🧘🏼‍♂️🤾🏻‍♀️Getting Sweaty Again: The 3rd Circuit 🚴🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️

Like you, I've seen health issues surfacing in friends this last year, including one unexpected death. Eye opening.

I've been working on balancing what my body needs as far as workouts for a few years now, which I expect to continue. Weight classes, yoga, dance, and running (primarily treadmill) seems to be a good mix. The consensus seems to be that strength and flexibility work is more important as you age, but I need that cardio to level my anxiety.

Too, what patterns does my body like better? Length of intermittent fasts? Food preferences? What type of exercise it likes when?

Something else I've been looking at lately is nutritional changes based on aging. Things like a percentage of the population needs to bump B vitamins due to decreased stomach acid. Or, the 200mg increase in absorbable calcium needed starting around 50.

I'm still reeling from reading that older adults need 50% more protein than their younger selves due to anabolic resistance!

Yikes! I struggle at this point to get the lessor amount. 😂

I feel like it's so easy to just move along as you are, with what works for you, without realizing there are subtle and continuous changes needed for optimal health maintenance.

My goals this year are strength and education.
I have also been researching and educating myself on nutrition.

My simple analysis is to reduce processed foods as much as possible. Trying to make up for years of eating whatever I wanted
After watching the video and knowing what all goes on….how many times a night do you fall? Seems impossible not too!
Last night I think I fell twice. Falling safely is one of the first things we were taught so it doesn't usually hurt, unless you bring someone down with you lol.
I was warned that my feet would take a beating while getting involved in derby. Oof I'm feeling it today. I'm doing a lot more work running and moving on my toe stops and managed to rip off skin on the bottom side of two toes of my left foot. My laces felt weird last night so I think it's a combination of that discomfort and I'm just not shifting my weight or trusting myself fully while running on skates yet lol.

90 minutes of this drill, a few others, and sprinting last night and Monday has me spent! I'm so glad today is my rest day.

Have a great Friday everybody!
Wow. This looks exhausting.
It's pretty tiring. There were moments where my heart was racing so hard, and I don't think I've ever been so thirsty in my life lol. Now that we've gotten basic skills down were utilizing them in game play, and also working on communicating with team members. So now not just worrying about skating, but where my hands are, where everyone else is, what's happening around me and what needs to happen next. It's a lot! Lol

Here's my Sunday check in!!
Derby started this week..it's amped up in intensity practicing as a team now. Now that we have a roster of 19 players we are currently fighting for spots to be active players because a roster can only hold 16 skaters. So as hard as I'm working already, it's time to kick it into higher gear to secure that I'll be having play time in our upcoming bouts.

I'm going skating in the mall again today to get some skate time in and plan to do a good long stretch after that.

Hope everyone had a great week! Stay sweaty!
My pool is down to about 50 degrees, so I decided to try cold plunging a couple times this week. The first day I only made it to my waist. Second day I stayed submerged for about 40 seconds. This morning I made it 90 seconds and I put my head under. Next week I’ll see if I can go 3+ minutes.

I noticed today that if I breathe deeply and concentrate on relaxing, I can convince myself it’s not that bad. But it’s still cold as fuck lol
My pool is down to about 50 degrees, so I decided to try cold plunging a couple times this week. The first day I only made it to my waist. Second day I stayed submerged for about 40 seconds. This morning I made it 90 seconds and I put my head under. Next week I’ll see if I can go 3+ minutes.

I noticed today that if I breathe deeply and concentrate on relaxing, I can convince myself it’s not that bad. But it’s still cold as fuck lol
I love a good cold plunge! I did several for concussion symptoms with great results last year. I couldn't believe how effective it was.

I cried at derby last night lol. It was a rough practice but things are looking up today. Tomorrow I have a skating date with a few team mates, and Sunday I'm going lap swimming with another. Have a great weekend everyone!
Oof @GhostOfFAS and @sallysparrow23 more power to you! I can’t handle the cold, and this sounds like the definition of hell to me. Add some burpees and I’d be down for the count!

I’m getting my walks in despite the cold. But I’m going every day! I have to bc I adopted another dog - a German shepherd- and they need their walks or else. So I am getting at least a walk every morning first thing. Once the weather gets warmer, they will get longer.

What’s a “hard no” workout for you? Do you have one?
Oof @GhostOfFAS and @sallysparrow23 more power to you! I can’t handle the cold, and this sounds like the definition of hell to me. Add some burpees and I’d be down for the count!

I’m getting my walks in despite the cold. But I’m going every day! I have to bc I adopted another dog - a German shepherd- and they need their walks or else. So I am getting at least a walk every morning first thing. Once the weather gets warmer, they will get longer.

What’s a “hard no” workout for you? Do you have one?

I don't have a 'hard no' just yet, but I really loathe any kind of sprints anymore. My knees are still okay, I guess? But the hard pounding that comes from sprints on the track aren't quite for me anymore.
I don't have a 'hard no' just yet, but I really loathe any kind of sprints anymore. My knees are still okay, I guess? But the hard pounding that comes from sprints on the track aren't quite for me anymore.
Yup. If I had to do those now, it would not be pretty. I’d much prefer a leisurely jaunt. :)
I’m still going for my walks in the woods as long as the Real Feel temp is in the double digits or higher. Unfortunately, another scary incident occurred involving a creep and this time it wasn’t my negligence other than liking to walk alone. I’ll probably start carrying bear spray.
I’m still going for my walks in the woods as long as the Real Feel temp is in the double digits or higher. Unfortunately, another scary incident occurred involving a creep and this time it wasn’t my negligence other than liking to walk alone. I’ll probably start carrying bear spray.
I’m sorry to hear this. I’m glad that you were aware of your surroundings and are safe. 🩷

My Sunday Sanity Check:

It’s cold. That makes me want to hunker down and be a hermit, but I did go out with girlfriends this week and that perked me up. I don't realize how much of a work/home rut I get into until I break that routine and do something fun. I forget that it takes effort to go out with friends. That might sound strange, but it takes forethought and planning and coordinating calendars and making reservations, etc. Outings with friends don’t just happen by themselves (at least to me, they don’t). So, if I don’t plan something, I don’t get to do anything.

So that helped me keep some bit of sanity, at least for this week. 👍🏼

Hope you all have a good week.
I’m still going for my walks in the woods as long as the Real Feel temp is in the double digits or higher. Unfortunately, another scary incident occurred involving a creep and this time it wasn’t my negligence other than liking to walk alone. I’ll probably start carrying bear spray.
People are idiots and jerks. They deserve to get sprayed with bear spray and worse.
Missed yesterdays Sunday Sanity Check. But all in all, I'm doing pretty well with my workout routine again. Which is super encouraging and I can notice myself getting stronger in some areas.

The down side is that I have zero desire to change my eating habits. I love food and I want to enjoy it all the time and as much as I want. Apparently that isn't a part of a healthy lifestyle, according to my doctor. What does he know anyway! Trying to work on less snacking and slightly smaller portions---that part isn't going well.

My Sunday Sanity Check:

It’s cold. That makes me want to hunker down and be a hermit, but I did go out with girlfriends this week and that perked me up. I don't realize how much of a work/home rut I get into until I break that routine and do something fun. I forget that it takes effort to go out with friends. That might sound strange, but it takes forethought and planning and coordinating calendars and making reservations, etc. Outings with friends don’t just happen by themselves (at least to me, they don’t). So, if I don’t plan something, I don’t get to do anything.

So that helped me keep some bit of sanity, at least for this week. 👍🏼

Hope you all have a good week.
The cold right now is a bit over the top, I find when it is like this it takes a lot of mental effort to go out and do things, even little things, let alone the planning you are talking about, too.

I'm resigned to running indoors for the first half of this week. Reminding myself that even though that's not the most fun, it will keep me more sane than not doing anything. Maybe.
The cold right now is a bit over the top, I find when it is like this it takes a lot of mental effort to go out and do things, even little things, let alone the planning you are talking about, too.
This is absolutely hibernating weather for me! I do not plan to go out until F temperatures are at least double digits and positive 😂