🧘🏼‍♂️🤾🏻‍♀️Getting Sweaty Again: The 3rd Circuit 🚴🏼‍♂️🏋🏼‍♀️

☀️Rise and shine!☀️

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Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)
I am not currently doing a food journal but have used a couple apps in the past to track calories. Lately lots of the tracking seems to be around the macros of proteins/carbs/fats/etc.

Using an app or journal is hugely beneficial when you do it and really forces you to slow down and think about what you are consuming. You are also able to review it later and see the grand scheme of your intake.

But it is definitely time consuming. That’s probably the biggest negative for me. Remembering to keep up with it the whole time and enter all the information correctly. Or even to measure out how much you are consuming rather than just dumping out what you want to eat.
☀️Rise and shine!☀️
Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)
I do not keep a food journal at this point. Once in a while I'll do a little reset with a log like My Fitness Pal, to make sure I'm not way off track, but typically speaking I'm not logging my food.

I've somewhat recently started using a meal planning app, though. While that doesn't count my calories (or macros if that is your deal), it does help me keep on track for making healthy meals during the week. It has a variety of recipes across a ton of categories, let's you use said recipes when you're cooking (which seems obvious but not all apps do that), and even builds your grocery list with the items your weekly plan needs. It's quite awesome (and there are free versions with lots of options).

I think for me, it's the drinks that get forgotten about, so I try to be conscious about them. I've read that this is the majority of people, but you kind of forget your drinking calories. Whether it's an alcoholic beverage or that new sparkling drink from Starbucks that has way more calories than you think, it's easy to not realize what's in them. While I mostly drink water or low/no calorie things, but it's easy to add a few hundred calories with a couple of drinks and not account for them.
Since I've been ill my hamstrings are so tight that I'm hobbling around. I'm stretching gently every hour or so, but do any of you have any suggestions on how to ease these up?

I'm in work for another 4hrs, so a bath isn't going to be possible for the immediate
☀️Rise and shine!☀️
Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)
I do not keep a food journal, but when I first started losing weight a few years ago I did it religiously to learn what I was consuming because my eating habits were mindless.

I'll count calories when I need to get back on track just to make sure I'm not going over and to remind myself to get more calories from protein because that is something I struggle with.

Journaling and counting calories are tedious and it's a lot of work to keep up on. I did it for a few months in the beginning to create a solid baseline but I don't anymore. When I feel my self discipline slipping I'll start counting for a few days. I use an app called Diety that tracks food, water, and calories.
Since I've been ill my hamstrings are so tight that I'm hobbling around. I'm stretching gently every hour or so, but do any of you have any suggestions on how to ease these up?

I'm in work for another 4hrs, so a bath isn't going to be possible for the immediate
Honey, light stretching is good. I’d also recommend drinking extra water. Especially if you’ve been sick and possibly taking medication. Get some fluids pumped back into your body and that might help relax your muscles a bit as well.

Unfortunately it also means you’ll have to go pee more and work the hamstrings getting up and down. 😆
Honey, light stretching is good. I’d also recommend drinking extra water. Especially if you’ve been sick and possibly taking medication. Get some fluids pumped back into your body and that might help relax your muscles a bit as well.

Unfortunately it also means you’ll have to go pee more and work the hamstrings getting up and down. 😆
Ah fab, all the things I have been doing 😊

Thank you for the reassurance!
☀️Rise and shine!☀️

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Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)
I’m jumping in because I’ve lost my motivation the last two and half weeks and she doesn’t seem to be anywhere on the horizon 🫠

I tried keeping a food journal and have used a few apps. In a way it held me accountable, but then I would get discouraged by not meeting the “goals” or it would become tedious during an already chaotic day and eventually fizzle out.

Apps did help me realize the issue with my caloric intake, though. Especially with foods you considered healthy but then looking at the actual serving size, etc. it turns out to not be as healthy as you thought, haha. With educating myself on that it helped me bridge the gap of still eating what I want and being able to maintain a realistic lifestyle while losing weight and becoming healthier vs stressing over maintaining an unrealistic long-term diet.
I’m jumping in because I’ve lost my motivation the last two and half weeks and she doesn’t seem to be anywhere on the horizon 🫠

I tried keeping a food journal and have used a few apps. In a way it held me accountable, but then I would get discouraged by not meeting the “goals” or it would become tedious during an already chaotic day and eventually fizzle out.

Apps did help me realize the issue with my caloric intake, though. Especially with foods you considered healthy but then looking at the actual serving size, etc. it turns out to not be as healthy as you thought, haha. With educating myself on that it helped me bridge the gap of still eating what I want and being able to maintain a realistic lifestyle while losing weight and becoming healthier vs stressing over maintaining an unrealistic long-term diet.
Welcome to the conversation and challenge of it all. We are a mostly good group. Especially @Love_Is_Blonde for getting this going this month

Hopefully you find some tips and ideas along with just the right amount of accountability to get you back on track again.
Hey Sweaters :) thank you for weighing in on the food journal question. I agree that it can be a little tedious and time consuming but it sure helps me a lot. I like trying to stick to a calorie budget. It’s changed over the years depending on what my goal is—If I want to lose weight or just maintain weight or if I’m just curious about what my average calorie consumption is. My calorie budget has ranged from 1300 to 2000 calories a day. 1300 was hard to maintain for long. The only way I’d really hit that goal was if I exercised a lot - I could count extra calories toward that goal if exercise was logged too.

@FunLi, first of all, welcome to the thread. We are so glad you’re here. I learned a lot about portion sizes and also which food were actually counted as a starch rather than a veggie (corn, for example). Maybe this was common knowledge, but I didn’t know that at first.

When I was pregnant, I had gestational diabetes and I learned about which foods my body could process and which put me over the edge. I supposedly was allowed 1/4 cup of rice. My blood sugar said otherwise though. So, it’s good to just listen to your own body and see what works for you.

@HoneyMeadows i hope that you’re on the mend now and that your hamstrings start feeling better.

@sallysparrow23 , @Lmizzler , and @QuietCanadian thanks for sharing your experience with food logs too. I like hearing about what works for everyone.

Our Friday VIP had to bow out this week. If anyone would like to be the mystery VIP this Friday, let me know.

If not, I’ll think of something to keep you guys busy

Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)
Ya know what, I don't keep a food journal lately AND I'm a serial snacker.
But, I set myself some rules I have to stick by every day (eg. no eating between X and Y, Z pieces of fruit a day, never keep more than 98kg of chocolate in the house) and that at least helps in some way!

(I did used to keep a diary strictly, then I started fibbing to it, and that's game over 😉)
Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)
I used to do one of those pay-to-diet programs where I logged everything and I lost a lot with it. But my concentration doesn't last very long and it doesn't take much for me to go off plan. Just forgetting one snack is enough for me to have "ruined the week".


I'm doing a lot of soul searching recently and making changes. I will start logging today in a notes app and just see how long I can do it.
🔥 Good Morning, Sweaters! 🔥

LEG DAY! What is your leg routine like? Which exercises are easier for you and which are harder? Have you ever injured yourself and had to compensate your workout or daily activities in other ways?
LEG DAY! What is your leg routine like? Which exercises are easier for you and which are harder? Have you ever injured yourself and had to compensate your workout or daily activities in other ways?
So my hamstrings are still awful but I walked up to the 5th floor today. I have small enough feet to put my whole foot on each step, so I really put all my weight into it.

They feel better but I'm still sore 😩

When I frequented the gym I used the cross-trainer a lot. Also the leg press.

I swim now and I'm going tonight, so I'm just going to nurse my sore legs and take it easy tonight. But usually I really focus on form and feel really strong with it.
🔥 Good Morning, Sweaters! 🔥
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LEG DAY! What is your leg routine like? Which exercises are easier for you and which are harder? Have you ever injured yourself and had to compensate your workout or daily activities in other ways?
Leg days are tough. You feel them afterward and you can’t physically always see the change to the muscles. But they are also the biggest muscles on you and it’s remarkable how much they can truly handle and the gains that can be made when working them. 🦵

I have had injuries that have forced me to back off the legs some. For me it has involved less impact on them lie walking or cycling instead of running. Or air squats instead of weighted squats. Things like that.

Honestly I should do more simple calf raises and air squats while I do other activities in life like brushing my teeth or something basic like that. Multi task and get a small workout in at the same time. 😃
Do you keep a food journal? Is it on an app, or written in a notebook? What is your calorie budget? Do you stick to it? What are some “roses and thorns” when it comes to your food journal (aka the pros and cons)

I used to. A lot of ED survivors will tell you that a food journal was their first step in restricting (or restricting and binging) - that it was their gateway to an eating disorder. Absolutely the case with me.

I have considered doing it again as part of my cancer survivorship need to lose weight. I just worry I will fall back into the spiral (binge, shame, restrict). It’s really hard. But there are better apps around now for tracking without weight loss being the goal.
Leg days are tough. You feel them afterward and you can’t physically always see the change to the muscles. But they are also the biggest muscles on you and it’s remarkable how much they can truly handle and the gains that can be made when working them. 🦵

I have had injuries that have forced me to back off the legs some. For me it has involved less impact on them lie walking or cycling instead of running. Or air squats instead of weighted squats. Things like that.

Honestly I should do more simple calf raises and air squats while I do other activities in life like brushing my teeth or something basic like that. Multi task and get a small workout in at the same time. 😃
My personal trainer gave me the same advice— while brushing my teeth or doing the dishes, or some other quick”ish” activity— it was a good way to get in a little exercise consistently.
I was reminded today to be kind to myself and listen to my body. So I'm not going swimming tonight as I'm still too ill, but instead will do some gentle stretches and maybe fit in a dance or two
Self care is important. You have to recharge sometimes. 🩷
I used to. A lot of ED survivors will tell you that a food journal was their first step in restricting (or restricting and binging) - that it was their gateway to an eating disorder. Absolutely the case with me.

I have considered doing it again as part of my cancer survivorship need to lose weight. I just worry I will fall back into the spiral (binge, shame, restrict). It’s really hard. But there are better apps around now for tracking without weight loss being the goal.
That’s something I hadn’t heard or considered before. Thanks for sharing that, Avery. Wishing you the best in your recovery.
I tore my calf muscle once and it really derailed me for a long time. I was on such a roll with my workouts before that, too. Things healed up eventually and I got back to it. But it took the wind out of my sails, so to speak.