😎 That Feeling When...

TFW you know the very next touch, no matter how slight, is going to finish you 🥵
….you hike back out for a soak in your old hot spring….

And the new owners have a no trespassing sign put up.

But…like with all of life….when one door closes, another opens somewhere else.
Fuck yeah!

P.s…..new owners….I did piss on the trail by the spring. For old time’s sake. 😉
TFW you have your settings set to a certain lower age limit on the dating apps, and yet it still tries to show you 21 yo....😊
TFW you need invisible ink and aren’t surprised that you have some, just that you were able to quickly find it 😂
TFW someone you mentioned in the Name A Litster You Miss thread comes back online. :heart:

It's not a feeling I get to experience as much as I'd like.