Ask Doctor Liz ... Again

Dear Dr. Liz,
I recently got close with a coworker just as friends. We are close enough that we discuss and jest about our current relationship and sex life. However recently she did something that casted her in a different light. I told her about it and how I felt. She thinks I'm joking. Is there a better way to make my intentions clear? Should I just forget about? What do I do about my pent up frustrations about the subject?
Dear Dr. Liz,
I recently got close with a coworker just as friends. We are close enough that we discuss and jest about our current relationship and sex life. However recently she did something that casted her in a different light. I told her about it and how I felt. She thinks I'm joking. Is there a better way to make my intentions clear? Should I just forget about? What do I do about my pent up frustrations about the subject?
I suppose whipping it out in front of her might not be the most prudent action...
Dear Dr Liz,

Recently porn just hasn't been doing it for me, it seems far easier to approach the point of no return knowing someone else is interested. As someone who must know that more than one guy finds them inspirational, is it more polite to tell a lady that they've helped you on their journey or would you say silent admiration is better at times as we all can have busy lives?
Dear Dr. Liz,
I recently got close with a coworker just as friends. We are close enough that we discuss and jest about our current relationship and sex life. However recently she did something that casted her in a different light. I told her about it and how I felt. She thinks I'm joking. Is there a better way to make my intentions clear? Should I just forget about? What do I do about my pent up frustrations about the subject?

Dear Frustrated At Work,

I am a big believer in keeping the lines of communication open in any relationship, whether it's at work, in a relationship, with your family, or with rando strangers out in public.

Since it sounds like you have already put in the time and effort into building a foundation of trust with this person, at least on some level, I strongly urge you to be honest with her and tell her "I wasn't joking the other day when I said <whatever you said>"

Without knowing what she did that cast her in a different light (SHAME ON YOU FOR WITHHOLDING INFORMATION FROM ME!!!!) trying to say what you said in a different way seems a little lame.

However, do NOT just forget about it!

I am a big fan of action. Don't be rude or crude or gross, but showing her rather than telling her how you really feel is what I would recommend. Compliment her on her outfit today. If you're sitting together at lunch, maybe dare to put your hand on her knee under the table (just her knee! don't start pawing at her!)

Now, as far as your pent up frustrations go, I recommend releasing them any way that you can as soon as possible. If you need a little help with this, please book another appointment.

- Doctor "You Don't Have To Be Frustrated Any Longer" Liz
My obsession is female doctors!
Is there any hope?
Rigid Patient

Dear Rigid,

What a lovely obsession!

No, I'm afraid there is no hope and you are completely at our mercy now.

I suggest you lean into it and be a good boy. You'll be fine if you do absolutely everything we say.

- Doctor "Now Book Another Appointment Or Else" Liz
Dear Dr Liz,

Recently porn just hasn't been doing it for me, it seems far easier to approach the point of no return knowing someone else is interested. As someone who must know that more than one guy finds them inspirational, is it more polite to tell a lady that they've helped you on their journey or would you say silent admiration is better at times as we all can have busy lives?

Dear Off Porn,

Good for you! There's nothing better than the real thing and yes, holding out for the real thing is better than settling for something second best.

Well, sometimes anyway. I mean, we all know sometimes we just need a little release to keep our sanity. When you reach that point, it's perfectly fine to do whatever you need to do to refocus on the good things in your life rather than the lack of "it" - and by "it" I mean sex.

Awww, you find me inspirational? That's so sweet! :kiss: My advice is that yes, it is perfectly acceptable to tell a lady, but especially a dirty slut slut, that she has helped you on your journey (your journey of sexual satisfaction, right?).

Silent admiration is for boring losers.

Are you a boring loser Shanie?

I didn't think you were until you asked that silly question. Yes, we all have busy lives. But most of us, at least most of us on here, are NOT dead from the waist down. Many of us, yours truly included, appreciate being "admired" as you put it.

So speak your truth sweetie!

- Doctor "Speak Your Truth" Liz
Dear Off Porn,

Good for you! There's nothing better than the real thing and yes, holding out for the real thing is better than settling for something second best.

Well, sometimes anyway. I mean, we all know sometimes we just need a little release to keep our sanity. When you reach that point, it's perfectly fine to do whatever you need to do to refocus on the good things in your life rather than the lack of "it" - and by "it" I mean sex.

Awww, you find me inspirational? That's so sweet! :kiss: My advice is that yes, it is perfectly acceptable to tell a lady, but especially a dirty slut slut, that she has helped you on your journey (your journey of sexual satisfaction, right?).

Silent admiration is for boring losers.

Are you a boring loser Shanie?

I didn't think you were until you asked that silly question. Yes, we all have busy lives. But most of us, at least most of us on here, are NOT dead from the waist down. Many of us, yours truly included, appreciate being "admired" as you put it.

So speak your truth sweetie!

- Doctor "Speak Your Truth" Liz
To be fair I think 99.9% of the people I talk to around here could tell you I have the hots for you, you might be one of the few people I haven't admitted it to, publically anyway, there's a few silent detectives on Lit it seems 🤔
To be fair I think 99.9% of the people I talk to around here could tell you I have the hots for you, you might be one of the few people I haven't admitted it to, publically anyway, there's a few silent detectives on Lit it seems 🤔

LOL re: the silent detectives on here. Some of them don't have anything better to do other than make false accusations about others.

Well, to be really fair, I'm sure 99.9% of the people on here could tell JJ that you have the hots for her too. I'm not sure if you've admitted it to her yet but I'm sure she wouldn't mind (I didn't either btw) :kiss:
LOL re: the silent detectives on here. Some of them don't have anything better to do other than make false accusations about others.

Well, to be really fair, I'm sure 99.9% of the people on here could tell JJ that you have the hots for her too. I'm not sure if you've admitted it to her yet but I'm sure she wouldn't mind (I didn't either btw) :kiss:
Oh yeah, fuck those people.

I'm pretty sure @JerseyJade could guess as much herself, I was going to say you'd have to come tell her, but I'm not sure I'd need to be there, actually that'd be perfect just do whatever you two do when you're alone, I'll pretend I'm not here

It's kind of like past life therapy when you think about it, right? :D
OK Doc Liz…been on the wagon for a couple months. Got the travl’n Jones so went,

Way down around Vicksburg
Around Louisiana way
Lived a Cajun lady, we called her Mississippi Queen

You know she was a dancer
She moved better on wine

While the rest of them dudes were a-gettin' their kicks
Lady, beg your pardon, I was getting mine!

Mississippi Queen
If you know what I mean

She taught me everything
This lady she asked me, if I would be her man?
You know that I told her, I'd do what I can

To keep her looking pretty
Buy her dresses that shine

While the rest of them dudes were making their bread
Buddy, beg your pardon, I was losing mine!

Did I mention, she was a dancer?
She moved better on wine?

While the rest of them dudes were a-gettin' their kicks
Sister, I beg your pardon, now I'm getting mine!

Now you’ve documented my troubles with substance abuse extensively, and put me in deep therapy (I liked that BTW😜) to try and cure my Ills, but I have to ask,

I mean she started with cheap wine but a girl gets a taste for the finer things. She’s moved on to high end Boudreaux and on weekends, nothing short of champagne! Don’t even mention the Dior dresses…

Blues guitarists are a dime a dozen in the Delta…so the cash is getting short. She moves better on wine…what’s a brother to do?
Sometimes I get behind schedule. Especially on Fridays. But ever since I hired my new receptionist, complaints about wait times
in our reception area have gone way, way down.

I guess she was right about replacing the old reception desk with a plexiglass one! :giggle:


"Sorry everyone. I'm going to be late for work today because I can't decide which shoes to wear."

- Doctor "Perfect Shoes Make My Day Perfect" Liz :kiss:
Dear Frustrated At Work,

I am a big believer in keeping the lines of communication open in any relationship, whether it's at work, in a relationship, with your family, or with rando strangers out in public.

Since it sounds like you have already put in the time and effort into building a foundation of trust with this person, at least on some level, I strongly urge you to be honest with her and tell her "I wasn't joking the other day when I said <whatever you said>"

Without knowing what she did that cast her in a different light (SHAME ON YOU FOR WITHHOLDING INFORMATION FROM ME!!!!) trying to say what you said in a different way seems a little lame.

However, do NOT just forget about it!

I am a big fan of action. Don't be rude or crude or gross, but showing her rather than telling her how you really feel is what I would recommend. Compliment her on her outfit today. If you're sitting together at lunch, maybe dare to put your hand on her knee under the table (just her knee! don't start pawing at her!)

Now, as far as your pent up frustrations go, I recommend releasing them any way that you can as soon as possible. If you need a little help with this, please book another appointment.

- Doctor "You Don't Have To Be Frustrated Any Longer" Liz
On a more serious

Dear Dr. Liz,

I'm sorry for withholding information from you in our last session I was still shy and very much guarded. So for context there has only been three people that I initially never thought of in a sexual but, upon certain actions changed. None of these actions are related and I don't have much reasoning behind them other than it just turned me on and changed my view of them .
The first was an ex gf who I was really good friends with until I got jealous of seeing her with someone and thinking of the things I wanted to do with her that this guy had the opportunity to do. I was upfront and we ended up dating. The second is actually a current roommate. Who I do think is attractive but, the boundary of roommates in my head kept her behind the off limits line. That was until I saw her one day in a silk robe and I knew she had a boy over the night before. I knew they hooked up and seeing her the day after like that I never wanted to fuck her more in my life.

This comes to the third person who I mentioned in our last session my coworker. As I mentioned we got friendlier and friendlier as we worked and hung out more often. We just like to gossip about our dating and sex life and that was fine with me no change in view. However one night instead of texting me she sent a voice message. She was talking about a date she had but, she was whispering so I initially couldn't hear anything when I first pressed play. So I brought my phone to me ear and ugh the whisper and her soft voice was such a turn on. It made me forget the context of what she was speaking I was just fixated on that. I mentioned that too her and her reactions was similar to "🙈 omg stop".

We now talk through audio messages because of ease though in the begging she would say sorry because she knew it triggered me that way. I made sure she knew that it was. I also insisted that we should go out because she's been hasn't had the best of luck with her current line of guys showing her interest. We actually managed to have a "date" together this coming Monday but, I still think I was kidding with my intentions and think it's just meeting with a friend. I have all the intentions of treating it like the former.

So Dr. Liz I'm I going right about this? Although I think I'm being upfront is there a way to be more clear? Should I just forget about it like I did with how I feel about my roommate?
OK Doc Liz…been on the wagon for a couple months. Got the travl’n Jones so went,

Way down around Vicksburg
Around Louisiana way
Lived a Cajun lady, we called her Mississippi Queen

You know she was a dancer
She moved better on wine

While the rest of them dudes were a-gettin' their kicks
Lady, beg your pardon, I was getting mine!

Mississippi Queen
If you know what I mean

She taught me everything
This lady she asked me, if I would be her man?
You know that I told her, I'd do what I can

To keep her looking pretty
Buy her dresses that shine

While the rest of them dudes were making their bread
Buddy, beg your pardon, I was losing mine!

Did I mention, she was a dancer?
She moved better on wine?

While the rest of them dudes were a-gettin' their kicks
Sister, I beg your pardon, now I'm getting mine!

Now you’ve documented my troubles with substance abuse extensively, and put me in deep therapy (I liked that BTW😜) to try and cure my Ills, but I have to ask,

I mean she started with cheap wine but a girl gets a taste for the finer things. She’s moved on to high end Boudreaux and on weekends, nothing short of champagne! Don’t even mention the Dior dresses…

Blues guitarists are a dime a dozen in the Delta…so the cash is getting short. She moves better on wine…what’s a brother to do?

Dear Getting Short on Cash,

Find a bottle of wine that she likes that's reasonably priced and buy it by the case to save money and keep her happy!

- Doctor "Play For Me" Liz

I feel like I'm forgetting something. Was there someone still waiting
for me in the reception area when I left my office? Dang it. I better
go back and check.

On a more serious

Dear Dr. Liz,

I'm sorry for withholding information from you in our last session I was still shy and very much guarded. So for context there has only been three people that I initially never thought of in a sexual but, upon certain actions changed. None of these actions are related and I don't have much reasoning behind them other than it just turned me on and changed my view of them .
The first was an ex gf who I was really good friends with until I got jealous of seeing her with someone and thinking of the things I wanted to do with her that this guy had the opportunity to do. I was upfront and we ended up dating. The second is actually a current roommate. Who I do think is attractive but, the boundary of roommates in my head kept her behind the off limits line. That was until I saw her one day in a silk robe and I knew she had a boy over the night before. I knew they hooked up and seeing her the day after like that I never wanted to fuck her more in my life.

This comes to the third person who I mentioned in our last session my coworker. As I mentioned we got friendlier and friendlier as we worked and hung out more often. We just like to gossip about our dating and sex life and that was fine with me no change in view. However one night instead of texting me she sent a voice message. She was talking about a date she had but, she was whispering so I initially couldn't hear anything when I first pressed play. So I brought my phone to me ear and ugh the whisper and her soft voice was such a turn on. It made me forget the context of what she was speaking I was just fixated on that. I mentioned that too her and her reactions was similar to "🙈 omg stop".

We now talk through audio messages because of ease though in the begging she would say sorry because she knew it triggered me that way. I made sure she knew that it was. I also insisted that we should go out because she's been hasn't had the best of luck with her current line of guys showing her interest. We actually managed to have a "date" together this coming Monday but, I still think I was kidding with my intentions and think it's just meeting with a friend. I have all the intentions of treating it like the former.

So Dr. Liz I'm I going right about this? Although I think I'm being upfront is there a way to be more clear? Should I just forget about it like I did with how I feel about my roommate?

Dear Giving Up Too Easy AGAIN!

Well, obvs I don't have all the info about how your date on Monday went but let me start out by saying, "STOP BEING OKAY WITH GIVING UP SO EASILY!"

I'm going to let you in on a little secret that really isn't a secret. At least, it shouldn't be a secret if it still is - women love to be pursued.

Sometimes, subconsciously, I swear we literally date guys we know are totally wrong for us just so that our friends will finally hook us up with a perfect guy.

Plus, we LOVE to talk about our failed relationships with a guy friend 1) for insight into a guy's way of thinking and 2) more often than not, to see what he'll do about it.

Sometimes, more than sometimes, we feel like we're giving you every clue in the world that we like you by complaining to you about the guys we DON"T like but, more often than not, you're all, "oh, that's too bad better luck next time" when we WANT you to be our "next time". We feel like we're being obvious AF with you and you're either too understanding, or, like you, too easily ready to give up.

I love Love so 9x out of 10 I'm always going to tell you to go for it - without being a total perv or creepy about it of course. In your case, both with this co-worker friend of yours and, if that doesn't work out, with your roommate.

btw, do you mind if I borrow one of your shirts? Thanks so much. You're so sweet. I really, really value you as a friend :rolleyes:

- Doctor "I'm Not The Friend-Zone Type" Liz