❓ PLP Inquires II ❓


What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?

How important is it to you to be liked by others? Do you consider yourself generally likeable? What's more important that being liked? What's less important? Does it bother you when you sense someone doesn't like you? Do you strive to change their mind? Does how your likability matters change depending on the person (i.e. do you want one type of person to like you more than another)? How have your feelings on this changed as you've gotten older?
Being liked isn't something I really give much thought to. I feel as though it's ok for not everyone or anyone in particular to like me - as being myself is far more important. Rather than being liked, I strive to be authentic, accountable, and trusted. If someone believes that I am not one of those 3 things it hurts far more than just not being liked. That being said, I do appreciate when someone finds me favorable - namely a partner or a employer :)


What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
The above answer is something that has been true for me for as long as I can recall. Besides that, my sarcasm, bluntness, and lip-biting when nervous have stood the test of time.

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
Great question, because I am almost completely different now. I'd say in 3 ways:

Me and my sisters would never tell on each other, when threatened with all of us accepting a punishment. We knew who did it, but just accepted the punishment. This remains true to this day, it's a moral issue that shows inner strength.

Giving people food, drinks and money, when you see someone less fortunate. That's something I still do to this day, it was done during childhood.

Wanting to be a savoir to women and old people, helping out when you see someone in true need. Holding the door open, giving up my seat, helping someone with their bags etc.etc

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
I think at my core I'm still the same. Just with more existential dread 🤣

I daydream and procrastinate. I'm curious and quiet.

Yeah I'm achey and tired now but I'm always hopeful - despite my brains' many attempts to rid that from itself

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
• I've loved a good mystery from the start - thanks Nancy Drew!
• I've always been funny and been drawn to other funny folks.
• Loved writing. I wrote and illustrated a book at 9. It was a real best seller in my family.
• I've always been a see both sides of the coin, devil's advocate type, always to my own detriment.
• Self depreciating from birth - I was an 11lb baby! I needed my defenses!
• Loved a good list. ;)

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
I’m a good sleeper.
I smile a lot.
I eat what I’m served.
I love being around dogs.
I don’t mind playing by myself (or with myself for that matter 😜)
I love being outside.
I am generally good humored. (But don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry 😎)
Do you consider yourself generally likeable?
I try to be kind and encouraging and to treat other people the way I want to be treated. I try to acknowledge and apologize when I fail. I try to bring humor to my interactions. However, I'm introverted and a bit socially anxious, which can come off to others as being aloof. But generally, yes.

What's more important than being liked?
I think that being true to myself and those I care about is more important than being liked.

What's less important?
Holding on to petty grudges. Needing to be right all the time. Needing to point out mistakes or inaccuracies.

Does it bother you when you sense someone doesn't like you?
It all depends on the person. If it's someone I like and respect, whose opinions matter to me, then yes. If I dislike and/or don't respect the person, I couldn't care less.

Do you strive to change their mind?
If it's someone I like, I might look at our past interactions to try and figure out why they don't like me. If I think there was a miscommunication or misunderstanding, I might reach out and try to correct it. Otherwise, no.

Does how your likability matters change depending on the person (i.e. do you want one type of person to like you more than another)?
The type of people I want to really like me are the ones with whom I feel like a real friendship could develop, more than just interacting on the boards or in the office. The kind of people I consider kindred spirits.

How have your feelings on this changed as you've gotten older?
My feelings on this have remained pretty consistent throughout my life.


What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
There are both positive and negative things that have remained unchanged about me.

- Social anxiety​
- Crying too easily​
- Stubbornness​
- Love for music, dancing, and singing​
- Curiosity and love of learning​
- Love for animals and interest in their health and behavior​

How important is it to you to be liked by others?
Truthfully I don't give it that much thought really. You like me or you don't.
Do you consider yourself generally likeable?
Yes. Also fuckable.
What's more important that being liked?
Being loved by the people that are important.
What's less important?
popularity contests.
Does it bother you when you sense someone doesn't like you?
Depends on who it is. But usually no.
Do you strive to change their mind?
Does how your likability matters change depending on the person (i.e. do you want one type of person to like you more than another)?
The facsist element I usually don't get along with. I'm perfectly okay with that.
How have your feelings on this changed as you've gotten older?
As I get older I care a lot less about this kind if stuff.

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
There's an inherent goodness that I got from watching PBS shows and reading Superman comics growing up that left a positive impression on me that has lasted into my adult years. I talk a mean game about "I don't care if people like me" but if you're in my orbit and truly one of my people you're in good hands.
What is "too easily"? Crying, to me, suggests that you feel things deeply, care about things, and that your feelings are close to the surface rather than hidden ayway. I don't see any of that as being negative.
I see crying too easily as a negative, because I've usually received negative feedback about it throughout my life. The crying can be prompted by sadness, empathy, frustration, disappointment, and embarrassment. The negative feedback comes primarily when the crying is due to one of the last three reasons. Then the crying itself can lead to further frustration, disappointment in myself, and embarrassment.

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
  • I’m still a voracious reader (taking my books away was how I was punished as a kid because otherwise sending me to my room or grounding me was still fun 😂)
  • I’m still very aware of how fortunate I am and ensure I donate time, goods, money, and skills to those less fortunate (going to people’s houses to drop off food and gifts is one of my earliest memories)
  • I don’t mind being the occasional center of attention, but I still prefer being backstage to being in the spotlight on stage (I have fond memories of all the backstage stuff and no desire to be the one performing in front of people which is exactly how I feel now about work stuff)
  • I am not competitive with anyone other than myself (I remember being a bit relieved when I got injured and couldn’t compete because I was happy doing the thing/sport for enjoyment and the company and disliked meets, tournaments, games, etc.)

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
I'm sensitive. Soft-hearted. I care too much. I give too much. I'm a lot. I'm not bragging here. These are things that I don't like about myself. Every day these are the things that hurt me. I wish I could be less.
-- but I'm always hopeful --
This is beautiful. Never lose it!
I eat what I’m served.
This is actually a really good one and speaks to affable unpretentiousness that I love about you.
I see crying too easily as a negative, because I've usually received negative feedback about it throughout my life. The crying can be prompted by sadness, empathy, frustration, disappointment, and embarrassment. The negative feedback comes primarily when the crying is due to one of the last three reasons. Then the crying itself can lead to further frustration, disappointment in myself, and embarrassment.
I know what you mean by this Ang and I hate crying too. I feel like I've done more of it since 2020 that I did in the whole rest of my life. The angry tears are the worst.
That I hate public speaking.
This surprises me!
  • I am not competitive with anyone other than myself
OMG I am the same way! I am the only person I want to be better than. Luckily the sports bug missed me bc I can see how that would have made me a little obsessive.
I'm sensitive. Soft-hearted. I care too much. I give too much. I'm a lot. I'm not bragging here. These are things that I don't like about myself. Every day these are the things that hurt me. I wish I could be less.
Me too girly. Too much. But don't make yourself less or smaller. Settling for less never made anyone happier just more boring ;) 🫶
  • I am not competitive with anyone other than myself (I remember being a bit relieved when I got injured and couldn’t compete because I was happy doing the thing/sport for enjoyment and the company and disliked meets, tournaments, games, etc.)
Me too. I don't care what someone else's best, I'm competing for my personal best. Truly competitive, sportsing-type folks never understand this!
I am generally good humored. (But don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry 😎)
And what makes Muscles angry? 👀

I see crying too easily as a negative, because I've usually received negative feedback about it throughout my life. The crying can be prompted by sadness, empathy, frustration, disappointment, and embarrassment. The negative feedback comes primarily when the crying is due to one of the last three reasons. Then the crying itself can lead to further frustration, disappointment in myself, and embarrassment.
The angry tears are the worst.
I pretty much only cry when I’m extremely angry or frustrated and it’s the worst. It’s the opposite of the emotion I want to express…which just makes me embarrassed, angrier, and more frustrated…and therefore more tearful. It’s a vicious cycle.

I’m thankful I don’t get truly angry that often!

Me too. I don't care what someone else's best, I'm competing for my personal best. Truly competitive, sportsing-type folks never understand this!
Yes! I don’t get into the sportsing either and the zero fucks I give when someone tries to compete with me in almost any way just confuses people 😂

What is one thing that has remained unchanged about you since you were a child? We all learn and grow and change but what has stayed with you throughout all the years?
My ability to chameleon. I can fit in with almost anyone, anywhere. I always have. I can make friends easily. And that sounds like it could be insincere. But it isn't.
I'm sensitive. Soft-hearted. I care too much. I give too much. I'm a lot. I'm not bragging here. These are things that I don't like about myself. Every day these are the things that hurt me. I wish I could be less.
Oh lovely
I think all those qualities you listed are really special and they make you special too.
We don't really know each other but I see how much your friends here adore you because of your softness and your big heart.
It's horrible when caring too much gives room to be hurt but that absolutely does not mean we are wrong to do it, especially when the world around us is so uncertain.
I hope you don't change ❤️
Oh lovely
I think all those qualities you listed are really special and they make you special too.
We don't really know each other but I see how much your friends here adore you because of your softness and your big heart.
It's horrible when caring too much gives room to be hurt but that absolutely does not mean we are wrong to do it, especially when the world around us is so uncertain.
I hope you don't change ❤️
Thanks Rose 🌹

How important is it to you to be liked by others?
I prefer being liked over not being liked but I can’t be anything other than my authentic self so I am not everyone’s cup of tea and that is ok.
Do you consider yourself generally likeable?
I do think I’m likable. I’m usually honest, positive, and supportive and I think that helps.
What's more important that being liked?
Being my authentic self. I’ve tried to tone myself down or agree with people to not cause issues and it never ends up working out.
Does it bother you when you sense someone doesn't like you?
It can. Especially if the person has formed their opinion on another persons experience.
Do you strive to change their mind?
Not usually. I do like to know why someone feels a certain way but if they don’t like me and it’s not due to an interaction between us then I don’t care.
Does how your likability matters change depending on the person (i.e. do you want one type of person to like you more than another)?
I don’t think I want any one type of person to like me.
How have your feelings on this changed as you've gotten older?
It is important to me that my friends like me but I will not sacrifice myself for them. If a person doesn’t accept me and like who I am at my core I will not try to make them. This is what has changed over time. When I was younger if a friendship was changing I would try to be who I thought they wanted me to be to try and fix it. Now I let it go-even though it can take longer than I’d like sometimes-if I’m not what someone wants or needs as a friend it’s ok. I value myself and don’t need to change for others.
I prefer being liked over not being liked but I can’t be anything other than my authentic self so I am not everyone’s cup of tea and that is ok.

I do think I’m likable. I’m usually honest, positive, and supportive and I think that helps.

Being my authentic self. I’ve tried to tone myself down or agree with people to not cause issues and it never ends up working out.

It can. Especially if the person has formed their opinion on another persons experience.

Not usually. I do like to know why someone feels a certain way but if they don’t like me and it’s not due to an interaction between us then I don’t care.

I don’t think I want any one type of person to like me.

It is important to me that my friends like me but I will not sacrifice myself for them. If a person doesn’t accept me and like who I am at my core I will not try to make them. This is what has changed over time. When I was younger if a friendship was changing I would try to be who I thought they wanted me to be to try and fix it. Now I let it go-even though it can take longer than I’d like sometimes-if I’m not what someone wants or needs as a friend it’s ok. I value myself and don’t need to change for others.
You’re very likable and my cup of tea