What do you bring to the survival team. What 3 Litsters do you want to survive with and why?
Oh, yikes. If you're looking to me for survival then we're all in trouble.
Umm... I can bring some whisky. And some whiskey. And... uhh... I have Cards Against Humanity with all the expansions. And I can bring several boxes of painted D&D miniatures and several crates of unpainted ones. And... umm... I can cook a halfway decent meal over a campfire - that's survival-ish, right? Of course, someone else will need to provide the actual food I'm cooking...
Basically, I'm not looking to survive for a long time. But we'll survive for a good time.

And, of course, @PrettyLilPussy19 is surviving with me, because I am NOT going to be a forever DM.
@SalaciousMonkey22 seems like a good guy to have around and keep the spirits up.
And @MedicalMuse. Because she's amazing and we should probably have someone with some actual skills in this post-apocalyptic nightmare. (it's not me - I bring no skills)
Oh, yikes. If you're looking to me for survival then we're all in trouble.
Umm... I can bring some whisky. And some whiskey. And... uhh... I have Cards Against Humanity with all the expansions. And I can bring several boxes of painted D&D miniatures and several crates of unpainted ones. And... umm... I can cook a halfway decent meal over a campfire - that's survival-ish, right? Of course, someone else will need to provide the actual food I'm cooking...
Basically, I'm not looking to survive for a long time. But we'll survive for a good time.

And, of course, @PrettyLilPussy19 is surviving with me, because I am NOT going to be a forever DM.
@SalaciousMonkey22 seems like a good guy to have around and keep the spirits up.
And @MedicalMuse. Because she's amazing and we should probably have someone with some actual skills in this post-apocalyptic nightmare. (it's not me - I bring no skills)
Awww thanks man! I do love a good campfire. But I sure hope MedicalMuse has a lot of skillz!
There are more introspective questions in the works here at PLP Inquires. We have a mission to not only have fun. silly questions but also promote the thoughtful, important conversations which seem to be in short supply around here lately. But until then ---


I heard a theory that all the best couples are made of one "golden retriever" person and one "black cat" person. No we aren't talking about furries! We are talking about personality types. The theory goes that two golden retrievers would too chaotic, impulsive and untethered that would eventually be off putting to the wider world. While two black cats would brew a kind of introverted, negativity and meaness that eventually ... would be off putting to the wider world.
The idea is a kind of opposites attract mentality. Do you agree or disagree? Are you more of a golden retriever or black cat? Do you tend to attract a type? How has that worked out so far? Also, do you think this could apply to friendships as well? And do you think personality types change depending on the relationship type?

I was just reading through and I know you've moved on but I wanted to just quickly answer this.

I like the cat/dog analogy.
I'm definitely more of a cat personality I think but instead of a black cat I am an orange. Derpy, weird, shouldn't be left alone, amusing and affectionate, but only to the chosen few.
So instead of a hyper retriever I'd need a German Shepherd type. Can obviously be a big soft goofball but is also able to focus, stay on task, and keep control of derpy, clumsy oranges.

Friendship wise I don't think it matters. I like all different types of people really.

Alright pervs, confession time.
What's the worst Christmas gift you ever received??
I used to work as a snowplow driver and a customer gave me some cookies, the worst cookies I ever tasted and I can put up with a lot when it comes to cookies but those went straight into the nearest garbage can.
It really is the thought that counts
I used to work as a snowplow driver and a customer gave me some cookies, the worst cookies I ever tasted and I can put up with a lot when it comes to cookies but those went straight into the nearest garbage can.
It really is the thought that counts
I need to know more about these inedible cookies!

Alright pervs, confession time.
What's the worst Christmas gift you ever received??
My wife's grandfather gave me a can of peas that was 8 years expired.
Dementia is a bitch.

The worst Christmas gift that I've ever received from someone of sound mind?
I seem to remember getting a Backstreet Boys CD from one of my aunts and thinking, "Wow, you don't know me at all." But I smiled and thanked her politely. It's probably still in the shrinkwrap.